why are pimples popping out now??!! ugh so annoying! must be the late nights :(
revision for exams going damn damn slow and my paper is on friday and monday :<
got my accounting sample exams paper and i think i'm gonna get a heart attack. the theory questions are out to kill!!!!!
sigh i'm running out of tomorrows to study! MATI!!
OH MY GOD! Finally found the bag I wanted at a reasonable price,
& OMG,
I did not study the whole of TODAY. No no no no no no no no!!!
Had to wake up at 9AM and got ready, sent Momma to the airport! Mum's flying to Jakarta for meeting & wedding and we had Mcgriddles for Breakfast! :D
After which, sent Dels to work at Parkway Parade, she's teaching kids how to fold Pokemon Origami, hahahahaha!
Dad and I came back for a bit, then went to Parkway again, to spectate Del's folding skills, lol. Sticked around for a bit then Dad went home, I drove to Expo to get my printer. Met love at Expo, since he was working. I raged through the mass amount of human traffic to get my printer, alone :(((((
I finally got a wireless printer, and they gave me a roller -.- much needed uh, it was even harder to navigate out of the crowd! Finally got my printer and had to walk don't-know-how-far-away to the carpark -.-
Popped by Tamp 1. Collected my parent's "Earth, Wind and Fire" tickets and bought dinner for Daddy! HEHE. Independent right????? :)))))
Something must be terribly wrong for me to have a brother like mine. Hmm, he doesn't even fit in the criteria of a brother. Why do I even bother calling him Gorgor? Even though I've not spoken to him for the longest time. I'm quite glad that I don't at times, cos' he's a major A-Hole. Not to mention that bitch of a girlfriend he has. She thinks this is her house but she's so fucking damn wrong. I can't stand the sight of her and she even smokes in my house. Nobody and I mean, NOBODY shall fucking smoke in my house. Fucking bitch!! This ain't her house, she lacks basic manners and respect! Fuck if she smoked in Rambo's presence I will seriously light her up myself, and literally.
I better devise some master plan to get her the fuck out the next time she comes. BURN IN HELL!!
I'm dying for a holiday! & only a week left to exams and I have not started revision for accounting yet! Awesome!
Ram ram likes to copy the way we sneeze, cough and even the tone we talk in. He'll imitate Daddy's low-toned "ram ram" and "rambo" and our normal pitched "rambo" in a soft voice. Hehe, he is too cute! Too cute for words.
Now he's learning how to say "Hello" and "Quiet!!" just because I always shout at him to be quiet :D Yes I'm talking about my darling parrot, Rambo!
I'm still looking for a doggy now. I've contacted so many sellers but most of them are scammers. Some Cameroon scam from Africa! So irritating! UGH.
Some did match my budget, a little on the high side though. I'm looking to adopt a companion instead of buying.. But after browsing through the SPCA website, most of their dogs are not allowed in HDB houses! :(
Contacted a seller of a 3 month old Jack Russell, she told me her dog doesn't bark, actually I don't really mind.. I've always wanted a JR, but I've been thinking, what if it attacks Rambo!?
Mom does not like the idea of me getting a dog so I really have to get one that is miniature and does not bark much. Sigh........... Considering a Miniature Schnauzer! :)
In 2 months time, I'll be turning 21 years old, seems too good(or bad?) to be true. Many say, age is just a number, but I usually hear it from the people who've made it in life. What am I doing?
I know I don't behave 20 at all. I've always felt like being 20 would mean much bigger things but I don't want to be a girl anymore, instead I wanna be a person who my parents will be proud of! I want to graduate with the most As I can and, just maybe, move on to doing a degree. I'm sick of hearing so much comparison about my cousins. I know I can do better than them! I know I've got brains(:D) but I'm just too lazy for my own good!
Though, a part of me doesn't want to grow up, the other part of me is looking forward to growing old, working, raking in the bucks and of course, getting married. HEHE, so fairy tale like I know, I've always been so dreamy of a perfect future but I really want to achieve my goals.
I know you will be right here with me on this journey, just as I will be on yours. Life isn't easy, but since we're facing the harsh realities now, it'll just make us more appreciative of everything that comes our way.
Love you! :)
Daddy says OK to Yorkie! HEHE! Isn't Summer a nice name? :)))))))))))))
I hope Daddy allows me to get a Yorkshire Terrier, it's so small I'd doubt he'll bite our furniture! :(
FK. Exams in less than 2 weeks. Barely anything in my head.
