First it was the dark coloured shoes.. or as long as its 75% black, anything goes. Now its 100% black.. WTH? I'm referring to ITE Simei's rules here.
Like as if have dark coloured shoes didn't satisfy them enough, they want it BLACK.. and REALLY BLACK. even my stupid small little silver kappa logo gets rejected. WTH..? I REALLY don't get it.
School rules are meant to be followed, of cos, but this is really...... really too much uh. Like.. not everybody prints money to actually get their shoes changed right? Geez.
Think they're sooo sleek, huh? Whatever.
On to my lengthy post. It'll be a little image-heavy.. cos' I'll be posting some of the pictures I have from my camera :)..
Starting from .. San Fransiscoooo..
That's a happy Tizbe Tan on our first day in San Fransisco's Union Square, where all the SHOPPING is.. Yes, and its really expensive... It was like, 12pm there.. like, 1am or something in Singapore. Major jetlag. Hahaha.
Victoria's Secret.. Lovely place!
Fisherman's Wharf, at night. Its similar to Clarke Quay.. Only nicer, classier and colder. Its a hot tourist spot just 5 minutes from our hotel.. The olympics relay also passed by this place during its stop in San Fransisco.
Our 2nd day in San Fransisco. Next stop, Chinatown.
Mom and I in Chinatown. Hohoho.
After Chinatown, it was back to Union Square for more shopping. That's a pretty Apple shop in Union Square :D
At night, we took a walk along Fisherman's Wharf and stopped by Boudin, a famous bakery.. which specializes in... Sourdough bread.
And it's taste? Sour. Hahaha. Mom made me eat like pastries like .. when she was busy.. Now, the sight of pastries.. turns my off a bit.. Ugh. On the whole, western food is just off the list for now.
Third day, trip to the Vineyards. Well, that's just the view of San Fransisco from across the Bay Bridge, where.. the country side of San Fransisco is..
Barrels.. Barrels.. and more barrels.. That's where they keep wine in..
Beautiful huh? That's one of the restaurants during our lunch break.
Thats where one the the wine maker's founder stayed in I think. Its their own mansion.. But I think they're not staying there now..
Well, that concludes my trip in San Fransisco. I'm not gonna post any in Tenessee.. cos I don't have nice ones.. or rather, I didn't take many.... So, on to my Japan trip..
Shinjuku! At night.. This was where we were staying..
Akihabara on our second day!! Not much pictures here..
Next stop after Akihabara was Asakusa! Where else but to the temple. Sorries, I forgot the temple name.. :)
The famous lantern. LOL. At the Famous Asakusa Temple. I really forgot the shrine's name lah.. But Miura Haruma was there 2 weeks or so before I went there. Hahaha.
A little of shopping..

Little of window shopping..
3rd day.. in Harajuku! LOVEEEES. (P.S. - I didn't like this place just cos Gwen Stefani thinks she made this place famous with her SONG.)
Walking in..
Softbank! That's their promoter promoting the latest handphone.. Err. I forgot the model.. :) Its a little like the Blackberry.
Pretty pretty Shu Uemura shop!
Lunch.. cos' Mom was craving for some..
Shops, shops and more shops..
Dinner in Shinjuku.. Shabu shabu! *sings the shabu shabu song*
Hahaha. Hunted the whole of Shinjuku like, just for this!
4th and our last day.. in Tokyo. Where was this..? Ah! Ueno!
Cigarettes vending machine.
Random toy shop in Ueno. See that extreme left figure in the picture... Its.. Kojima.. Err. What was it...? That "weiiiiii~" guy. Hahahaha.
Last meal in Ueno.. and in Japan :(
Due to super time constraints, we had to fly back to the hotel.. and waited for the airport shuttle to the airport. Flight was super rough, think I mentioned that in my previous post.. So I shan't repeat myself here..
Argh. Gotta study for my.. err. Oh yeah, Event Management progress test in a bit.. Oh well.. Confirm flunk.
2nd week of the school term, 2nd day of school for me. Well, with that, 7 weeks this term, 1 week down, 6 weeks to holidays :) *I think*
Subjects are still pretty fresh to me.. Just got my books today.. Already assigned to 3 projects.. 1 each from every subject we're taking.. namely, Tourism, Event Management and Office.. something. Ugh, still have not got the subject titles memorized..
A new term also invited new rules or rather, changes to the school's rules. There's been a change with the colour of shoes permitted to be worn in school.. Instead of dark coloured shoes, we now have to wear shoes that are completely black which totally sucks. Like as if wearing dark coloured shoes wasn't bad enough, now we have to deal with wearing completely black shoes which look horrible.
Well, I have also heard that teachers will go around "booking" students who don't have their lanyards on or do not abide by school rules.
Hello? Am I back to secondary school or what? This is over the top.
Back to my life..
A little has been going on lately.. Ah, I can't be bothered by little things.. Does it really make life more interesting by fussing over little things that don't matter? I've got more than enough to handle, really.
