my bag and wrislet are here! less than S$200 damage. amazing shit. didn't join spree cos' the person charged mad mad prices for shipping! yes my $200 included shipping from US to SG. i'm a happy girl now. didn't expect the bag to be so big. i was expecting handbag size? still love it~ and someone was selling it at $320? mad.
i met someone in school that reminds me of you a lot.
especially the way he looks from the back.
if i was slower, and he was a little faster, i guess i would've lost my life.
i'm usually not like that right.
i think i just miss you. so come home soon~
could i ever return to being me without you?
because you are the reason for the new me.
today, someone in school i knew spoke to me and winked while speaking.
which really reminded me of you. that simple gesture sent memories gushing through my brains. which also reminds me, that you never do it to me anymore. hahahaha.
back then, you used to do it almost every time you spoke to me. till i always told you to stop because it was so embarrassing.
i think, you're just a playboy. who used to do it to everyone. grrr.
side note, had mock presentation on Friday. my F COMM teacher said I improved to VERY GOOD AH. LOL. WOOHOO. Now my teammates say I best friends with her -.-
whatever ah! as long as I get an A :D
i'm just waiting for this week to fly past.
because i can't imagine life without you in it ♥♥
please don't call her babe, or madam. for you it might be meaningless but to me it's what you used to call me back when we were getting to know each other better.
i'm not concerned with your relations or whatever your content is but that bothers me the most. just don't call her those two words you used to associate me with.. because they're something i hold so close to my heart. i'm not being overly sensitive here right?
sigh... sleep. and i shall face the world tomorrow. thankfully, friday is approaching.
i have a test tomorrow morning, 1 mock presentation on friday and 4 presentations the next week. but on a lighter note, its 2 weeks to study week. yay?
Lol, was reading through my friendster just to pass time while waiting to go out for my dinner just now, and came across two lengthy testimonials. the rest have been like, deleted already.
looking through old stuff makes one feel silly right?
maybe thats the beauty of it :)
well, class has been not too bad. we have 4 presentations next week. so pretty sure that sucks. need to prep myself well for eff comm speech cos' its a persuasive speech on capital punishment. c'mon tizbe :)
now, i shall carry on doing my project, or rather, i don't even have the file. how fucked? peer evaluation, i'm going down baby.
wow, this brings my perception of you to a whole new level. thanks man.
and the fact that I, will never like my F comm teacher, has just set in.
Friday I didn't attend her class, because I really cannot stand her stupid class anymore. & she had questioned my "leader" if I contributed? Well, that goes to show how much she thinks of me. I do my work la huh? Bitch please.
So after class, at 11AM, I msged my "leader" if there are any changes to my speech outline, he replied me at 7PM(yesterday), and asked me to send him my outline BY yesterday night.
Ya what, the whole world does not have plans, waiting for you to ASSIGN work and deadlines only.
Actually, if he's gonna mark me down for peer evaluation, I cannot give a F anymore. Since he thinks I'm incapable also.
Econs and Management also kenna him. For econs, he told me to handle CONCLUSION only. CONCLUSION, that was half a page. & he gave everyone research to do. Now, doesn't he think I'm incapable? Well, thanks bitch. Since you think you're Mr-Know-It-All.
how could anyone be so conceited? thinking they're so smart and all? well, i can't really figure out how someone could be so full of themselves either. seriously.
i got a scolding from F comm. lecturer again. actually i can't really be bothered anymore. she said that our team does not have teamwork. and then i'm like thinking, i was contributing ideas, but "whoever" was rejecting my ideas for the project? well since you're so smart right? why not present my part also?
and she even pulled me out to talk to me individually. eh, whatever ok. i don't understand why i'm getting all this shit all of a sudden.
sometimes, class can be quite irritating, which is why i really don't like classes. ugh. this-is-da-shit. & maybe he's gna grade me as a free-rider. well, whatever MR-KNOW-IT-ALL
someone help me! i'm mesmerizedddddddddddddddddddddddd :/
now, i shall get back to doing my project. or should i say, GET STARTED?
wtf man. i think my team mate expects very little from me.
aiya, whatever! go F yourself. i don't care how intellectual you are. i beat you in economics. damn it yaw. if only you'd stop bitching to other people, BITCH LIKE A MAN!
I think some people just don't look as good when they smile, man. seriously.
I chionged through a korean drama in 3 days. k, i don't usually fawn over korean stuff, i usually dismiss it BUT this caught my eye the other day when i saw the trailer on TV. LOL.
