Congo must be wondering what I'm doing.. Hahaha..
I met up with Sam :D
After so so so long! Hehehehe. xD.It came like this!
Heh :D
We did a little window shopping at Marina Square before heading down to BuGEE. Shopped around Bugis & bought bedsheets for CNY. LOL. I wanted red luh, Dels beat me to it. Zzz. I got yellowwwwww. YELLOW! AND, Dels did makeup WINDOW shopping. Psycho. Hahaha. I got a Kate eyeshadow :) Nicey niceeee. Shu Uemura's foundation refill is a killer.. S$58. And to think Mom spent like $89 on the holiday edition of the eyeshadow. I wish I had Mom's kinda money T_T.
Lalala. But I'm satisfied now.. :) laptop laptop. I WANT.
I recently resumed watching Naruto Shippuden.. I like! Cos' they've been fighting and fighting :) But, the same thing annoys me.. They always switch from one scene to another without finishing it. Zzz. Naruto and Kakashi spent more than 3 episodes jus chasing Deidara -_-.
Oh well. I love Gaara & I kinda like the new character SAI! >.<
Gaara, Gaara!
Heh, that's Sai :)
Rock LEE. Hahahaha.
Well Christmas ended a few hours ago and somehow it didn't really feel very christmas-y this season.. Haha. I wonder why! It feels kinda different this year.. Well, Dels pointed out to me that we didn't spend Christmas in SG last year.. Thats why.
Hmmm, maybe? I still have a few christmas gifts I've yet to give out.. Well, its kind of because I've yet to meet any of them.. But anyhow.. I'm pretty happy with the gifts I've received so far.. :)
On Sunday night, my 4T1 pals and I.. to name, Wy, Wx, Willie, Yy, Cl, Gloria, Val & I got together at Macdonalds near our place to exchange presents.
The idea is to buy a present and exchange it amongst ourselves. Hahaha. It sure is a cute idea yep?
So that's everyone's presents.. After drawing lots.. I got a present from Cl.. and Val received my present. Haha!
Hahaha, so loved! xD
Well then, Monday I towned with Val.
Tuesday, finally its Christmas! Heh. I handed my presents to my parents at midnight. I got Mom an Espirit Towel Set.. and got Dad 2 T-Shirts.. It may not be expensive but I'm mighty glad they liked it!
Heh. I received money from Dad and I received.. a Macbook from my Mom! Haha! & Mom bought it from Satish.. I guess we'll go collect it on Sat. Ureshii! :) Mom actually planned it as a surprise for me but Dels already told me due to some circumstances.. Hahaha. But I did act like I didn't know.. Lol.
Mom whipped up a fantastic lunch and dinner today :)
For our lunch, we had chicken! instead of turkey. Lol! Salad.. and Oxtail xD.
I wanted tomatoes :(
As for dinner! We had roast beef, mushrooms, prawn and crabmeat(?) and leftover oxtail :D
Roast beef!
So, Merry Belated Christmas to one and all. Hahaha. New Year is coming right up! Which means I'm turning 19 soon. Geez. 1 year older? Yadda. I don't wanna. Shiat. I feel kinda old.
Oh well. School will be starting soon.. WTH!
& have a look at the state of the cab I took can. Geez.
After mani and pedi, cabbed back to the hotel to find Dad & Dels. Haha! Had dinner at don't-know-what-place which Mom's friend brought us too. Sat in the Land Cruiser again. OMG, I love it xD.
I don't really fancy the food in Batam.. Its not to my taste. but.. oh well. Mom's friend drove us to Batam Centre to shop.. for about 30mins. Hahaha!
We ended up buying donuts.. even though I don't really like donuts.. it somehow enticed me at that moment and ended up buying half a dozen. Whoooops x(
Cabbed back to the hotel and lazed around. Ordered room service.LOL. Cos'.. Dels & I wanted to have mushroom soup. Hahahaa! Its the most expensive mushroom soup lah? It costs like 28000 per bowl. Aiye!
Hahahaha. Ended up throwing away 3 donuts.. we didn't finish it xD.
I was all geared up and ready to leave Batam. Seriously I've never been so hyped up to leave a certain country when I'm holiday... This is a first! Be honoured Batam! hmpf.
