Feeling a little accomplished although my day didn't turn out as planned to go to Pulau Ubin with love but our diversion to Sentosa turned out better than expected :D
After lunch, we took the Sentosa Express from Vivo City to the Beach Station then from there on we took the tram to Palawan Beach. Pretty crowded today but should be better as compared to Siloso :)
Yes, knowing that mayyyybe the banana boat doesn't work, I still applied it cos without it, the skin is like, dry.. So soaked up the sun for a little then soaked in the water a little.
Towards sundown, at about 5pm when it wasn't too hot, I think love got some creative juices and started doing this. HA.
At about 5:30pm, we hit the showers. Took the tram back to Beach Station and bought tix to 'Songs of the Sea'.
Show started at 7:40pm and we were in by 6:40 or 6:50pm? Hmm. Dusk was really pretty.
Us whilst waiting :D
Soon, the show started and lasted for approximately 25 minutes. The show was very good! As in, fire.. laser displays, fantastic water displays too. Its totally worth the 8 bucks!
Yea, show was better than just 2 pictures la haha but these were my best pictures. Didn't feel like uploading all to my computer either. Ha!
Lastly, my lovely RAMBO :D
Went along with 8 others to Sentosa yesterday at about 1pm. Tried to soak up as much sun as possible since its been ages since Sentosa plus I'm getting fairer. UGH.
Played a little of volleyball, and a little of frisbee too. Sat in the sun like practically 3/4 of our time at the beach whilst Willie Quek sat under the comfort of the shade, with laid out mat and umbrella(even though he's under the shade), ate snacks and drank tons of drinks. Lol. WHAT A MAN! COMMANDO!
Before sundown, at almost 5pm, we went for a shower which took us at least 30-40mins of waiting time for an available shower..
Left the guys waiting for an hour for us. Ha. Left in 2 separate cars to East Coast Park for dinner at Carls Jr. No Carls Jr. anymore. Very tired of it now.. Oh my god.
Went to the jetty for almost 2 hours(I think). The breeze was really gooooood and the PSP was a very good companion. Helped me kill time. After that, drove to Changi Point for i-don't-know-what-reason. Willie was busy catching legendary pokemon(s) on his DS while I'm busy stabbing fingers on the PSP. x)
At about 11pm left for Chomp Chomp for Mei Qi's recommended Tao Huey/Hui -.-
There were like different flavours so I had mine with Longan. After tasting it, it tasted very much like Cup Walker's pudding... and tasted very EGGY. HA.
Left at about 12am then it was home sweet home.
Woke up today then I asked my parents if I got tanner and they said, no -_-
What the hell. But I did feel my face was different. Lol. So never mind. Had lunch with Hong Mei and Willie at Qi Ji today then went down to Jurong Point cos' ASS ah neh suggests he is sick and can't travel much. So when I enquired what's his sickness, its headache. Ha. Never mind, its okay, since he's always down at Tampines.
So when I asked him if I did get a tan, he said NO ALSO. ROAR.
NEVER MIND. I still believe I am tanner than monday!!!!!!!!! (Although not pretty obvious)
Walked and bussed to his place then waited for him to bring his doggy down. Ha, very cute and 'bo chap' dog. Wish I could have stayed longer but had to bus back to central. We went to Kuriya Fish Market at Jurong Point cos I had my eyes on the sashimi earlier. Haha. Yes and what a great time to snap up some sushi because its on 30%! Got a box of salmon belly sashimi and salmon sushis for my family :) Its so much cheaper as compared to buying a box from Isetan on Monday!
Treated Dad & Dels to sashimi since Mom & Bro wasn't home. SO I ASKED DELS, DO I LOOK TANNER? She said, NO, just a little on the face. ARGH.
* ASS. Satish.. am glad we are on talking terms today. so sorry for yesterday :( Hearing your cries and shouting made me really lousy. Lets never go through it again kay. :)
Here I am on the phone again and...
Awkward silences on the other end
I used to know the sound of a smile in your voice
But right now all I feel is the pain of fighting starting up again
All the things we talk about
You know they stay on my mind, on my mind
All the things we laugh about
they'll bring us through it every time,
After time, after time
Don't say a word,
I know you feel the same
Just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything
Please don't walk away,
I know you wanna stay
If you just give me a sign
Say anything, say anything

Lunch at CB Brother's place was darn good. Ha. Food was good and of cos the company was as well. Lol.
Targeted to get at least some of clothes packed on Wednesday but of course it was mission impossible. Ugh.
Thursday was a darn wasted day.. Slacked at home. Roar.
Well as for Friday. Turns out that I got to go to Parkway Parade as planned. HA! The decision to go there for Sakae Buffet was so impromptu as well. Food was goooood. OMG. Bloated! Food came like real fast, compared to other outlets.. and to top if off, there was salmon kaamage!(how do you spell it)
Also managed to pop by Gramophone to say Hi to Aida... Hmm. Shopped around for abit then cabbed back to Tampines..
While Dad was packing his room yesterday, he took this out to show me again. Ha. Its like super cute.. Its from Swarovski.. :) 4 lovebirdies. Hee. Looks just like my 4 lovelies :)
Recently shopped online for accessories through and there were great finds! And at a not too bad price either.. Got this necklace, cost about US$6.80.
Bought quite a few necklaces... And the thing is, it looks big online but when I saw it one-to-one. Omg. What a big difference. Haha.
cheerful :)

