Yesterday I went to Ikea with Daydee after school to get some stuff I needed.. I got my frame! My boxes and shelves. Yay! Yamapi yay!
School was pretty meaningless today. Erm.. But short timetables still pwn so I shall not complain. Did project at Aaron's place together with group members. Left at 4pm then Dad & I went to Bedok Central.. to have.. an early dinner. Hahaaaaaaa.
Pack pack pack pack.. I packed my room from about 6pm till erm, just like, 10-15 minutes ago? Yeppers~ BUT of course I had a break in between.. from 9pm till 10pm! I had to watch that Sammul drama on Channel 55.. BUT! Sammul died. So.. nvm! He'll appear again. Lol.
Anyhoo, I found so many things today! HMM. I found my stickers! MY LOVELY POWERPUFF GIRLS STICKERS! Hahahaha.
Its true. I'm so glad I found them because its cute plus plus!! I can use them now! Hahaha.
Let's see, er, what else.. Hmm. I found my handphone's crystal casing, my olddddddddd autograph book, my secondary school textbooks which I intended to throw ages ago.. and and, other stuff! Yay!
Tomorrow Daddy is gonna frame the picture up & install the shelves we bought yesterday at Ikea! Yay!
I was seriously rotting at home yesterday. I occupied myself with what? Watching TV.
I was channel surfing as usual and ended up watching Discovery Channel Travel & Living, Animal Planet, Geographic Channel, MTV & Channel 8.
There was this show on Discovery Channel Travel & Living titled, Bizarre Foods. It sure is bizarre and quite disgusting.
The host actually ate chicken feet and pig tails in soup, cold. Yes, Cold. & his description was really cute on commenting this fish sandwich. It's actually a species of a shark.
He said, this is like so good, its like, my favourite food now, I'm serious, as serious as a heartattack. Lol. Now, that's cute.
He went on catching Kingfish & they censored the cutting of the kingfish, lol, WTH? He requested for the fisherman to give him the heart and he just ate it RAW with a pinch of salt and a squeeze of a slice of lemon.
Now, that's disgusting.
Animal Planet showed a study of Chimpanzees and they're damn smart lah.. & in some ways cute x).
Geographic channel was a documentary on lions, oxes and uh, hyenas.
The oxes looked so irritating when they used their stupid horns to fight.. I felt like giving one tight slap. Hahaha.
After that, I watched Fu Man Ren Jian on Channel 8, MY FAVOURITE!
It's like a TV marathon only it ended when I had to go out for dinner.. & I was looking forward to watching Goong S cos' of Se7en. -.-
I had dinner with my family at Changi Airport, T2, yesterday.. We had indonesian food x).
& I got to see my hero, Tay Ping Hui. Hahahahaha. Yes, my secondary school hero. >.<
I felt like staying at home today.
Urgh. I was watching the rerun of that Sammul drama that's showing on Channel 55 this morning because I missed a few eps. Sammul is such a loserrrrrrrrr in that show. Lol! He's like a womanizer and loves gambling.. stupid blind cow but still love him nonetheless. Hehehe.
I had brunch at 130pm+. Then had brother to fetch Mom & I to Thomson Plaza to buy groceries..
Was raining heavily on the way back & it was a pleasure sitting behind.
That's all for updates today.

I'm feeling really tired today. >.<
Basically today was pretty short. Had PE in the morning followed by Biz Com after that. Uh, yeah, pretty much uh.
I got to eat ice cream today from Swensens with clique which Dad claimed I could not eat cos' it was the hardest thing on earth. Yeahhhhhhhhhh, I totally knew that.
Um, went to Funan Center with Niven to collect his router & I went to get new wireless keyboard & mouse..
Well, when I came home I actually tried using my old one which was not supposed to be functioning well.. but it was actually working. Um, yay? It's like cranky 24/7 lah.
Just hope that the new one won't go to waste.
I feel like sleeping now, I WANNA SLEEP I'M TIRED.
&Yes, it's true I like pretty boys :D