I had a dream.. a dream I drove the Audi R8, again. This time I sat in the car, and drove it around town.. but, as I was driving, my field of vision was so... low.. I was too short to see much -.-
I want I want I want I want!!!!
I want that wallet I want that bag!!
I want to eat carrot cake, chicken wingzzzz!! I'm going crazy eating ban mian and fish noodles everydayyyyy (although it's my fav)
I wanna go overseas! Short getaways or long relaxation trip! Tokyo! Nagano! Hong Kong! San Fransisco! Genting! KL!!!!!!!!!
Shit the exams!!!
* TO Ah pu neh neh: Lets eat chicken wings on Saturday at Adelphi!!
Reading about news of the Meteor shower, I was so looking forward to seeing it the previous night/morning! Sigh. Dels and I stayed up till like 4.30 am but it was really really cloudy. But as stated in Yahoo news, 14 shooting stars were seen, I only wanted to see one! :(
I shall sleep for now and study tomorrow! No regrets!
Exams are in approximately 3 weeks or less with Accounting followed by Marketing paper. I'm totally lost with regards to Accounting, with partnership and yada yada. I really have to attend my study sessions with my friends to buck up! ZZZ.
And as usual, since it's the "holidays", my body clock is upside down. I slept at 4 am and woke up at 1 pm. Sigh... & I've been playing games all day.
I know I don't want a bad grade so I really have to start studying!
My first biggest blue-black that has me hurting every time I raise my arm or turn to my right side. In reality it looks like some rotting birth mark, zzzz. Semi-part is like brownie and the the other is yellow. Hahaha, I've been trying to press the yellow till it disperses but it's not working? Haha, some masochist.
Attended Betty's birthday party this evening :)
OMG, doesn't it look like shopping spree haven? Looks too good to be true but it is! I stumbled across and invitation online to this website, Reebonz.com and it's a local company, meaning, no hassles of shipping from the U.S.!
I'm anticipating the event for KS and Coach wallets that are in late November! If you guys are interested to join, simply click this link
HERE, join and you get notified before events start!
& its not only for females! There's an ongoing Prada wallet sale for men too :) & you can pay by installment too! (Only applicable for UOB cardholders.)
Events held on Reebonz are for members only and last typically between 2 to 3 days. Each event is held only for the stated period − once ended, it is gone for good.
Waiting List
Entrance to Reebonz is by Invitation Only.
Reebonz is an exclusive online shopping destination of premier brands and private sales. Events are held for short periods of time and are open to members only. Joining us is free but you have to be invited by an existing member.
why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why ??
*bandaged! yesterday was a suay suay suay suay day....
dinner with SL and Pok at Beach Road! Yummy yummy claypot rice and sinful sinful fruit fondue and sorbet! Got chocolate rush and became far too hyper. Too hyper for my own good -.-
today, lunch at Ponggol Plaza with Dad and sis at suki sushi or something..
dinner with Parents and sis at Jurong Point, teppanyaki.
stop it with the japanese food, I'm going crazy -.- but I still wanna go to Tokyo.
I cannot take it anymore!! No bubble tea, no sweet drinks nvm! No ice cream, nvm! But I need chocolate!!!!!!!!! It's been a monthhhhhhhhhh grrrrr
Vancouver + Las Vegas + Tokyo = (-)Money + Major Jet lag + Major turbulence
* Tentative
We(family) might be going to Vancouver to stay over at my cousin's place for a few days before heading down to Las Vegas but I heard Grandparents are going too. Though that is not as surprising as my cousin(he's not the GOOD type) tagging along, and my Grandma insists that MY PARENTS have to pay for HIS air ticket! OMG. $$$$? Mom is already paying for Grandparent's tickets! I'm totally not liking this idea!
Why are they pampering the wrong person???????
Work more, play less, study well. Adopting this till exams are over & till I get back to saving, sigh because all I see is a miserable bank account!!!!!!!! x(
I know I'm always complaining about my low cash balance but it's true!!!!! :((((((
I clocked so little hours and pay was less than $200, roar. Just enough for insurance :'(
Therefore, I'm selling my iPod Touch 2nd Generation off. If interested, please let me know!
Please spread the word around!
Second hand 2nd Generation iPod Touch for sale. 8GB, with screen protector on since first day.
Comes with Box, incl. of unused original Apple Earpiece, cable and cleaning cloth.
