Went Lan Gaming at Cineleisure on Saturday with Aaron, Willie, Sharon, Betty, Niven, Melvin, Chester & Brandon.
After hanging for a bit left to Novena to meet Dels where Dad & Mom picked us up to Tiong Bahru shopping center to celebrate Mum's birthday.
On Sunday just stayed home in the afternoon.
I love staying home on Sundays. Haha. Mom cooked lunch then Bro had to book in at 5.30pm.
Fetched him there then we went to Parkway.
Had to go get the attire for NUS.
practiced roleplay then went down to erm, Parkway with Sin Ling! Haha. Was helping her with OFA then met Dels and we went back together..
Went to NUS to get the COM with my Parents, Grandma & Aaron. Met Marcus & Ah Yi there. Started at 3pm ended around 5pm. Pretty boring stuff lah.
After the ceremony met Ah Yi, Grandma & Marcus then we went to have dinner.
AS for today.
I had set the alarm to 5.20am but I snoozed it till 6am. Lol.
The moment I switched on my computer it had an error. Urgh.
Had to fix it will like 6.14am then I got ready by 6.40am when I had to meet Willie at 6.50am at the Interchange -.-
Met him in school instead cos' I cabbed down. Dels was reluctant on letting Dad fetch my to school. -.-
Willie had breakfast in school then we took the cup to class for one of our props.Lol.
Roleplay was pretty okay &&&&&&& I think I managed not to laugh okayyyy.
But it was pretty funny doing it.
After school went down to the airport to have Popeyes. Helped Sin Ling with OFA. Finalized it and all.
Yoshi Yoshi!

Contagious hairy disease bread

I found my first laptop at Isetan.
went to the Airport on Wednesday during the 2hour break. Ermm.
took the mrt back around 1pm and I was late.. alreadyyyyyyy.
Took a shower then I went to Vivo City to meet Sam Chua at.. 3.30pm. I was late.. -.-
We were actually snooping around for sales. Lol. But very dissappointing.. Ended up just window shopping. Haha.

This was actually Sam & I actually trying to snap a picture together with Homer. Haha.

Went to Pet Safari and the hamsters are really very cute. Ah, gonna get a pair soon.. Heh.I miss having them in my room.

Left around 5.10pm to meet Sam Ang at er, City Hall. Flewwwwww down and after we met her, we went to Swensens at Marina Square for dinner after what, deciding not to eat Jack's Place, Billy Bombers, Cafe Cartel, Carls Jr., Sakae Sushi yada yada yada.

Our salad!

It was Sam Chua's birthday the week before but we all made wishes on this one! Haha.

Banana Crumble!

She can't take in anymore. Lol.
After dinner, we walked around, yes window shopping once again but it was good. I enjoyed it. Wahha.