I mean, if anyone should really get pissed over something, at least get the facts right, stop assuming.. Its all really, one-sided.. I shan't elaborate.
There's much more to life than just worrying about some stupid lifeless problem.
Really BF... Bird face.
Now, how did BF even become bird face?
Now I'm really gonna get a BF.
Bitch FIT.
Its a little quiet.. here..
Its been.. 6 years.. a third of my life.. since then..
This silence.. I don't seem to recognize it at all..
I'm gonna miss these pesky little buggers..
I'll miss their wake up calls every morning..
I'll miss their greetings whenever I get home..
I'll miss their little curious gaze whenever I was doing something which piqued their interest.. I'll miss those bites which would leave a mark for days, even weeks..
I'll miss those times they'd creep up my blanket..
I'll miss those times they'd treat my macbook as their perch..
To sum it all up.. I'm just gonna miss them really badly..
Ah, gotta get mango's pictures from my desktop..
After their bath :)
Bongo & Bingo
Bongo :) Always loved those eyes of hers.
Congo :)
Congo and Bingo
Bingo. =)
2GB and 90 minutes worth of Gokusen 3 goodness. I have not watched the full episode, just little snippets here and there.. I will wait for subs to be up. Till then, a little screenies will follow..
I'm not a follower of Gokusen.. so this third season will be a start for me. Well, the least I know is.. Gokusen 3 has 2 heads in the most notorious class in the school, 3D instead of 1 head of the class, in both Gokusen 1 and 2. (Something like that -.-)
1st head, Takaki Yuya(Hey!Say! Jump), centre, is 1 of the heads in 3D and I'm quite sure, the male lead.. Privilege of being a Johnny..
2nd head, Miura Haruma :D:D (Also from Koizora/Sky of Love)
Exudes so much hotness. Hahaha. These 2 other guys are from Johnny's too.
Takaki Yuya.
Miura Haruma :)
Intro of Miura Haruma.. as Kazama...? something. Lol.
Love his hair here :)
Haha, that glare is life threatening. Lol. I like his eyebrows :)
Till the next update.. :)..
Take care.. everyone.
Why not, for a moment..
stop .. and think, think for a moment whether its true..
assumptions won't get you anywhere.
all thats said is just one sided..
I'll try to get my updates up and moving. I'll just post up the little pictures I have.. all taken by my humble keitai. I don't have the pictures from my camera. Lol.
We got to our shopping area via the "cable car". Was highly anticipating this cable car ride after mummy told me about it.. but as I looked overhead, I didn't see any cables OR cable cars. Puzzled, we walked on.. and their cable car is actually.. a tram. Lol.
Kore-des :)
We got to Union Square by cable car and really shopped and shopped. Mommy said I bought the whole of San Fransisco already. Lol. I highly doubt that x). Everything is like godly-ly expensive.
Mom finally got her coach handbags, hahaha. Her happiest moment..
Sunday, we went to the the Wine Country where they produce some of the famous wines. I'm not a fan of wines, I can't even drink there. -.-
Did anyone hear about the protest on Golden Gate Bridge? Hahaha. So happening!
On our last day, really had to pack the luggage. I hate packing.. don't you? So messy.. feel like dumping it all in. Lol. So much work, packing it. Hahaha.
With that, we were set to move on to Tenessee.. I think it was like, 5 hours to Chicago, 1 hour to Tenessee. Ugh. I hate stupid long flights. Take off and landings are the best during plane rides. Hahaha.

That's the Chicago airport. Tenessee airport wasn't worth taking. Lol. It was like.. some deserted airport. Hahaha. The chairs for passengers who were waiting are actually..? Rocking chairs. >.<>
Lol. Nande!
It was really warm on the first day... Luckily on the first day, I didn't have to stay in the hotel.. Mom brought me out shopping. :)
Bought OPI nail polish. Lol. Its really cheap as compared to Singapore's prices lah!
They even had the green converse shoe some stupid #@#$$^$% had stole from my doorstep.. but sadly... they didn't have my shoe size left :((
Looks something like that, has laces though.
This was the half the size of the shop.. Can you imagine.. Its like a warehouse shop..
2nd day I was stuck in the hotel.. I think I almost died.. for what seemed like forever.. On top of that, there were severe tornado and thunderstorm warnings towards Nashville.. which seriously didn't raise my mood. -.- I don't know how much I channel surfed, how much stupid news I actually know of now.. and how many episodes of Hannah Montana I watched.
Mom came back with good news, saying she'd bring me out shopping for the day.. I was happy, of cos'. At least I don't have to be stuck in the hotel again. Ugh.
But bad news came the following day.. it was raining like crazy. Seemed like the thunderstorm warnings came true. WHY? On the day I could finally go out. Mood was damn low.. but luckily, the rain subsided, we got to go out! Finally :)
Well, as for the following day, I died in the hotel again. Mummy was out the whole day.. yet again..
Well, till the next update :)
Here's some piccus of my lovelies :)