just an afternoon out and when I came home the NewS community was flooded due to the release of the Weeeek PV this afternoon.. There are icons and picspams all over now. Haha, I like! (:
Mise was closed today, somehow I knew it was.. & it won't be open till like, 30th Oct. Wow.
Today I spent like so much money in the bloody arcade thanks to who uh. Wangan wangan wangan.. Haha, but it was fun so I shall not blame that retainers fella'. Thanks to Aaron for helping with the gears. Hahahahaha or I'd never make it boy.
I bought an organizer today because the cover was superrrrrrrrrr cute & besides I was looking for one too. xD.
Oh my god they're like damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, thank you so much! I really love it.. >.< THANK YOUS!
Hehe. Also went to book for my Basic Theory Test with Sin Ling today & our test date is 4th JAN. What the hell right? Hahahaha.
Dad picked me up todays & went to Lavender for dinner with Mummy.
I've been wanting to say.. I don't mind if you all make fun of my slur & all cos' of my newly installed braces. HMPF. I've been wanting to fix it so.. I don't think I'll regret it no matter what. Hmpf Y'all!
The NewS PV is the cutest video of NewS man! Tegoshi is so active in the video and Massu is just crazy in it. They're damn cute & hyper in it! Hahaha.

Your friend is not you effin' friend if she bloody makes you indulge in stupid hobbies like fking smoking and making you do stuff lah. Your friend is stupid but the most stupid one is the person who actually accepts it. Advice may seem stupid, it's true I'm sick and tired of actually talking about it already.. I hate my advice to fall on deaf ears. I shall end here, period. I think if you don't want to listen to my fucking advice, just disregard it & continue your shit.
No one can stop tongues from wagging & there will always be talking amongst peers. I guess we all gotta accept it as part and parcel of life..
Yawns, I don't think its worth getting pissed over crap like that.
Highly anticipating both NewS & alice nine.'s album & single. They chose a pretty good time to release it together eh? Hahahaha.
AH, I can't wait for NewS's one.. Ai Nante is so good!! It has Yuya, Ryo & Shige on this track only and its damnnnnn good. I mean, not that is like because of Yuya, but his vocals really.. aiyeeeeeee.

Just wanted to share an article about Split personality.. Its something I read this afternoon. Hahaha. I'll just cut a piece of it here kay, you can actually read the whole article in a link I'll provide later on.
She was suicidal—and the flat, emotionless way she stated her wish to die made Baer fear that she might actually follow through. Eventually, Karen began to volunteer stories of childhood abuse. And she mentioned odd memory lapses. She would find herself in strange places with no awareness of how she'd gotten there. She couldn't even remember having had sex with her husband, although she must have, since they had two children.
Baer suspected a much deeper problem than the depression and suicidal thoughts Karen admitted to. Still, he kept his speculation to himself during the first four years of therapy, for fear of planting ideas in Karen's mind. He waited for her to volunteer the information, and in a way, she finally did. In November 1993, an envelope with Karen's return address arrived in the mail. Inside was a single sheet of lined paper and a letter written in a child's penciled scrawl. "My name is Claire," it began. "I am 7 years old. I live inside Karen."Isn't it freaky? It gave me goosebumps this afternoon especially since no one was home..
Karen Overhill is a pseudonym Baer created to protect his patient and her family.) The book describes the challenges Baer faced as more and more of Karen's alter egos emerged—men, women and children—a total of 17, each with his or her own character traits, mental problems and agenda. Baer had to get to know them all, then persuade them to wipe out their individual identities by merging into one. It was the defining case of his career—and one that may have saved Karen's life.It's really interesting & I suggest everyone go read it
Hey I know its pretty early for a blog entry but I just wanted to! Because, hahaha! It's lame but Yuya finally changed that awful blonde hair colour I tried getting used to to his older colour & I love love love it much more than the blonde one :D He did cut his hair too didn't he? It suits him perfectly. HEHE.