mahhhh loveeeeeeeees lol.
Sam Ang had to leave so I went on with Sam Chua to the arcade at Suntec cos' she wanted to race Outrun with me? O.O Lol.
After a few games we had to get back home...
Thursday had the Accounts CA. Erm. wasn't all too bad but just hoping not too much careless mistakes and all yeah.Err.
Went to Suntec & Marine Square with Val & Cl yet again.. Dorothy Perkins.. fralalallaa.
Had dinner at that Food Terrace, some Food Court. yupyup. Dad came to pick me up cos' I can't be home too late.
Sakura!! With Val, Willie, Cl, Wx & Gloria later!
Nooobbbbb I first timer T_T.
Friday we almost did an all nighter over at Betty's place.
Um. Met Chester, Sin Ling & Niven at Tampines and had dinner and all before going down to Betty's place by bus.
She was really nice to get us at the Interchange. Haha.
They had their mahjong session while I just sat there trying very hard to understand their game but it seems understanding it is harder than understanding Unit 1-3 of BFD. Lol.
After their mahjong session was like 3am or so when Betty's sister asked us down to eat. Lol.
So anyway. We got a treat from her 2nd Sis. Haha.
After our supper, we went back up where they continued their Mahjong then it was time for Blackjack. Only played for a bit then Sin Ling, Betty & I had a chat. Niven & Chester knocked out already. Haha.
I too knocked out at 5 or 6am. Zzzz.
Kept waking up at different intervals but everyone was still sleeping. Chester left around 8am cos' he had to work at noon.
Slept till close to 11.30am or so. Washed up then we went to Causeway Point for lunch at Pastamania!
After walking for a bit around the mall, took a bus back with Sin Ling. Used the computer for a bit before crashing into deep slumber.
Was awoken by a call from Dad to get ready for dinner at Jurong Hilltop?
Teppanyaki! Haha.
Got ready then went down with Dels. Yum. Dinner = OIIIIIISHI. Been a year or so since we'd been there.
PLUS, most of us were entertained by this certain fella there..
omfg. lmao.
Sunday we had lunch at Marine Parade or something then we headed down to Centrepoint! Yay, went shopping. Erm. Sales! Haha.
I love shopping with Mom lah. But sadly Centrepoint IS ABIT DEAD.
Just went around Robinsons. Mom actually wanted to get this Lesportsac(sp?) bag for Dels & I but... yeah. Eeyowch, price kills. Gotta save money for Mom. Lol.
Went to Gap to get what, socks? Lol.
Did grocery shopping at Cold Storage then headed home! Dinner was yummylicious with our new oven. Our previous oven was like, NIA, lol.
Not in Action for over a year..
Well then today,
only had lessons from 10-1.30pm.
Wanted to head back to study but ended up going to Aaron's place with Melvin, Niven & Sin Ling to mug. or not?
Aaron gave us yummylicious chocolate and some stuff. Haha. Turned out to be semi-study semi-talk session.
Toby/Tobey was really cute plus smelly(NOOOOOOO OFFENCE AARON.LOL) -____-
Order KFC at around 4 or 5pm cos' Melvin's expression was practically changing.lollllll.
Left at 8pm and I don't think I got any BFD into my mind at alllllll.
All the best yo homies!!!!
I set my alarm to 5.30AM.
I GOT UP. Then I went back to sleep. Lol.
Till like 6.13am then Dels woke me up. I think she said this, Jehjeh, lets go or something. I got up damn quick cos' I thought it was 6.30am alr. LOL.
Bathed really quickly and everything. Had to stuff all the props into my bag and flew out of the house.
Couldn't get a cab till like 7am or so.
After seeing Dels off I took the bus to meet Willie. I was late. Lol. Sorry. ^^
Anyway, had roleplay full dress rehearsal. Um um.
Yes I know I did badly but uh, video taping just added on to my nervous-ness. I'm so not used to this.

After 1 and a half hours of roleplay rehearsals went to Cafe 2. Waffle?
Went to class for accounts, and uh. Teacher was later then us. Hmm.
Had make up lessons for BFD, order of Mr Aw.
Went through test paper then we had break.
Ate at Cafe 1 then I left at 1pm to go back with Val & Wx.
Supposed to go with them to CS but uh, Dad wanted me to check some CD back home?
Rushed back and made it back before 2.30pm!
Chatted with Mum online and Mum is really very cute on MSN.
She loves Emoticons. Lol.
THEN THEN Mum asked me what the Japanese characters on my nickname meant.
Haha. Its Hana Kimi for short.
Told me to save money then asked me to buy Chocolate Corn from Hokkaido fair for Gorgor. Then I was like, thought you asked me to save money?
Haha. I do admit I give into temptation. Oh the shoes&clothes&bags.
Anyway. I had to meet Melvin & Niven for the Transformers movie and I had to rush into the bathroom and shower and everything. Lol.
Speeeeeeeeeeed of Lightttttttttttt.
I met them at 4.45pm or 4.50pm then we went to the Hokkaido Fair for a little while. Bought croquette(sp?). Lol.
Got our tickets for show at 5.10pm.
Slept for a little while through the show. Aiya, was really damn tired. But at least I woke up at climax. But it was a little sad seeing Bumblebee almost dying.
Favourite part was when they could actually transform from fighter plane or stealth whatever plane to robot and vice versa.
really good show lah. Haha.
After movie was walking to the interchange when we saw a hugeeee crowd. I thought there was like some stall selling something.
As got closer I actually saw like, feet on the floor, as in, lying down position and I thought someone fainted or even worse, was bleeding all over or something. #$%^#$^$%T#$@
Turned out to be a pickpocket that was pinned down and even had his wrists cable tied. Pitied him but was a bit scared to be there so just had to leave quickly.
Saw Shit-man(Sherman, Lol!) on the way to the bus interchange.
Oh yes, I saw Farhan too. His vision is the same as ever, always looking at like, straight or something. Saw him this morning and he didn't even notice. -_-
Anyway, took a bus back & had to go get dinner for Dels & I.
Dad and Mom came back at er. almost 11pm.
Hah. Dad bought for me Mangaaaaaaa. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
OKAY, gotta go study already.
Stupid BFD LAH. Burning the remains of my braincells.
So many hot guys, LOLLLLLLLLL.
TODAY, I post Toma Ikuta onleh. Heh.

