Mei Qi's birthday.. cum Class Chalet(?) was fun.. Especially in the wee hours of the morning. Haha. Like Betty said, in times like these, our relationship will go up up up.
I agree. Lol.
I caught the sunrise at 6plus, 7am at the park.. Finally.. after quite some time.
Um, well, about 20 minutes ago, Dad passed me this package.. Ahhh, my Miura Haruma photobook is hereeeeee. :)

A very simple wallie I made of Ueno Juri using Photoshop.. Its a little here and there.. My blending went haywire halfway so I really could not blend Juri's shot more into the beige background.. -.- Lol. But I do like the "polaroid" shots of her. Well, my photoshop skills are a little rusty since the last time I used it was like a year ago or something. I'm actually using the Photoshop CS 3 trial from
Hmm, its almost the end of the month.. April is gonna be a fun-filled one. Hopefully! Hmm. Here's why..
2nd April - Results. (Something I'm anticipating and not at the same time.)
5th April - Off to San Fransisco~~~~
7th April - Vampire Knight, Anime.. start!
8th April - Zettai Kareshi, JDrama start! Ayaka singing theme song :D.
10th April - Last Friends, JDrama, start! Hikki for theme song.
14th April - Back to School!
18th April - Bongo's 1st Death Anni.... ... ... :(
19th April - Gokusen 3, JDrama, start!
So, basically that's for the earlier part of the month.
Happy Advanced Birthday to Mei Qi!!!! Wahahaha.
Alrighty. Till the next update~
Now that's what I call slim.
A real beauty.. Foma series. Unattainable. T_T
Chalet was plenty of fun. A gathering once in a while is pure love. We end up reminiscing and laughing out heads off at little things. Talking about things we rarely do.. Its nice. once in a while.. :)
Thanks Gloria, for baking a cupcake each for us :)
This is mine!
First night we slept at around 3AM. We were busy playing heart attack and "water bubble goggle look up"(Hope I got that right, never did)
Lol.. It was plenty of fun.. Val, you level 1 million already.. Hahahaha..
High on the Korean Movie? LOL. Not me~~
2nd night was a stay up night since it was the last night.. Tried to do play games to keep ourselves awake. We played "Water bubble goggle look up" again. Hahaha. So many level 7s. Ended up getting water bombed with semi-cool water at like, 12am? Hahaha.
Willie and Wx knocked out soon after..
Was making plenty of noise and laughing like hell.. Wonder how those 2 could sleep through it.. However, as much as I wanted to keep awake all night, I kept zoning out and dozed off but woke up soon after. I think I slept 1 hour accumulated... Lol. Unbearable..
As Wy will say.. "PE CE LAH"
Seriously.. Every sentence ended with PE CE almost the whole day. -_-
And I thought I was saying it too much on the first day. Hahahaha.
Checked out at 9AM. Took the shuttle bus back. Got ready and went to town. I didn't know I could fall into such a deep slumber onboard the train..
Well.. had sakae sushi for lunch.. >.<
Was really too pooped. Kept losing at Wangan. Lol. Too tired to shift gear... Argh.
Went down to Vivo for some window shopping.. Didn't find anything suitable. Ahh well. Parents picked me up from Vivo..
Had dental yesterday. Zzz. I hate this tight feeling on my gums.. Zzz.
Well, today I did something really............ irreversible..
I got a haircut.
Hahaha! And its .. so.. Short. Even though I wanted to keep my hair long..
My hairdresser had cut it.. so .. short....
SEE! lol~
I guess.. The reason I wanted to cut my hair.. Was cos' of Ueno Juri's hairstyle.. Somehow, her hairstyles really catch my attention.. even though it's somewhat.. normal..
Now, her latest haircut in Last Friends. I think it looks great on her :)
Last Friend's cast xD
Out of place but, Yamada Ryosuke x). Wish I had the money to buy the calendar. Lol.
Its been 3 years now. Still love ya. Am missing you plenty..
Uhh. I'm bored to death ... ...
School's out but seriously.. I'm on the verge of dying from boredom. -_-
Hence, this post lengthy(?).. -.-
Helped Dad with some deliveries yesterday morning.. After delivering some stuff to Tampines Mall, we stopped by Laserflair at Century Square. As usual, Dad will browse through their DVDs. No choice, I had to stay there. Had neither my phone or wallet with me.. Hahaha.
Oh, Odex Anime VCDs are now going for $6.90 and above. Hahaha. Oh my gawd.. :( Sho sadx.
I was walking around the shop.. When I stopped near the entrance of Laserflair cos' Dad was ready to go.. I had my hands in my pocket & I was looking somewhere else.. aware of this lady looking at me.. Well, guessed at much, she went " Er.. Excuse me"..
I stopped her with a hand gesture and told her "I'm not working here."
LOL. & it was not like I was dressed appropriately or anything..
I was attired in a polo shirt, green pants, SLIPPERS and I didn't even tie my hair or anything.
Its like I just woke up or something.. =.=
I think I would be fired straight away if I showed up working at Gramophone like that for a day..
Ahahaha. We went home after that.. I got ready.. Helped Dad with last delivery & went off to meet Cl, Val and Wy..
Was supposed to catch Step Up 2 at The Cathay.. But availability of seats was pathetic.. All that was left were single seats.. Hahaha.
We tried our luck at Plaza Singapura but tickets were also selling fast.. Decided to drop the idea of watching it ..
Ho-hum. I got to play Wangan .. Hahaha. Hmm. On top of that, I got to do my long awaited manicure x). A frenchie at that :)
Okay, I know its a little stupid to post a picture of my nails but like I said, I'm on the verge of dying..