Attended MISIA's concert on Saturday thanks to Betty for letting me tag along :D
Haa. Concert was great.. Her voice... Superb!
I guess at least half of the crowd were Japanese.. Now thats cool. Haa. Taking photos was a huge no-no during the concert. Very strict management they had. Luckily they didn't catch me. Anyways, I didn't have a camera, only my phone :)
She was really nice, coming out for an encore after everyone cheered for one. I mean, I guess its typical for them to do so not like some other artists.. Lol. After she finished her encore, she actually went backstage.. But there were still people around so she came out again for at least another 2 songs. Ha.
Now that was our view during the concert..
And our view during the encore. Lol.
Yes yes, I could hardly capture anything.. But we were pretty close to the stage :)
Well, Sunday we stayed home to pack the house. Yep yep. I guess 1/4 of my stuff were out of the room by the end of the day..
Only after clearing my shelves did I realize I had so many volumes of manga. Which doesn't even include my Archie Comics! Oh my.
Ha. Now that they're all jumbled up, I won't be able to remember which volume I stopped at. *claps hands*
As for today, I didn't get any time to clear my room in the afternoon as I helped Dad to move a few things to the new house including a box of my bags and a fraction of my CDs..
After which, Dad drove me to Velocity where I went to meet ah neh. Ha. After his lunch, we walked around and this certain bakery, Mama Bakery or something really caught our attention. The owner is Japanese and the bread look really nice but we couldn't get anything.. So, till next time. Ha. Went to Cotton On and we've decided to get some new clothes, after pay day that is..
Trained back and then started clearing my stuff again. Had to sort whatever I needed till moving day and what I could actually move the next few days.. Guess I could say, I've cleared half of my stuff. Now I'm left with a huge pile of clothes to pack. Argh..
Also cleared all my soft toys from my bed. Haa. Its so much more spacious now~
Well, at least for 2 - 3 months. Haha. Yeah yea. Moving to Pasir Ris for the time being. My reason being, I'm gonna renovate my house :)
New beds, new colours, new furniture. New everything! Wahahaha! I'm excited! And I'm supposed to be out of my house by 20th September but I've yet to start packing.
ROAR. I'm gonna start packing tomorrow, since I can't today.. unfortunately -_-
&& exams are finally over! Thats like the best thing that could ever happen this week. :D
Went to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall yesterday since we had the $2 off coupon. Yeah. Darn it, waste of my time. Fell asleep during the show. Ha. Lead actor wasn't even good looking. Zzz. Stupid plot, stupid show. Stupid naked-ness. Yucks.
tired -_-

Worn out..
Finally, the Office Admin paper is like, over. It wasn't as tough as I'd thought it would be? But I went like totally blank in exam hall. Hahaha! I even fell asleep while thinking of the answer. Lol.
My eye bags are lingering like nobody's business. Ugh. Last paper tomorrow! Hopefully it'll be a good one~
Ha. Well, while studying at like 2AM or so, took a break and was chatting with Ah neh and yes, the new iPods are released!
With 9 new colours on the iPod Nano line, my gosh, spoilt for choices. Haha! And its damn power packed as compared to the previous ones.
Yellow looks really niceeeee.
8GB for S$248. My old one wasn't even that low after getting it at discounted price. Roar.
Oh yes! The iPod Touch is also new and improved! It comes with Built-In speakers this time. Oh my. And yes, at even cheaper prices now. 8GB iPod touch for S$388? I want!

Roar. One paper down. 2 more to go. I hope it'll be easier :(
Can't they understand we can only take so much? Argh.
Bored out of my brains I can't study any longer.
Uhhh. Exams on monday and here I am watching "Huang Jing Lu" reruns on Channel 8. Ugh. I'm dying.
I'll thank all my lucky stars if I manage to score well on term papers. I'd better get back to studying soon. Geez.
My poor lion has broken off my phone :(
I've been to so many 7-11s but I still can't find my lion :( Please someone who sees it please get one for me? I'll pay you of course. Lol. $3.90 only! :D Heh.
stressed? :/

music: Superhuman by Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson!
So its almost Thursday.. That makes it down to 4 days till the major headache. Ugh. Term papers. Geezers. Lets just get it done and over with. Zzz.
Time is flying like nobody's business leaving me with so little time to study. Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday has flown past which draws us closer to the papers.
Wishing all my pals the best of luck. We'll be able to do this :D
Despite the papers, on last Thursday, I had the chance to be part of the La Senza Member's only sale! Haha. It was a closed door sale.. & they had drinks and like small tarts and stuff to indulge in while shopping for your launderette. That's cool :)
Followed by early Friday morning, the need for fishing came up? Haha. So impromptu.. Got to Changi Point with the rest of the people at like, what, 1230AM? Oh dear. Hee. I got to take Sin Ling's Lexus. Oh my dream car...
Snuck into the tent as soon as it was pitched. Hahaha. Oh well. I could barely stay up by almost 4am so I took the liberty of sleeping first. HA!
I got home before 7am thanks to Melvin's superb driving skills and of course not without Sin Ling's vehicle :D
Monday was a semi-wasted kinda day with studying just a little. Tuesday was even worse. Oh dear. Spent almost the whole day slacking with Ah neh neh neh and at night, went for his friend's chalet.. which was so impromptu too. Only got there at 945pm. Left at 1230pm for dinner at Tampines near my place before heading home..
Yes Wednesday was more of resting for me. Thanks to Dels for giving us the idea of ordering KFC, we did and heck, it cost a freaking bomb for 3 people. Lol, and we had to waste food :(
I'm gonna make full use of my Thursday and Friday! Lets get my brain gears up and moving~