When I'm up I hardly get that many calls and messages.
I was napping earlier on & I received like more sms-es and calls than usual.
Lol. Lucky for me it was set to silent.
I got a call from Dad.. which really woke me up -.-
At about, 830/840pm..
Outside their hotel.. Where my parents are staying in... There's this function going on where HK stars are actually having dinner there or something..
Hahaha! & Mummy was soooooooo excited. Kept telling me who she saw.. Then I asked Dad.. Sammul leh?
Daddy replied me, I asked already.. They don't know who's Sammul. I said, Chan Kin Fung, Chan Kin Fung!!
I heard it's cold now. Wish I was there. My parents seem to be having so much fun. Never mind...
Sitex on tomorrow! HYPED UP.
But first. Tomorrow there's oral questions about POM.. Oh dear oh dear.
Anyway. Recently I've been watching.. Yukan Club! Hahaha! Its based on a manga.. Shall not elaborate about it.. But! Koyama's in Episode 6!

Sad looking fella. But.. Was shocked to see.. He Jun Xiang.. That Taiwan actor. Hmm.. He's in episode 7.. His Japanese is wierd... I mean.. not fluent yet. xD. It's him.. right?

Oh Jin! Main character. Hahaha. Personally I feel he's a very cute character. The way he speaks is kinda cute too. ^^

Lastly it's Yuri! She's my favourite female character.. Basically cos' she's cute.. : D

I was chatting with Mummy on MSN-ed .. & I really really miss her! Hahaha! How many times have I been repeating this?
Wish I could join my parents in Hong Kong.. T_T
Nevermind. I shall cram whatever knowledge I have of POM. Let it all go after Friday's exam.. and hopefully I can go to HK with my family. Still keen on Japan thought xD.
Gorgor will be head of the house when parents in HK.
Oh dear. Everything haywire..
I can take care of everything!
Psyched myself on this phone..
Samsung 707sc II.
I personally like the Red one. But white's really really nice and pure. Black is nice too but black is too common..
Oh yes. It's 11.9MM thick. Or.. should I say.. thin? :D 11.9MM thick/thin.. when it's closed. How bout' that?
Anyone keen? xD
*If anyone has like job offerings for apparels.. or .. retail AS LONG as not an office job.. let me know x(.*

Mommy's been overseas for a week now. Mum flew over to Shanghai from Beijing yesterday afternoon!
Heeee. I miss Mummy.. I kinda miss Shanghai too but I don't miss the people over there x)
I won't forget my experience in Shanghai because they are rude, rough & they lack manners.
They snatch taxis and I'll never forget how the taxi drivers drive over there.
I can still remember the night Dad & I went to Xin Tian Di to get my triangel on Christmas Eve in 2004 and we had the hardest time getting a taxi but we met with a blessing in disguise xD.
So anyway, Mom MSN-ed me in the afternoon and told me she was going to Xin Tian Di. Lol. & Mom wants to get for me triangel.
Hahaha! Back then I had none then it started building up cos' I bought it from Shanghai & Gorgor got me 2 during his trip to Shanghai.
Okay. Enough of Shanghai.
Seriously all this studying has not gone to my head at all.
Geez. This is seriously not the right topic for me.. .. ..
Oh dear.
Dad's gonna leave for HK on Wednesday afternoon to meet Mumsy in HK and they will only be back on Sunday night!
Oh no. This spells disaster especially when you leave Russell Tan, Tizbe Tan & Dezi Tan alone in the house.
& what a time to pick to actually leave because the computer fair is on Thursday till Sunday!
Shiat! & I thought the hype was over after my love for Japanese phones died down when I could not get it but .. it's revived now.
:( I love the Sony Ericsson one..

Town town town again today with my buddies plus some project work to be done.
Kinokuniya sale!
Went to Muji to shop today cos' Maxine wanted to pop by.
My first time buying stuff from there cos' I thought things were really expensive there. Well, it still is but at least it's affordable for me now lah. Er..
Shiz' I think i have gum infection :(
Oh dear.
After I saw the pictures of Betty's party.. I realized that my eyes looked really tired. Rofl.
Well, could not help it as I slept at 4AM the previous night and had to drag myself to be in school at 1015AM right? Besides, I was late anyway. Hahaha.
I can't help feeling tired these days.. Oh dear, I can see pimples emerging already. x(
Okay, time to sleep!!