I miss Daddy & Mummy.
I miss my Sam(s) & gang.
I miss Japan.
I miss Hong Kong.
I miss Primary & Seconday school life..
I miss that-old-childish lives we had.
I miss breaking into Tech Block in IJ with Army Family. lolololol.
yes & I miss Mango & Bongo madly. :D
Today, I went to school at 1pm cos' I just felt like I didn't have to go down at 8am for 1 hour of accounts, which I really dislike, especially when she just rambles on and on and the best part is, I don't really get what she's trying to get at? Oh, she loves using her marker to hit the whiteboard to shut our class up.
Its so annoying.
Well anyway. I had to have break from 9am till like, 3pm? Cos I'm exempted from 2 lessons and uh, 2 hours of Biz Fundamentals was cancelled cos' Mr Aw was absent.
So, total of 6hours of break.
Got a call at 11am from Willie & Mdm Siti pushed up lessons till 1pm for accounts.
So, thats why.
After accounts practiced our roleplay & stuff then I had Yong Tau Foo with Sin Ling at Cafe 1. Heh.
Waited till almost 5pm then I went to meet Cl & Val at near the stadium.
Cabbed back with Val today cos' I forgot my damn lanyard. Sheesh.
Its almost Sam's birthday. 11th July.
AH. I miss her alot..
I don't know if she'll read this but,
Happy Birthday! Love you & I'm gonna date you NOW.LOL.
HAHHA. Damn funny but it didn't really gross me out as it did to Aaron especially.
Today I did some thinking..
Hmm. Not reopening old wounds, not that I really am remembering that certain event to like, talk bad about you or whatever crap.. If you were me I'm sure you'd be darn put down or hurt or shit.
Its not about being sensitive or crap. You know, some people are just so insensitive to a point where they just say stuff that they think might never sting someone. I heard someone telling me that I should have higher self-esteem and stop caring whether they're pissed at me or something? Hmm. Thats so you.
Its reached a point where I find some people fake and stuff.
Its funny how they'd change to something their not just to be in the scene or something.
Now everyone's pretty much jumping onto the bandwagon.
I think its funny when someone says "Go & reflect LAH!"
& you know, this monk-meditating-scene will come into my mind. Haha.
I think I heard someone say that to another person yesterday. Lol.
Hokay! TODAY Hana Kimi Episode 2 :D
Anyhow, thats for today. I really need to get my script memorized or I'm a goner for sure.

I think I almost cried during lunch cum dinner.
Not literally anyway.
Anyways. Popeyes.. really, I'm on the verge of dying....... Lol.
No more fast food, please people... I will shoot you with my AK47.. in CS. lol.
Serious serious, serious serious seriously speaking. GRR.
All I wanted for lunch today was Yong Tau Foo ... T_T
I was looking forward to a peaceful lunch.. lol.
Anyway went to the airport(!!!) around 1130am cos' Mr Aw was on MC today. Which means I went to school for an hour of accounts only.
better than none.
So anyhow.
Went with erm, Sin Ling, Willie, Sharon, Licia, Betty, Mei Qi, Maxine, Xiao Jie, Melvin, Niven, Aaron, Chester & Brandon.
Whose bright idea was it anyway?
After POPEYES(OMFG -.-) we practiced our roleplay till like 245pm then we headed down to Sakae via Skytrain to Terminal 2.
By then, Aaron, Licia, Betty & Willie left.
ERM, anyway. We went for the Sakae Buffet.
Really gonna die already.. Zzz.
BUTTTTT I like the kakiage. Hahaaaa.
Been quite some time since I last had japanese food.. Um.