After reaching Singapore, Dels & I trained down to Dhoby to meet our friends.
I met up with my buds to have Sakae xD.
I wurve chawamushi!
After sakae.. need I say more? I vroom-ed vroom-ed. It was plenty of fun lah! vroom vroom vrooooooooooooooooom! fun fun fun! Wooohahaha.
I REALLY didn't want to go vroom vroom today.. BUT I WANTED TO KILL AH PEK PEK. Stupid flamez. DIE LAH YOU!
I kept trying to kill him but I failed :( By just a few metres can. WAH. ANGRY. But some fellow wangan-er I see pretty frequently at PS offered to help my play. Lol! At his own expense using my car.. Aiye. How can right? Of cos' I paid him back. Hahaha!
So today I met up with Cl, Yy, Gloria, Val & Willie to have dinner! I wanted more people to come but I guess they couldn't make it. Its supposed to be our christmas dinner together! :)
But nonetheless, we had fun yup? We had steamboat at Bugis. Heh heh. It was fun and yes, very filling.
Wahahaha. Thats our soup lah. I didn't take any picture of the food cos.. I didn't not have my phone in hand.. Oh well. Hahaha. Champion of the night? Valerie Tan! Whee!
Walked to Bugis for some games and I finally found the comic 'Bride of the Water God' from Absolute Comics. OMG. I searched like from Kino to Absolute Comics in Lucky Plaza to Borders but to no avail. Mighty happy I found it! I really love the artwork lah!
Yeap, Christmas is always here and I won't deny its one of my favourite seasons.. but lately its been rather meaningless.
Oh no, I've yet to get presents for my parents :( I've only got a pressie for Dels.. And in return.. Dels got me these. Heh heh. Its so starry! I love! Its a necklace and a ring. Hehe.
So tomorrow I'll be exchanging presents with my secondary school mates. I'm looking forward to that.. Its been so long since we got together!
Lastly, I hope my buddies Aaron and Melvin enjoy their vacation overseas! They're so lucky not to be stuck in Singapore during Christmas. ROAR.
I'm still dying to fly this year.. Which seems impossible. HMPH.
So to everyone, have a nice weekend(which is almost ending,lol) and uh, Merry Christmas in advance :)
This week has been prettyyyy packed for me. Have been out non stop since holidays started for 'me' on Wednesday(:
Have not been shopping much lately. Rawr. I think most of it has gone to vroom vroom lah.
BUT I have been window shopping though. Itching to get a cardigan from Topshop.. But it costs a bomb.. Yes, a whopping $83. Zzz.
Catched 2 films this week. Golden Compass and Warlords(Da Zhang Shen :D) I kinda liked Golden Compass although all that talking made me reallly really boredddd. Warlords was okay.. But not my type of movie.. Maybe cos' its sort of ancient and all.. Well, at least Takeshi Kaneshiro is handsome :D
Also catched two matches of Wangan that made me laugh. Hmm. Not implying that I'm pro or something... But 280HP wanna challenge a fully tuned car.. Hmm. Don't know :)
I was in the ladies today at Atrium then this 4 girls, about 14 or 15 came in.. Then the girl said, wah I wanna buy eyeliner... Her friend replies her, what eyeliner you use? The other friend replies, 'I use water one.'
Erm.. Haha. I didn't know there was water eyeliner.. Maybe her eyeliner runs from the tap xD.
I think this week I heard and encountered pretty funny things.
On Thursday while I was out with friends, Mom called me and asked me, ' Be, whats my I/C number?' Mind you, Mummy was asking for her own I/C number.. Not mine. Hahaha. After I told her her IC number.. Mum was like, EH HOW YOU KNOW. lol! I was like uh, I steal all your money! Then I told her to check her wallet. Her IC's inside. -.-"
Mom then said. "OH." -.-" WTH.
This week I'm blessed with a free Ben & Jerry's waffle cone! Woohahahhaa. Chocolate Fudge Brownie! :D Hahaha. Thanks Bud!
OH, whoever that was there ^^.
My aunt & Marcus. Hahaha.
I know it's out of place but.. haha! pooh buddy. cute xD.