Sugar Addiction! xD

Oh the sudden uproar with Buddies.
I towned today with my subordinates(buddies!) to Plaza Sing especially to brainstorm for our Project 2.
Met up with Mei Qi buddy! in the PS arcade.. Afterwhich we said goodbye to Ehron buddy!(forever lah).
Took the train to Novena & visited Sin Ling & she treated me to the cheesy melts or whatever T_T. Thanks! I brought it over to United Square for Dad & Dels.
I realllyyyyyyyy miss that place.. It's changed so so much ever since I moved out of Whampoa. Oh dear.. I miss Whampoa. Much more exciting compared to Tampines >.<
Oh well.
Tomorrow I have to meet my ex-subordinate to do my ETP project.. Oh! Meeting my buddy buddy! xD! Kinokuniya!
Weather was so good today I didn't feel like waking up. Oh dear, my eyebags.

I don't think I'm paranoid rather I prefer to say I think unnecesarily.
As I try to persuade one to change, it does not go my way.. So don't expect me to change to your preferences also.
It's strange.
Hmm, if like, people wanna bad mouth me..
All I can say is.. Seeing is believing..
Only because I learned it not too long ago..
Everyone is deceiving.

Today I walked out of my dentist feeling the happiest.. Only because I've finally extracted my last tooth today! x)
I had 4 injections today & my dentist took pretty long to pull my tooth out. God, the longer he took the more tense I felt boy.
After my extraction I went to Funan with Daddy.. Oh, the laptops. Nevermind, 2 weeks to the Computer convention x).
I got my ink catridge today.. So no more problems with project already! But, I think I bought the wrong one. Lol.
Dad sent me to school & I reached school at about 1PM.
Business Day was really very boring lah. Besides, I could not tahan the bloody fools next to me screaming.. Then again, I never did like them even if they weren't screaming.
School ended at like, 430PM or so. Bused back together with Betty, Willie and Zi Wei.
I bought Subway for Dad & I x).
Anyway, my iTunes conked up big time.
My library was deleted. -_-
All my songs, last played & play counts were deleted from my playlist & I had to like, add it back in a while ago. Pfft.
A load is finally off my back.. Marketing and Entrepreneur projects are finally handed up! Yay! Presentation for Biz Com. ended on Thursday too. I guess what's left is the Entreprenuer er, presentation I think? And er, Marketing Progress Test 3 and CA1.
Anyway, big thank you to Valerie and Cl for helping me with printing of my remaining proposal. My stupid printer ran out of ink at 3+, 4AM on Thursday. DOH.
Friday was Betty's birthday and the surprise made her cry! Lol! She looked so cute and funny when she cried but I kinda predicted she would. Hahahaha.
Went to Betty's party together with Sin Ling, Mei Qi, Maxine, Willie, Niven, Melvin, Aaron and Jerevin. Er.. We got there late! I just finished Betty's card in time! Phew.
Party was great and Betty was really very hyper.. Hahaha. Not forgetting someone being especially annoying. Oh, I'm so glad I didn't get drunk. Then again, that amount wouldn't. Lol.
We got a look at Betty's new place at around midnight.
Well, I'm happy she loved the presents we gave. Lol!
Cabbed home together with Sin Ling and Willie. I had so little cash on me.. Roar.
Hoo boy, I woke up late today and met Betty at 1.45pm instead of 1PM. sorry my dear. Hahaha. We met Mei Qi for lunch at Far East then both of us went shopping after Mei Qi went back to work.
We left for Kino then to Heeran.. Trained back and met my parents at Century Sq.
Went home for a while then I went to Bugis together with my family for dinner at Ma Maison. It's a Japanese Restaurant! xD
I finally got that pair of shoes from Everlast! Yay! Thanks to Mommy x)
Mom will be leaving for Beijing tomorrow. She will be proceeding to Shanghai after Beijing. Afterwhich Mom will go to Hong Kong. She'll be gone for 2 weeks. Oh my god. I'm gonna miss Mommy!
I'm supposed to meet Mom in HK but due to school. ARGH. ROAR.
Dad will be meeting Mom in HK instead. Dad's gonna bring Sammul back! Hahahaha.
Well, whatever it is. I'm dying to fly this year. Lol. I miss Japan!!
Hahaha, I'm in grave danger now! But nevermind! I have Sin Ling and Niven! LOL.
No, I can't rely on them, I have decided.. I know what to do!!
& when I popped by office just now, I saw "Chen Ti" on the whiteboard. I don't know what happended to the "zhi" lah.. But thanks ah, Niven!
Guess I gotta sleep soon. I slept 10 hours the previous night but I'm really tired already.
lol, who's that fella stomping her feet outside Daddy's door saying "pang ------, pang ------"
hahaha, lamer. make so much noise just cos' I wanted a picture of the car.
Hey, its our car's 1st birthday and I took it less than 100 times.. No, wait. 50. -_-