Rarely used thus selling off. Hardly any visible scratches. Able to view before buying.
Priced at $260 NEG.
Original leathered PDO(flip open sleeve) @ additional $25
(RRP @ $58)
Christmas is.... a new white macbook and multi-touch apple mouse!
(provided I sell this existing one!)
Light lunch at Din Tai Fung at Tampines Mall. Shared Xiao Long Baozzzz and Beef Noodles, omg, I'm thinking about it even now. Sighhhhhhhh.
Shopping at Vivo before dinner at Carnivore. Never thought I'd be back there to eat again. ZZ. Didn't eat much, I'm not much of a carnivore, heheeeeeeeeee.
Met love in the night, we were supposed to catch the Man U match together but he went over to supplier's place to watch. :)
*Pictures to follow!
I know my phone camera sucks so badly!
Dad & Mom! Hehe so cute!
Daddy happily eating his glass noodles!
Xiao Long Bao = yummmmz
Picture taking in toilet = Shingzzz!
Salad bar!
Dining Area.
Serving beef!
No. 1 Dad in the world.
No.1 Family :)
Yuck, chicken heart!
Very very very very very very irritating brother.
Mouth full of garlic bread~~~
Birthday girl!
& lastly, my 2 most favourite people in this world :)))))))
"Lovely" sister's birthday is tomorrow. I didn't forget about it but I realized I didn't get her anything!
Finally settled for a Chanel lipgloss and a pair of sleepwear boxers which totally boomz-ed my wallet! Hmph. I hope she likes it though! *The Chanel staff at Tangs Vivo City is horrible.
Work was crazy today, I woke up late and had to deliver everything myself. ROAR.
I'm not going to Hong Kong with Mummy as planned cos' her meeting is cancelled! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Who's to judge us? We're in control of ourselves and I know you belong to me! :)
Daddy asked me where I was going this evening & I replied, "I'm going for tea tonight! I'm gonna be high class once in awhile!"
Dad said, "It's good once in awhile". I didn't expect that at all! No, not from Daddy who always scolds me for spending money! Dad added on, "Once in awhile, you leave everything alone, sit down and chat, you'll feel so happy and free. All those rich fellas, everyday they're living it, it's so boring. And they have probably reached sky high of happiness. If something were troubling them, what to they turn to? Most probably suicide"
But I asked, Do they have so much troubles as to commit suicide? Apparently they do, it may not be financially, but they may be, mentally. I guess it is quite true after all :)
You win some, you lose some.
* See you later! :))))))

Dream car!
YUMMY! I miss eating this! Carrot Sticks from Whampoa Drive, heeheee :) Shall keep my cravings for next time, heh heh.
No flash.
Flash! :D
An anonymous person's Lambo, at my CC's basement Carpark. I'm not going to post the front view cos I'm too lazy to censor his number plate. Hahah!
It's not the Lambo that's special, it's his amount of cars. To date, he has:
2 Lambos, 1 Greyish black and 1 white,
1 Green/Lime Skyline,
1 BMW X3 or X5 &
1 Merc SUV.
Stupid rich guy! He comes on various days with different cars, only in the night. Hurhur.
After fetching Dels from Hard Rock, was going home by CTE. After entering CTE, we heard roaring of engine. So I was looking around for the source. Turned to my right, it was a Nissan Cefiro, so impossible!
Looked at Rear View Mirror. "Jack Daniel's No.7", what the hell. My brother was behind me -.-
& I saw an R8 at Raffles City. Hehehe.
I'm missing random things from the past. I'm thinking of the good ol' days, without any worry and responsibilities.
I miss the times when I was overseas. The reason why I love the rainy season is because I always feel like it's not like tropical Singapore! I'd feel I was back in Japan, Hong Kong or in the U.S. because of the chilly weather! (I don't think I was made for the hot weather) I wish I was chilling at home, watching a movie with love or something! :)
I miss, miss miss my lovebirds who passed on. I love them!
& I miss you, S :))))
*P.S. I Love You :)
Dinner near Rochor Road with relatives.
Was talking about renting an entire bus to KL with our family and a few relatives, including my Mom's aunt, which I don't like.
I told Grandma that she(mom's aunt) is very noisy! Grandma said, "she got rolex leh, $8000!"
But what's the point? Give me $8k I'd spread my spending instead of splurging on a Rolex! The time is still the same no matter the price tag right?
Apart from that...
TOMORROW is the last day of school for the 2nd term! :D