Well, I'll be off in a bit for my dental xD. I will be going for dental alone.. Isn't Daddy cruel to let me go on my own. Argh.
I'll leave you with a quite (retarded) picture of myself. Heh, JUST BECAUSE I CAN! Look at my brackets..(I DECIDED TO DELETE IT LOL.)
See it with ma' wiring tomorrowwwwww. Ya' hear meh?
It seems that I have been blogging a few days in a row for a week or so.. Just felt like it anyway.
I've taken measurements for my Yuya poster to get a frame and it's 62cm by 92cm. Hahaha, that's almost a metre.. Largest poster I ever had.
Dad sent me to Pasir Ris this morning. I had to get my ez-link card replaced. It was pretty quick and took less than 10mins.
I left for school and met my project group members for brunch. Had it at noods instead of Cafe 1 because it was crowded as hell. hmpf.
The uncle working at noods kept speaking to me in malay, hahaha. Sometimes I get so used to it I just have to ignore. Hahahaha. The worst one was being called a filipino -________-
It was when I was working, this uncle was speaking to me in malay & I told him, I'm not malay.. He then asked me, "then? Filipino?" Smart right?
Anyway, after brunch had lessons which was Biz Comm & we played charades. What a game to play..
For Entrepreneur class, we combined together with AB! Hahahaha! Yayers! MELISSA IS BLOODY NOISY OMFG.
After class ended at 5pm, I took the bus down with ma peeps(lol) to Tampines Interchange & went to meet Valerie and Cl! We walked for a bit and I met Bern Tan today! Haha! Its been a while since we last met, no? Also met Michelle, IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME!
I keep bumping into people nowadays, heh heh.
Had my dinner in Century Square before heading home.
I had the worst nightmare last night.. So glad it was only a dream. !@%&^&*$%#@
Niven made my name out of emoticons, nice?

Its huge, but I love, ove ove ove l-o-v-e it. Gonna frame it up! To Ikea!!
Should I get Winter Con goods?
Today I went down to town to meet Aaron & Betty.
I was making my way down mrt. While walking to the Tampines MRT with Dels, this Indian MAN, bearded & hair loosely tied approached Dels & I. I had my eye on him already but he walked towards us. He just stuck out his fore finger and kind of signalled like, wait kind of thing, and he said something like wait wait?
I was like, no, no don't want kinda thing and walked away quickly with Dels. Just then, he said something which made me really mad. He said, "You all don't know the meaning of courtesy ah?" OMFG WTF, assholic moron!
Who is the one without courtesy hello? I turned around and he was quite a distance already. What the hell please, I wonder who is the one with no bloody manners? Omg, you stupid dumb quack.
ANYHOW, I trained down to meet Aaron, Betty & her sister at Orchard MRT. Dels dropped off at Dhoby Ghaut.
We had lunch at OMU RICE! HAHA so cute! My first time eating omelette rice :D. Looks so cute & it's quite nice. Feels like a jap girl making a bento for her friends. Hahahaha.
After lunch I went to get the receipt from Valerie and went to Kinokuniya! It was packed as usual but even more so because of the 20% off for members.
We shopped around Ngee Ann before heading down to Heeran for abit. Afterwhich we headed down to Cineleisure but it turned out that Mise was closed. WTH! It was 3.30-3.40pm then? >.<
Betty & her sis left while Aaron & I went to Plaza Sing for a bit. Aaron left at like, 510pm.. I thinkkkkkkkkkk. I walked down to Ngee Ann to wait for Valerie to knock off. I pretty much strolled there to kill time. Hahaha.
I went to Takashimaya to wait for her & we went to Kino after she knocked off. Hahaha. We walked to Cineleisure to go to Mise but it was still closed. It was about 6.30pm then. -__-
Decided to have a drink at B1. I then SMS-ed the lady working at Mise because I found out her number was on my receipt...
Finally at about 7pm we went to Mise!
To my horror, the Yuya Uchiwa was really sold out. ARGH. But she said she might have stock coming in next week. Don't wanna get my hopes up. Hmpf! Must drop by on Thursday. We collected our taiwan con poster today! YUYAAAAAA!!! xD.
Leaving Cine, we took the same lift as a few kimchis. I could not stop laughing at the way they talk. Sounds like me xD. Ahahahaha. Eh, whatever lah!
Gotta admit that the kimchi standing in front of Valerie in the lift was very attractive.
His back resembled a lady's and he really is a good looker! Hahaha! He had light brown, layered shoulder length hair which made him stand out from his friends.
On walking to Somerset MRT, I saw Spencer.. The fella that did the Cow mascot in Vivo City. The one I had to guide around. Zzz. Of all people to see...
Anyway, Val & I trained back together and bused back together today..
Finally uploaded the pictures from my phone. I was buffing my nails the other day & Daddy chose the greatest time on earth to let chewt chewt out. Not only did they disrupt my self express manicure session, they took over my table....