Conveyor Belt. Well pardon me for being a noob. xD


Mei Qi gave me one of her mango mochi. Haha. SO CUTE!
Okay. So halfway through dinner I had to help Dad pass some goodies to the Jack Daniel thingy down at DFS.
Took the train back to Tampines.. Felt very.. tired.
Met Cl & Val at Tampines Mall then we just window shopped.
Grr. Am eyeing a pair of shoes now. Jesus.
Went to the Hokkaido Fair.. was really hectic & all.
Must go during the off peak hours to avoid the crowd man.
Parents & Dels came back close to 9pm.
Parents packed their stuff and all.. man, they're leaving for KL for some business trip.
Che. I don't like not having them at home..
Gonna miss them. Haha.
Anyway, thanks to Aaron for the Yuya keychain :D

Went to Parkway Parade on Thursday with Yy, Cl & Val. Got there at 3pm with Yy.
Shopped around for a bit. Played at the arcade then left for Bugis at around 5pm or 6pm.
Also shopped around at Bugis.
Went to Dorothy Perkins, Kinokuniya, mostly referred to as Kino by Val & I but referred to Kinokuni by Yy. Lol.
Had dinner at this place beside Mos Burger. Ermmmm. okay.
Went back by 11pm.
OH YES. Was Shou-sama's birthday xD.
Friday, I met Val early and went to Harbourfront to meet Ain first before meeting our Photography Club members.
I think we waited till like 1030am for Nicholas, but he still hadn't arrived so we went on to Vivocity's Skytrain floor to wait for him.
We took the skytrain to the Beach station.
Walked to Palawan then we played games.
HAHA. pretty lame lah.
Icebreaking, Dog&Bone and Police & Theif, also counted as Hide & Seek. Haha.
Um.. Some went back at 3pm but we stayed till around 6pm.
Played frisbee with Valerie. Lol..
Took the train back with Valerie & Ain then I had to go back to bathe and get ready.
Waited for my parents to get back then I had to leave for Punggol End.
Dad fetched me to Punggol End at 1030pm.
Laid out the mat and stuff.
Played erm, TRUTH & TRUTH. Lol.
Chester, Brandon, Sin Ling, Niven, Melvin, Mei Qi, Maxine & I were present. Hah.
Mei Qi Maxine and Melvin left first at around midnight.
Talked and stuff then we went fishing. Haha.
Really light fishing.
Guys were fishing while I talked to Sin Ling. Lol.
Got bitten by idiotic sandflies.
ARGH. pure tortureeeeeee.
Left the place by 6.30am.
Really could not take the bloody sandflies. AHHHHHH.
Cabbed back with Sin Ling... After a quick bath I had a nap till 1245pm where Dels, the best person alive woke me up to go lan gaming..
Dad & Mom took their own ride to Parkway while Dels & I had Gorgor to fetch us there..
We had lunch at some place in Marine Parade instead of Parkway cos' it was wayyyyy too crowded.
I swear Gorgor's driving really makes me nauseous.
Not that I don't like his driving but I think the seatbelts really come in handy.
After lunch parents drove Dels & I to Katong for Lan.
Erm. C&C-ed then we CS-ed.
Lol. Fun lahhhhhh. Argh. I'm starting to love Iceworld much. Haha.
Bus-ed back and got home around 840pm.
As for today..
Woke up at 1pm or 130pm because of DELS yet again. Ate lunch with her in Dad's room while watching Live Earth and Japan Hour. xDDDDD.
Parents came back early.. around.. erm. 2pm.
Mum was cooking dinner very early today cos' Gorgor had to book-in early.
Had dinner at 5pm which is really really really really really early.
Parents fetched Bro to camp and came back to get Dels & I then we went to Parkway Parade. Hoho.
Went to Dorothy Perkins. Heh.
I love shopping with Mumsy. Been so long.
Got Mom's spectacles frame made at last. Omg.Lol.
Went to Gramophone & saw Azizah & Ilyana! HEE.
Staff at Parkway are changing now. GEEE.
Have yet to get my Mandy Moore album and Because I said so... Dvd.
errrrrr. $.$ ahhhhhhhhhh.
Went back at 9pm & I really had to rush through my stupid accounts. (._.)
I want to watch transformers!