Just a summary of yesterday..
I had an extraction.. Which was supposed to be 2.
I almost died after the extraction.
Class ended early, Dad picked me up.
I was brain dead.
Today's Biz Com presentation was postponed to Thursday.. Heaved a sigh of relief.
Yay! Thanks Mr.
Hari x).
I'm gonna have to memorize my script now (:
As for yesterday's extraction, Dad brought me to the dentist.. I was supposed to extract 2 lower teeth today. I pretty much psyched myself for it as I wanted to get it over and done with but there was no nurse around so my dentist could only extract one.
The injection hurt much more this time around... Extraction did not hurt but the after pain was exceptionally painful.. It hurt much more than the first.. and second extraction.
My jaw felt like it was gonna burst after I left the dentist.. I could not take painkillers at all cos' my jaws hurt whenever I opened my mouth...
I'm pretty glad I'm over with it and recovering but I'm certainly not looking forward to dental next week.. BUT, at least it will be my last extraction.
Thank god..
I think there's something wrong lately because when I smile at my own classmates, they don't
reciprocate. Oh how unfriendly.
& you know?
I hate how people misinterpret things. I mean, I really get ticked off when others say or think about something which isn't true at all.. I mean, quit the assumptions lah.. If you're curious, I will clarify with you (:
Maybe.. just maybe..
I'm fake? Hahhaa.
Town-ed today with Aaron, Betty & her sister!
Many thanks to the calendar from Betty & her sister. (:
Played pool today but I'm rusty x10000000. Hahaha!
Went home together with Valerie today.

11th November. x) Yuya's 20th Birthday. Tanjoubi Omaedetou!
Late 2004/Early 2005
Mid 2005/late 2005


Mid 2007.