That's bingo you see there, he's, well, don't know what he's looking at lah.

There's Congo, Bingo's wife a.k.a The Queen.
Yes, she's the Queen alright because even I am scared of her. She takes a pretty mean bite and she's the last one you wanna provoke. She only listens to Daddy. HMPF.
Just yesterday night while I was trying to get her into the cage, she bit my arm and didn't want to let go. OMG. I thought I had outsmarted her but I ended with a boo boo on my arm instead.
Today was quite an unlucky day for me.
No, I don't count getting to school late unlucky but rather my own doing. Hahahaha.
First thing, I lost my Ez-link card in bus 31 while going to the Interchange. LOL.
I only realized it when I was looking for it in my bag when I was going to take a bus home.. Arghhhhhh.
Was really rushed for time and didn't bother to ask the transitlink staff about it. I had to fly home and deliver lunch to DEZI TAN, what a cruel sister. Took a super fast bath and cabbed down to City Hall.
Second thing! I slipped and almost fell outside Gramophone at City Hall today. WHAT THE!!Walking past Gramophone I saw a glimpse of Daddy. At that point I backtracked.. & I saw Daddy talking to Azizah. Taufiq was also at cashier. I was knocking the glass to hard to get Daddy's attention. Hahaha.
I flew to my dental after getting money from Daddy cos' I was late. Yes, the third thing was I was late for my dental appointment today..
Talking about it, I got my brackets done today. No wiring done yet as it will only be ready next week..
Took about 30-45mins to get it done.. After my dental I went over to meet Daddy who was across the street waiting for me. Hahaha so cute.
We went to Gramophone & I went to visit Azizah & Taufiq today! Hahaha, Azizah kept asking my why I wanted to get braces and Taufiq just made fun of me, lol. It was fun talking to them after so long. Left after 15mins and when I walked out to go to the carpark with Daddy I slipped at the same place again. OMG.
My shopping spree starts tomorrow xD. HEHE, My only brake will be insufficient funds. Hehehe.
To Niven: I will post the lovelyyyyyyyyyyy picture Willie & you drew of me on the next post.
Hahaha, I managed to snap a steady shot of this fella, Bingo while he was sitting on my shoulder. He's quite the active one. His downs are growing back now, so handsome now xD.

Something just struck me a while ago.
My wallet is gonna have a big hole very soon. I can sense it.. With the 20% off for members at Kinokuniya and the End of Season sale for Dorthy Perkins, Topshop & Topman, it's inevitable!
I told Mummy about the sale and she didn't bother about me :( LOL. So evil. >:[
Tomorrow I'm getting my brackets on, hopefully!!
Hope he doesn't do something else instead. AHHH I need to get my metal rings off. -_-
Tired tired tired. Sick &&&&&&& TIREDDDDDDDDDDDd.
Today's the second day of the 2nd term & still not used to it. I got up late today and Dad was nice to send me to school. Hee. Was still late to school due to some.. hmm. unforseen circumstances yup?
First lesson of the day and also my first lesson of Principles of Marketing, in short, POM. Pretty dry and all.. Couldn't really digest what Mr Aw was teaching.. could not concentrate much either. Oh well.
After lunch break we had Entrepreneur class.
Seems like we got quite the funny one.. he goes by Mr Ng BUT why does he look so serious even though he's telling us jokes?
We got to know roughly what projects we will be doing and the deadlines look pretty crucial.. ARGH.
We ended at about er, 235pm? Dad picked me today cos' he was at Eastpoint.. Dad sent me home and picked Mom up and sent her to office..
I was watching this program on channel 8 earlier on at 8.30PM.
I can't really remember the program's title because I don't bother to and uh, I'm really just watching it cos' they went to Japan.
Hosts are Mark Lee and Jeff Wang. What a combination, no?
They're pretty good at embarrassing themselves.
The program was pretty interesting. Some parts I remembered was when they went bargaining at a Japanese shop as a mission and they ate Ice Kachang.. with.. Curry syrup.. Pretty cool no? I wanna try that if I get to go to Japan again! HAHAHAHA.
They also went to Tokyo Dome. Just outside though.. Hahaha. They also went to Sunshine City which was the shopping mall next to the hotel I stayed in 2005!
Lol! One kid they were talking to.. Nagai Karui? Roughly that's his name.. lol, what a looker!!
Next week's episode is also about Japan but I think its in some prefecture instead of Tokyo..
IKITAIIIIIIIIIIII. I want to go to Japan already & this program just made me want to go even more...
Speaking of which, did anyone watch the news about the new airbus? A380? Its finally here and its DAMN NICE LAH OMG. They've got this personal suite bed and seats and pathways are much more spacious but you know what? Those perks are only applicable to the first class. Aiye, I no money lah dey. Pretty much just a dream to take that plane first class. I have problems paying for first class on other planes already. LOL.
BLEACH BLEACH BLEACH! AHHHH. I like Shinji's bop cut. Hehehehehe.