Shirota Yuu. xD Hot much? HA.

Che, Massu.Don't touch Yuyaaaaa. Hah.
Today.. I played the good girl and stayed home! Hahaha.
I cleaned my room, I packed the clothes, Washed the clothes and hung them out! Hohohoho. So productive..
Aaron actually came back yesterday.. I thought it was today. Omfg. stupid. -.-
Sorry Aaron!
Yesterday Sharon played the piano for us. Hah, 2nd time she played it for us when we went over.Oh, I've only been there twice. Doh.
Anyway, thanks to Sharon for letting us do our roleplay over at your place..
^^ I love my team members! Haha. [:
Today.. haha, I got ep1 of Hana Kimi!
rah rah rah!!
Nakatsu, Ashiya, Sano!
I love the cast.LOL.
I'm back to blogging now!
Saturday night, around 1130pm I went to the Airport to help my Parents.
We got our passes from T2 then we went in to prepare the Bar. Haha, it was quite fun doing all those stuff. What perked me up was just being in there. Haha(:
Plane set to fly from T2!!
After setting up the bar for T2 we drove to T1 to set up the bar there too.
Did the same thing there then we went to Coffeebean for a drink.. at 2am I think.. Hmmm.
Basically what the Boarding lounge looked like, if that is the correct statement. Haha.
These pictures just show the Central area.
After our drink we went to T2 again to check on the bar over there.
Almost done! Hee.
We left the airport at almost 3AM.
Sunday we had lunch at Bedok Simpang with Parents, Bro, Cheryl & Dels.
After our lunch parents went to the Airport to check on stuff over there then Bro fetched Dels & I to parkway..
We then cabbed back to get Del's IC, troublesome..
Cabbed BACK AGAIN to Katong to Lan.
Lan was really fun especially CS-ing. LOL.
Psdunkilme & bakpao. HAHAHA.
stupid nicknames.
plus plus, booger, orangesmile and uh, erm. tisuprata?
lol. some others I can't really remember.
iceworld was really fun. hoho.
Dad & Mom then picked us up around 1130pm then we went to have dinner at Kallang..
Monday.. HMM. Due to a late night I woke up late.. yupyup.
After getting ready and all Dels & I took a bus down to the airport to study.
We camped at Popeyes. ZZZ. I think I'm really hating popeyes now. Really, really, really, really.
Stayed there till around 7pm then went to Polar Cafe and did a little of accounts. Was waiting for Parents to come but they would be coming only later on..
Took a bus back home with Dels at 8pm.
AS for today..
It was really lame. Lol..
I was supposed to meet Sin Ling onboard bus 34 from my place. I saw the bus coming then I ran for it, LOL. Then, when I reached there, the bus just left. OMFG you know. LOL.
I got up the next bus & met Sin Ling around 10-15mins later at Punggol Interchange.
We took the bus down to Punggol Plaza and met Licia & Sharon! Haha!
Bought stuff for props and all, bought bubble tea while waiting for Chester to come.
We then bought lunch from the food court and walked to Sharon's place! After eating, we got down to doing props and rehearsing our script and all. It was really messy and all but I hope we can really get things up and going! hoho.
Licia left earlier then we just finished up our props & watched TV. lol!
We left at around 6pm then we took the train to Plaza Sing.
Got my stuff exchanged then we went to.. HMM. Carls Jr.
Wow, after much much much consideration?
My love for Carls Jr rekindled but dissolved in a split second.
ZZZZZ. I think I will kill the person that makes me eat Fast Food next. I swear I swearrrrrrr.
Wanted to go the East Coast Beach with Sin Ling & Chester but but, Parents really didn't allow me to.. So I met Val & Cl at Tanah Merah! Haha.
Met Yy at Tampines then we took a bus back.
Tomorrow.. HMM. fetching Aaron from the airport?
Lol, I've been forcing everyone to go down to the airport too much.. no? LOL.
Whee Hana Kimi started today in Japan. HOHOHO.