July 2007.
September/October 2007.
Labels: picspam, yuya, yuya's birthday
It struck me earlier on this evening that 9th Nov was Mama's Death Anniversary.. Hmm. Which means Sunday we have to drop by St Michael's Church..
I'm still stuck on my Biz Com project. Everytime I open the file, I just leave it there to rot.
Oh the horror of proposals.
Today I caught up with Sab and ended up chatting about Bleach. Haha!
I miss them. >.<
When I pick up a book and read it, I am labelled as "act-guai."
Hmm, then maybe I should just throw all my books away and quit school altogether (:
OH, then maybe I'll be labelled as drop out?
When I bring a new shoulder bag, I am labelled as "so lady ah?"
I guess I'm not supposed to change my taste.
Oh dear..
I felt pretty handicapped with Del's phone today because her phone dropped dead & I traded my phone with hers for a day. I could not send or receive sms-es at all.. And at one point I could not receive calls or call out either. Roar.
Spent my day with my parents. We had lunch at Queenstown and dropped by Vivocity for a bit.. Yawn. It's so boring there. Seriously.
Left for Parkway Parade after Vivo. Did some shopping there. Hahaha.
There's a hmm. Er. Fair on contact lenses. So, hahaha. Go get them .. The alluring eyes one by Freshkon is going at $35/box and you are entitled to 1 box free for purchases of 3 boxes.
Mummy was having her Ciba Vision promoter there so I decided to drop by too. I wanted to get the Freshlook one which is going at $40+/box and 50% off the 2nd box. Pretty pricey so I offered Mom an alternative, which was to get the Freshkon one but she insisted I get the Ciba Vision one to support her. -_-
So anyway, I did not get any. I will think about it over these few days. Hahaha. The fair will be ending on Sunday (:
Just a few minutes away from the world's biggest brat's birthday..
It's none other than
Ms Dezi Tan.Grow up please & listen to me.. Hehehehe. Stop zoning out all the time and no you can't have Massu as your present -_-
On to my updates!
I was late for class today because! it was really cold this morning and I hate getting out of bed when the weather is so pleasant. Hahaha.
First lesson was dreaded ETP. I wouldn't say I enjoyed her lesson.. neither did I dislike it either. It's more like neutral.. Why bother, sheesh.
Started reading Yakuza Moon 2 days ago and it's a really interesting book.. Sort of makes me wonder what kind of life she was leading.. and how she's leading it now. What a cool lady.. & all wasted. Hahahaha. BUT, I look up to her xD.
POM was sort of fun today.. because somehow our topic was on shopping at a point of time.. & I love shopping! HAHA, which reminds me I must go shopping tomorrow xD.
Finished up or rather, cleaned up our ETP project after school and left for home at 3pm.. I got home at almost 4pm ... ...
Knocked out at 5pm or so..
At 8pm we left the house to Vivo City, suggested by Dels.
We went to a place for western food, erm, I forgot the name... Thanks AH for the reconmmendation.
Pretty pricey.. and food was tough. My gums hurt >.<
At 10pm, after our dinner, I was hoping I could shop for a while but all my shops were closed. ZZZ. NVM. Revenge tomorrow~
To a certain friend, please don't feel so down yup? Hehe, I hope you get over this soon. Like I said, I'm glad you dealed with the issue calmly. Always remember to talk it out. Don't submit to violence, I KNOW YOU WON'T LA. Hahaha. But anyhow, think on the brighter side.. I'm here for ya' xD.
NewS - Ai nante
NewS - Such a thing as love
Dore dake aruitekitan darou?
Furimuitara namida no ato
Just how far have I walked?
If I look back behind me, I'll find a trail of tears
Kizutsuke kizutsuki tadoritsuita basho
Ima koko ni kimi ga iru
I got hurt, and lashed out in turn,
And now I've finally reached this place where you
Ai nante Kimi dake sa Itsudemo motome sugite
Ai nante Kimi nashi ja Imi nai yo Ikirarenai
Such a thing as love; It's only you who always demands for too much
Such a thing as love; If I don't have you, then there's no meaning to life and I won't be able to live
Hontou ni kokoro de aiseteiru no?
Ima demo fuan da yo
Do you truly love me with your heart?
Even now, I feel insecure [about whether you truly love me
Hitorikiri yume no naka tadoritsuita basho
Furueteru kimi ga iru yo
On my own, I reached that place within my dreams
And when I got there, you were there, shivering
Nakanaide Hanasanai yo Subete wo nagesute temo
Mirai nante Kimi nashi ja Mienai yo Iranai yo
Don't cry, I won't ever let you go, even if it means that I'll throw everything away
Even something like my future, I can't see it if you're not there, and I don't want that at
Asa no hiizashi ni Kimi no negao to Tereta egao de Ureshiku nareru kara
Sonna hibi wo kanjita ai yo Eien ni
The morning rays of sunlight shone upon your sleeping face and I smiled, embarrassed;
It was because we were happy back then
I wish that the love I felt during those days would continue forever...
*Yuya, Shige, Ryo*
Ai nante Kimi dake sa Itsudemo motome sugite
Ai nante Kimi nashi ja Imi nai yo Ikirarenai
Such a thing as love; It's only you who always demands for too much
Such a thing as love; If I don't have you, then there's no meaning to life and I won't be able to live
Aishitemo Aishikirenai
Mirai nante Kimi nashi ja Mienai yo Iranai yo
No matter how much I love you, it seems like it's never enough
Even something like my future, I can't see it if you're not there, and I don't want that at all.
If you have so much to say, why not say something pleasant instead of something so insensitive? It just makes me think how you actually think and what kind of mentality you really have.. Seriously, who can live with you? I think time will surely reveal a monster in you (:
Labels: ai nante lyrics, del's birthday, yakuza moon
Does anyone know where to find
MAJOLICA by Shiseido? LOL. I'm having a hard time finding it. Reasonable price please :D
WELL ANYHOW, I'm finally back for updates.. Who's that person who refresh my page for updates uh? LOL. You know who uhhhhhhh.
I'm really pooped out today, probably due to loss of blood or something.. No, it's not a monthly thing -_- Please read on..
I cabbed down to City Hall.. basically because I lost track of time and I didn't think taking a train down would actually get me to my dental on time.. So anyway, I got there in about 15 minutes because we went through a new tunnel! Cool! Hahahha.
Anyway, my doctor asked me if I was prepared to extract a tooth today.. Erm, well, could I have said no? I still have to extract it right? So, I did it today.
He injected me twice first, but it the numbness did not take effect yet.. So he injected me again, twice -_______- Oh my gawd, the pain is like ... Zzz.
I don't know why but it seemed exceptionally pain today.. it hurt more than it did the first time.. He went on to extract.. extract.. & it hurt AGAIN. WTF.. I really wanted to die already.. He injected again.. But it still hurt.. >.<