Grimmjow grimmjow!
The new term started yesterday with 3 new subjects which is gonna take up most of my time.
Our timetable may be pretty short this term which made me pretty elated but all those free time really has to be used on revision and projects.
Urgh. What a dreaded thought, no?
Mr Hari will be teaching us this term.. If I'm not wrong he will be teaching us Business Communications? Alrightyyyy.
"Mumbai dah! INDIA!"
Hahaha. Well, apart from the fact that he's actually from India, he speaks pretty well although there's a tinge of indian accent.. Speaks pretty fast but still catchable. Well, he did say we'd get used to it like how AB did. He even mentioned that AB-ians can speak like him.. Yes... I can imagine....
2 other subjects will be Marketing and uh, Entrepreneurship. No, I'm not really looking forward to it. >.<
Right, nuff' bout school.
Mom has been really persistent about Dels & I setting up an online shop, with Mummy supplying the capital.. But I have to source for goods. aiyee..
Uhh. I really don't think I have the time to do so after Mr Hari actually briefed us through our jam-packed schedule.
Dad insisted on me going to see this 3D tv today because Mummy was going down to talk to the Manager for a deal or something.
We went to the office in Ubi to see the tv. It was pretty cool how the things actually popped out from the tv.. Hahahaha.
I wanted to pop by Mise today to get the uchiwa and folder but it seems that I'm able to order from Japan? Coolio.
Should I should I? Hahahaha.
Never knew a simple gesture like a wave or even Hello would actually hurt or kill someone by doing so.
Isn't it cool how your friends would actually ignore you when they've found new friends or perhaps their other half?
If you start, I can play this game better than you.
Today I stayed home cos' my appointment was cancelled. Now isn't that nice.
I was bored and decided to draw something today.. Well, its Grimmjow! Its not awesome but hey..
Original Copy.

My fanart.
I also attempted to recreate Niven :D
My version of Niven. Hamsem?

School will be starting on Monday. Oh man.. Holidays sure flew by pretty quick.. Well, let's welcome the new school term with a sigh shall we?

Its because some people make some shitty ass crude remarks about people that it brings their self confidence and esteem down a notch. Yeah it may seem fun to you but you're not all that either.
Heh, continuing my KL adventure!
Went to this pub called Rum Jungle near KLCC.. like I said, Mom wanted to check out the place.. The service sucks by the way.
Mom asked the lady, who is around her late 40s or 50s, who was working there about the salad Mom had ordered but before Mom could finish her sentence the lady said: "you have to wait" and walked off.. WTF right?

Roughly what the pub looks like anyway.
Live band was not bad but could not tahan the atmosphere.. nothing to do there at all.. Hahahaha. I guess its not my thing, besides the pub wasn't that all fantastic either. I asked Mom to bring me to our usual restaurant to drink soup. HAHA. What the hell right.