I've neglected my ICAs already, shit shit shit.
i think i'm gna get downgraded for my project contribution. oh well, whatever. when you get a fcked person, you get fcked results also.
whatever! i'm gonna make use of my saturday, today to do my speech! i tell you! grr.
& in the evening i'm attending sam's birthday partyyyyyyyyyyy!!

hurhur, there's F COM lesson tomorrow. must tahan her AGAIN, maybe this time i'll sit the opposite of her. YOU CAN STARE AT MY HEAD NOW!
Maybe now you can read my mind better!!!!!!! & finally it's the end of the week, that means 4 weeks to holidays, 7 weeks to exams!
Here I come! All my results haven't been pleasing to my eyes except for econs, which i scored 34/40? stats like SO-SO only. POM IS DA SHITZ. & i made careless mistakes for accs, which kindof sad :(
nvm, tizbe, work hard! uh huh.
actually at Hougang Point now, I've become some kind of driver now -_- seriously. can't even stay at home no more!
so now, waiting for dels, stuck at MacDs with my netbook. & surfing, shit, I wanna order the Longchamp bag! It's on sale already! UH HUH!
need one for myself, the one mom & I were sharing is totally hers now, and she throws it around like don't know what. she throw behind the van, fly here fly there already, throw on the car carpet, van carpet all..
damn, it really is the Umbrella bag :)
i was early for class today, i paid attention today, i didn't even talk, nor looked at my phone. i was looking so attentively at her slides trying to absorb whatever she's saying.
yet while looking at her slides, i was thinking of so many other things. so while staring at the slides, i'm like thinking of ram ram, bird park, satishvaran, future events, what i should do after school.. so, so many things i was thinking about.
AND I just sat there, looking as attentive as I could.
later on, my lecturer called me out, she was gonna let me know my ICA 2 results.
she started like this: "I see no improvement in your attitude"
in my head i'm like "wtf is the problem now, wtf did i do? i did nothing, seriously"
i shut up, she make noise, i look attentive, she make MORE noise. how to please people like that?
BEST PART OF ALL?? SHE SAID: "You always look like as if you have an opinion of everything, in your head, of everything I'm teaching, you're always in a bubble of your own. You're giving me an attitude. And seriously, if you keep it up, you're not going to score well for ICA 3. I'm not here to make life difficult for you, I want the BEST for you. But if you're gonna show me your attitude, I cannot help you."
I just nod my head, cos' nothing's gonna get through this thickheaded woman, SERIOUSLY. I do nothing she find trouble with me? HOW, TELL ME HOW SHALL I EXPLAIN MYSELF?
Tell me, how is this justifiable? I choose not to say anything because nothing's gonna change her perception. I tell her NO I'M NOT, is she gonna listen?
Does fault lie in my face? The face people say that's fierce or whatsoever? Then what should I do, smile during her class? That'd be fucking stupid.
The fact that I sucked it up today, tried to be a "good" student, you just blew me off.
Just my luck, seriously. I just dread attending her classes.
can you hurry up and POP already? missing you a lot..
i don't know how to put this,
but when most people say, "i understand what you're going through" or something like that, most of the time i guess it isn't true?
because if it isn't close to you, i don't think losing it would mean anything to you, seriously.
many wouldn't understand why i love people, animals or things more than usual. i guess. i'm conscious of stuff, maybe too much. i can't stand losing things, or losing sight of people i love..
say, i lost rambo, it was a heart wrenching moment, and it seemed to last for weeks, and today it's been almost 3 months, i can't get over it and i still miss him from time to time.
losing him is like losing something so very important in my life... uh huh.
just saying, i love eggy a lot too, he's like my boyfriend that brings me around :/ (literally, lol)
i wish i was less sensitive sometimes, just sometimes..
but isn't it good to be able to sense feelings quicker than anyone else?
beside my "emotional" post,
work seemed to last forever on saturday, i picked Love right after book out and rushed to Suntec Convention Centre for Nestle Health & You event. We were so late, gosh.
worked from like 1030AM till 8PM. it was kinda fun cos' we got to eat cereals, drink big cups of sjora and milo! cos' we're like, staff and some of em' were mom's promoters, who recognized me! :)))))
and today, went to suntec again, Dels was working in my place today.
got new pumps from Schu, it was on sale. I bought 3 pairs of shoes in a week :/
finally settled sam's present :))) gna see her on Saturday at her party. uh huh i miss her like crazy :)
i guess in poly you meet all sorts of people?
hmm, after school today i went for dental checkup, just to check my gums :)
parking + ERP, less than 5 mins and I'm done with dental. wth, hahaha.
hope i'll get to go to the bird park next week :)
i wanted to update something length, but i'm just far too lazy to blog...