Had pepper lunch for dinner at Ngee Ann.. Lol~ Curry curry currryyy :/
Window-shopped for some clothes..
I guess, until I confirm that I'm actually going overseas this month, then I'll prepare my clothes.. Mom is so fond of planting false hopes into my mind... But should I be going.. I'll be gone from the 1st of April.. till the 13th. Hohoho. *hopefully*
It's bro's 22nd birthday today. Still the same old' childish boy.. or man? Looks like this year he won't be having a celebration.. Should I say serve him right? :/
Few things have happened recently. Hmm. I won't say I don't pity him.. neither have I thought of not consoling him. He had it coming. As bad as it may sound, serves him right. Nobody put a gun to his head. He could've refused but he wanted to go along with it. Nothing else could've stopped him from doing anything worse except a lesson well learnt. Lets all hope this will be a lesson to him and everyone. If he doesn't stop here, well, good luck.
OFF-TOPIC BUT, should I change my blog template? :D
Wait wait waiting for April's Jdramas~
Gokusen 3~ Miura Haruma! Takaki Yuya! >.<
Zettai Kareshi~ Hiro Mizushima~
Last Friends~ Ueno Juri, Masami Nagesawa, Ryo Nishikido, Eita~
alice nine's PV .. "Eraser(?)", a track from the Alpha album was released yesterday? or the day before. YES. Finally. We get to see Shou as L. Hah. Still prefer him with his usual gold.
With that, I'll end off my post here with a little pictures :)
Dearie Bingo and Congo. Don't they know that's not a perch? >.<
Then again, I love her too much to chase her away :D I hope she recovers soon..
Their favourite spot at night xD.
Yuya :)

Miura xD.
Dhoby accompanied me while I was studying POM :)
Haha, that's right. That's how cute he was on Monday night.
I was studying for my last term paper, which was Principles of Marketing on Monday night at 8pm when I felt really tired with nothing getting in my head anymore. I took his "house" out with hope that he would come out.. and put it on my table, where I was studying.. while studying, I just dozed off.. and Dhoby was in his "house" sleeping too. Hahaha. It was so cute of him.. no? He kinda woke me up when he hit his own "house". Lol...
Well, now that my exams have ended, no more studying for a month or so. I'm just hoping this holiday will be a good one. Hmm. I wonder if I'll get a chance to fly this month.. Oh well.
Had lunch at Seoul Garden at Tampines Mall with classmates yesterday...
Cooking was fun & it's been ages since I last stepped into Seoul Garden...... for what seemed like my usual hangout..
Caught the movie "Koizora" or "Sky of Love" at Orchard Cineleisure. Been wanting to watch this show for ages. Hahaha. After all.. It is Miura Haruma who's in it, right? :)
The show wasn't too bad although I thought that the flick would be a little more heart-wrenching because it was mentioned that this movie was a tearjerker based on the review that it had 11 million people or so in tears? Well, something like that. x)
Hmm.. I guess the highlights to this movie for me was Miura Haruma(Hiro) and probably Mika's(lead actress) ex-boyfriend's accent. Hahaha. He spoke in kansai-ben which was really very cute. Lol. Seeing Miura cry was sad too. Hohoho.
So today, I had time to finally complete my manga series, Fruits Basket. Lol... Now I just have to finish reading a few more series.. plus a few more books.. I wonder how long it'll take..
Oh dear..
Term finals in 2 days.. Hope everyone's prepared for the battle.. Hahhhh!
I'm halfway there..
Ahh. Finally got myself a harddisk from yesterday's IT show. x)
Yummy wummy Pepper Lunchie for dinner at Ngee Ann yesterday! Umai!
I recently bought Japanese curry and I wanna see how it goes. HAHAHA. Cook up a storm. Daddy says he'll get diarrhoea from it.. And another has to buy insurance? HOHOHO. Not so bad lah..
Went to Kinokuniya to get manga! Was psyched on getting Popolo.. but no sign of it? Zzz. I wonder.. Even Seventeen is not in yet! Hmph! I should have gotten Koukou Debut too. >.<>
Nvm! Took a bus down to The Cathay for Ben&Jerry's.. Chocolate fudgeyyy. xD.
Walked to Atrium for Wangan. Ahahahahahaha! Fun fun fun. Fun just before exams. AHH.
Can't wait for my NewS calendar. Hah. It's out now! A few pics in the later part of my post..
A few shots of my SC707ii and Aaron's Toshiba 911T? Hahaha. Courtesy of his SONYY camera..
What is the problem now..
I wonder why you have to find flaws in people.. like it makes you happier. It only proves you're mentally ill.
Maybe you've never heard the saying "Nobody's perfect"?
Sad to say, you're no where near perfect either.
You call people a hypocrite.. but don't you know you're a hell of a big hypocrite yourself?
Oops. I'm not saying I'm not one because as much as I would like to deny.. I am one, too.
Everyone is.
Maybe you should get a taste of your own medicine. :)
Oh, you know? Don't think too highly of yourself. Because, the problem lies with YOU. Not anyone else. Please, people are already staying away from you.. Bear that in mind yea?
Oh, enough of this moody stuff. The mere sight of -ahem- makes me ill. Oh well.
Today I actually played Wangan.. after more than a month. Hahaha. Went down to Century Square to play accompanied by.. Mei Qi, Maxine and Willie. Hah.
I played a round with all of them too! Haha! Was fun but I don't like Guest cars. Lol.
Alright. Exams round the corner. Down to 5 days.
Good luck everyone :)
benkyo saksen...