Myum yum!
After our dinner we went back to the hotel.. Msn-ed for a bit.. & I was watching Bleach on TV3, LOL. Episode 19! After the show I had to go to bed already.. The next morning, Mom woke me up at like, 730AM for breakfast because Mom had to go for meeting. WTH.
Breakfast was okay.. Mom got ready and went for meeting at around 10AM.. I stoned in the hotel room reading magazine and watching TV. Aiyee.. Mom could not end at noon so Mummy gave me the green light to go shopping myself! Hahahha. Luckily I had some cash.. I walked to KLCC myself and shopped around.. KLCC was really boring because I already got what I needed the day before.. Anyway I had to go back at 1pm to back the stuff and check out. Mom ended her meeting at around 2pm.. I was watching Lake House in the room.. Finally got to catch the show.. it's a great show..
We checked out at 230pm and headed down to where? KLCC again. WTH. BECAUSE there was gonna be a jam so we could not go too far. MY GAH.
Hanged at KLCC, had lunch at Dome then went back to Hotel at 430pm. Mom had high tea in the lobby cos' she didn't eat lunch.. and its so cute lah hahaha.

I was surfing the net in the Hotel Lobby till 530PM afterwhich we cabbed to the place we had to take our bus.. somewhere near Chorus Hotel.
Boarded bus at 6.35PM and was all set to go! Yippee. Reached Singapore at midnight where Dad & Dels came to pick us up from Habourfront..
Yesterday was 30mins late for appointment.. Now I have seperators on which is very irritating and its hurting like a biatch.. >.<>
Today today.. Dad sent Dels & I to town.. Met Chester & Aaron first at Somerset then waited for Sin Ling & Betty. Had our lunch at Pastamania. :D Sorry no picture.. xD.
Waited for Mei Qi and Melvin to arrive, they had their lunch then we walked to er, Paragon to check out the crumpler bags afterwhich went down to er, Taka Kino~
Manga still not in yet! >.<
We then walked to Wheelock Place to hunt for the Crumpler bags. Sin Ling & Betty got their bags there.. & met our guest of honour, Niven. CP AH CP!! I swear I did not threaten you at all..
Walked over to Betty's sister's place to catch a glimpse of her then we took a bus down to Plaza Sing to shoppppppppp.
Somehow today I felt no vibes and did not feel like buying stuff.. AM I CURED?! LOL.
I'm reporting from KL now. Haha! I'm staying at Impiana which is just 5 minutes walk away from KLCC! Well, I requested for a place near KLCC cos' I wanted to go to Kinokuniya. Lol, take a load of that. Hahaha. Well also because its a big mall and there's much shopping to be done. Heh.
Took the bus at 9am from Habourfront and well, there was a Japanese family onboard. Haha, so cute uh.. But the Mom looked permanently angry but lets not judge from first impressions yup. xD.
Reach KL at approximately 2pm and cabbed to the hotel. This is how our room looks like. xD.

Wow, won't you look at the view..
Dumped our stuff then we walked to KLCC.
Had lunch at Thai restaurant then went shopping. I love shopping with Mom and need I mention why? :D
Mom's so cute, shoppaholic like me. HEEHEHEHE.
Kinokuniya was having sale on magazines.. like 35% off! Oh my gah! But it was for back issues but it doesn't matter lah since I don't have those issues..
Shopping was tedious today.. Aiyoyoyoyoyo.. But its okay lah, I'm happy although I didn't get much stuff.. Gotta resume shopping tomorrow but Mom does not allow me to go by myself cos' the walkway to KLCC is quite ulu.. I agree its ulu but I seriously don't know what to do while Mom is having her meeting man.