I really wanted him to stop and run out of there already but he pulled it and it finally came off..
Rinse rinse rinse my mouth.. The sight of blood made me want to die. It was bleeding so much more compared to the last time...
Doctor asked me why I was so scared this time round.. AHHHHHHHH :(
I could get a MC for today.. But since I was already in school uniform.. Lol. I was psyched to go to school anyways.
I walked to City Hall to train to Simei.. but the train was pretty packed so I just kept walking and walking and walking WHEN by chance I saw MS DEZI TAN in the train. WTH.
Stupid GIRL. I could not talk and I was like.. MM MM!! LOL. But she could not hear & I was afraid the doors would close.. I considered for a bit before walking in quickly .. Hahaha.
Dels got off at Bugis with her friends and I took the train all the way to Simei.
Took bus 38 to school and pretty much strolled to school because I was darn early...
I met Betty, Aaron and Sin Ling at the porch before going to class.
ETP was darn boring, seriously.. What's the use of the lecture? I REALLY DON'T KNOW.
Anywayyyyyyy, hahaha! My NewS album, Pacific & my alice nine. single, Tsubasa was shipped today! YAY YAY YAY, ya hear?
Happy happy! Can I not be? NewS finally rewarded me with ballads instead of their usual upbeat songs in their latest single. YAY. What's more, Yuya's vocals... T_T
I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive... I've bombarded my blog with Yuya pictures. LOL. Can't help it.. Almost everyday there's new scans.. But I'm not complaining xD.
I added the video specially for Niven. Come, learn Yamapi's "YAY" & Yuya part k? "Juu ichi nana... " :D
Damn, my house is so quiet. My dad is in KL, Mom's at work and Dels is not home. Chewt chewt is sleeping. HAHA. Cuddled up in their new sleeping place.
Okay, almost time for my Sammul show already xD.
*edit* Thanks AH(you know lah!) I CAN SPEAK PERFECTLY.
Mitsuki :D:D:D:D
Labels: dental, extraction, pacific, tsubasa
I awoke to sweet smelling porridge Mom was cooking for breakfast today.. Hahaha, it's so rare to have breakfast.. It smelled good but I continued sleeping... But it was shortlived. Mummy was running around the house because there was a black mynah in the kitchen. Lol.
I got up and went to the kitchen and saw the cute mynah on the window.. Hahahaha.
Could not get back to sleep after the ruckus.. Had breakfast with Dad & Dels.
As promised, my parents brought Dels & I to Ngee Ann City today (:
We had a late lunch today at the Indonesian restaurant. Well of course I dropped by Kinokuniya today & I saw Jeff Wang today! Hahahaha.
We went to see the Subaru Challenge which was happening just outside Ngee Ann. Haha, it's a first for me & it was pretty cool seeing all of them. They've sure got the perserverance.
Left for home after Ngee Ann as Mom did not need to check any other outlet today..
Well, I still have not studied for my progress test for tomorrow yet.. God knows if I can make it to class on time. I have dental tomorrow & Dad is not in town tomorrow x(
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I think I need to go shopping. >.<
Oh yes! I changed my playlist today, if you noticed(:
Ai Nante xDDDDDDD. My favourite off the latest album, Pacific! Yuya on main vocals.. hurr. Please enjoy :D.
I just wanna say, whoever I blogged about yesterday, it is not anyone from my present class.. So, to anyone who probes, it's not. (:
I mean, if I want to keep the person's identity private, please let me keep it private.. It's not that I don't trust anyone but it's just something I don't wish to say.
I didn't decide to blog about them to like, diss' them or let the whole world know about it but more so I felt like, as a friend.. I really want you to know that sometimes you have to speak with precaution.. Because everyone has feelings and some are just pretty sensitive..
It's true I get very sensitive over some stuff & I think I tolerated, somehow..
I did not blog it in a way that I would actually offend someone about it.
okay? ok, x)
During dinner Gorgor was talking about the three angmohs that bullied the old trishaw rider, videoed the whole thing down and even uploaded it to youtube.. That's how obnoxious they can get.. Bullying an old man who's over 60 years old. Really, they need some serious waking up. Dumb quacks. $#%#$%@#$%@%@!#$!
The NewS community has been sooooooooo busy lately.. Everyday there's tons of updates.. Videos of their latest performances and talkshows & even better yet(not like that's a bad thing).. An hour or so ago, scans AND rips of WEEEEK & PACIFIC were released.
Oh my gah.. I wonder when my CD will actually arrive. >.<
Oh no, I've been so caught up with other things that I forgot to study for my progress test on Monday.. roarrrrrrr.
She's just the type I wouldn't like or would give in to.. & she's someone that makes going to her class a torture. She's none other than our dear entrepreneur teacher, Ms. Dion Lee.
Having our project group under her has to be the most unfortunate thing that has happened this term.
She clearly perceives students as they are and is one hell of a big mouth. Just cos' she can't control us does not mean she has to go and rant to our CA about it. Seriously, why should I listen when she does not want to hear me out?
Talking in class does not necessarily mean that I don't want to listen to her..
When I requested a change of leader for our group she didn't even bother to hear me out & just shut me up by saying, No, its final or something like that.
Not bothering to hear me out, fine. But why was allowing a change of leader approved only when another group member requested to? And a male at that.
Seriously, that made me pissed because she's clearly that kind of teacher I seriously hate and also why I never took a liking to teachers.
I can't tolerate how people actually try to say who I am or how my bloody character is. I may not appear to be friendly but that does not mean I'm not right?
Barely knowing me and trying to judge me already.. Saying I'm this and that does not make me exceptionally happy.
Sometimes I try to let it slide but at the end of the day I'm thinking.. I'm like that huh.
I mean, there's a limit to things and don't take things too far.. Humans are not void of feelings no matter what right.
You're not exactly perfect either.
Bitching to the wrong person about someone is about the most stupid mistake you could ever make.. I mean, I don't find a reason to talk about someone right? I don't live my life by bitching about people.
Yeah it's true I can be a real bitch but so what? I don't think you people are any better. Trying to hurt friendships..
Ultimately, listening is useless. Why not see to believe?
Mr Hari was cute today & asked me why I was so moody today and kept asking me to smile. Hahaha.
Thank you to a certain classmate who knew I was not feeling good today.. I can't really say why I'm not feeling good today because I was really full of thoughts...
Pardon my rants and a big thank you to Joyce for the show. (:

Some people can be pure bitches.. never sparing a thought for others. Yeah, whatever. Like hell I would be affected by you.
You're damn right.. you're the most attractive.. beautiful & the cutest person I've ever met.. I'm in awe.. I'm starry eyed and I'm all over you. Yes, in your bloody dreams probably. Well at least my character beats yours 100 fold.
I'm not about to be bothered by this puny little spat.
School has been pretty okay except for the fact that our time is pretty tight for submission of projects projects and more projects.
I'm happy to hear that our BCM project will not be infront of the class but I'm still pretty nervous about it..
I was half an hour late for school today.. Basically because I wanted to sleep later.. I didn't want to get up at all. Ahhhhhh.
Today was great! Because the balloons perked me up x)
Almost half of our class had balloons today because of the event! I had 5 today! :D:D:D

Did project after school in Campus Heaven today.. a.k.a A stupid place with a nasty lady.
Set off one of my balloons today to see how far it would actually go.. & it looked so tiny in the sky! Vehicles driving past kept looking at what we were looking at .. it was pretty amusing.
Mei Qi, Maxine, Melvin, Niven & I went to Ikea after our project discussion as I decided I had to get a few things.
Have been packing my place over the past few days.. I'm pretty happy now(:
Daddy fixed my shelves and helped me frame and put up my picture..
I've finished decorating my shelves now! Yay!! Hahahahaha!
Daddy says that Yuya really looks like a girl.. & today I forced Mummy to come to my room and when I asked her whether Yuya was handsome.. Mum said.. Who's that, like a girl. Lol~
I was watching an interview of Yuya alone on Shounen Club Premium which aired around 1 and a half weeks ago and Yuya was asked why he joined Johnny's Entertainment & he replied, he wanted girls to go wild over him.
Rest assured Yuya.. Millions are crazzzzyyyyyy over you now.