View of KLCC at night. Its so pretty. Never get tired of looking at it. Hahaha.
Well, probably heading down to pub later with Mom cos' she wants to check it out.. >.<
So anyway, NewS had their concert at around 2 or 2.30pm in Taiwan today.. and some fan posted this about Teshi.
"TEGOSHI SLIPPED!! my friend said the staff pulled tegoshi's rope too fast that tegoshi slipped acrossed the stage, i read fan reports, he was preparing to fly but then he slipped and fell, luckily nothing happened to Tegoshi, the Juniors helped him out. "

OOOHHH. So this is how the concert good look like. Hmm. Looks good eh. Especially Teshi. Ahahahahaha~
I want the teshi uchiwa! plus plus a file. Lol.
So sad uh, Mise's things are so bloody expensive.
Today I was supposed to go lan gaming with Dels but I woke up late and was lazy to go down all the way to Katong to play. Hahaha.
Changed our plans to going down to Eastpoint first to collect my stuff and then down to Century Square for lunch and then running some errands for Mom before heading for home.
Yesterday Dels & I met Willie at the Interchange and went down to Paya Lebar to meet Niven. Took a cab down to Mom's office because I have absolutely no idea how to get there.. Lol.
Nobody was in the office yesterday so Dels and I took over. Hahahahaha.
Had to answer phonecalls and it was disasterous man. I had so many promoters calling up and I could not catch what they were saying.. They spoke so fast and in such fluent mandarin. Aiyeeeeeee. Dels had just one lovely ang moh to make her day. Hahahaha. Milia or whatever.
Pack pack pack pack. All we need was packing..
Did I mention that 2 particular irritants we irritating me the whole time? "Jie jie.. Jie jie.. Jie jie..." & since when did Niven become Els. Holy!
Dad and Mom came in at almost 5.. with lunchhhhhhh.. After lunch continued packing.. But my attention diverted to the computer.. Hahaha.
Ended at around 7pm.. Dad fetched Els and Willie to the MRT station then Mom, Dels & I took Gorgor's car to Joo Chiat for dinner. Met Dad there.
Am going to KL tomorrow with Mom early in the morning via coach cos' Mom didn't want to go via Plane cos' its too ex. Haiyur.
Will be there till Monday cos' Mom's schedule is tight. Zzz. Hopefully I can do a lot of shopping. Hahaha! Tomorrow Mom will be shopping with me but Monday I'll be on my own cos' Mom will be having meeting. Oh my. Luckily I asked Mom to stay near KLCC.. There's even a Kinokuniya there.. :D
I'm almost done packing my stuff!
I heard that the NewS concert in Taiwan was postponed today cos' of the strong typhoon. Poor NewS. Lol. Their schedule is like jam packed lah! 2 concerts tomorow! AH! I really hope they come to Singapore.
Just something to share about the stupid fans in Taiwan..
"Johnny's group NEWS arrived yesterday at taiwan, even though there were typhoon winds. They were insured up to 100/10 million Yen(I'm not sure how much it is). Around 600 fans were at Taoyuan Airport. At first,Nishikido Ryo was all smiles,but after getting his elbow hit,he couldn't smile anymore; Some fans were angry that this time,NEWS wasn't as sincere as the last time they were in Taiwan."Here's my reply to those fans.. *stfu* Put a sock in it. xD.

Thanks to Dels , I saw this picture on someone's profile on Friendster. Doesn't it look disturbing? Its not that those 2 are outcasts but its something that they believe they are, which is,
No my dears, this is
not being Emo.. This is being purely
retarded and spastic.
AHHH PONTIANAK. *runs away*
It was sorta of an impromptu thing but I went down to Vivo with Valerie, Willie and Wx. I wanted to get an interview at Forever 21 but they're only hiring full timers. Oh well.
Vivo is heck offa boring place. Took the train to Dhoby Ghaut and shopped around Plaza Sing for a bit. It IS so boring.
I'm mighty glad I didn't bust my wallet though :D.
Walked to Cathay to have a drink or two. Took the bus back at around 7.30pm or so.
You know, on Tuesday I stated that the new NewS single and album were up for preorder.. It seems.. no, its confirmed that the Limited Edition for the single is Out of Print on CDJapan. OH THE HORROR.
It was what, 1am, almost 2am yesterday when I found out. Lol, and I didn't preorder my copy yet. Hahahaha!
I quickly sent an order for the LE album.. and today, Yesasia upped their preorders for NewS. I preordered my singles already. yay xD.
Thats how the single would be looking like. It looks awfully cute uh! HAHA.

Also today, alice nine. released their new PVs, Tsubasa and er, ruri no ame?!!


Finally today I got out of house and went to town! Was late in meeting Valerie and Willie. Haiyur.
Trained down to meet Aaron.. walked to Kino to pick out some things then went to Coffee Club at Paragon.
Since when did we ever have Coffee so frequent? Haha.. Since I'm not someone into Coffee and stuff.
Anyways, had this really nice chicken pie at Coffee Club xD.

Nyum nyum. After satisfying ourselves we walked to HMV.. Ahhh~ I see some CDs I want already.. Aiye. I wonder when Gramophone will restock their CDs. Funeral for A Friend's record is so expensive at HMV. ROARRRRRRRR.
Previewed some of the records and they seem pretty good but I'm not gonna bust my wallet getting them all. Haha! We walked around Heeran after that.. Afterwhich we went to Cineleisure.. Went to Mise as usual.
Aaron left early while Wille, Valerie & I walked to Plaza Singapura. I went to Starbucks to save Dels.
Hur. Today wasn't a good day to shop cos' all Wing Tai shops.. or most Wing Tai shops were having their Dinner & Dance! What the..!
I decided to have a manicure while Willie and Valerie were having their dinner. I tried a new colour today! Haha! Its darker than my usual shade.

Pretty happy with it. xD No bubbles and nicely painted :D. The last two manicures in Bugis was disappointing.
Took the train down with Dels to Novena to meet Dad.. had dinner at Tampines..
I'm tired tired tired already!
oh my GAH! my results really display what I've been doing man. Half dead now.. Zzz. Time to buck up next term
Introducing...... Nerdy Tizbe~

Mighty glad I'm over and done with the mascot thingy and I hope I don't have to go through it again unless I know the guy personally in the mascot. Muahahaha.
Basically I had to guide the mascot around because he can hardly see. Many kids gathered around to play with the cow.. also known as Smoo. What the?
I was called up on stage and they called me Ms Smoo. OH neveermind. He asked for my name and after I gave it to him he said, Jasmine? Oh, I thought your name was Ms Smoo, hahaha.
Oh so funny ah. Already embarrased to be up there I didn't even bother to correct him, man. So be it lah. I wanted to get it over and done with, seriously.
Afterwhich the MC asked me, what flavors does smoo milk have?
OMFG I GOT NO PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE LAH. I was looking at Mummy who was off stage.. but Mummy didn't even mouth the flavors out.. I had to guess.. Uh, Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla and Hallelujah he said I could go off stage..
Wow, thanks ah, Mummy.

Mum brought us to have Jap food for lunch.. After break resumed till 6pm. FINALLY.
I left the mascot guy alone to wait for Mummy and scooted off to go shopping by myself. LOL.
Cannot tahan already.. I wasn't even talking to the guy so why should I stay there. I hate this kinda awkwardness.. I prefer going shopping by myself.. :D
Topshop was having 20% off for members! The vest was really really nice and all but it was like 73 bucks.. 20% off doesn't do much, really.
Went off to Forever 21.. Aiyee. They're hiring leh! HOW! HAHA.
Met Dels at Forever 21 then went off to meet Mom and Dad then we went to have dinner at a place called.. The Mussel Guys I think. Hur.

Food was good.. Yummers.
Monday was pretty much a day at home for me. I took time off to actually do a white wash and uh, pack my clothes! I also took the effort to see what Facebook was about because it looked like Greek to me! HAHA.
Join Facebook EVERYONE!
As for TODAY. Was just wondering when NewS would actually release an album.. but since they were on hiatus for quite some time it'd actually be next year or something.. Until I received an email stating that preorders for both their Single and Album starts today on CDJapan.
Yes. Both their Single and Album. That made me go. OHHHHHHH my god. MY wallet. I'm glad they decided they finally release something because it's been so long since Hoshi Wo Mezashite. Just another headache. Whether to order all?
As usual there will be Limited Edition and Normal Edition but all of them are really tempting with different features. I'm thinking.. order both singles one LE album? hur. On top of that I have to order alice nine.'s new single AND their 2nd full album.
Bless me.