know some customers are really funny. strange, actually.
i was thinking about this particular customer today. cos' its just like, "what the hell" kind of thing.
One lady, in stead of her daughter, she asked me, Do you have the.. what.. Fall Out Boy latest? Then I replied, Nope, its sold out now.. then she asked me... How you know? I was thinking... lady.. I work here.. If I don't know.. won't it be like. wth kind of thing.. and how I knew? Cos' I bought the last copy.. hahahaha~~
anyway, they happened some time back.
and uh, Fall Out Boy's CDs are in abundance now, so much that its flooding the shop. lol.
there's like, the Deluxe edition. -_- Normal edition, and NOW, the Singapore Edition. thats like 11.90.... ahhhhh.
anyway, yesterday afternoon, there was literally nothing to do. And I complain about it. Haha. I was saying I was bored a few days back and my colleague asked me if I'd rather have something to do or nothing to do..
It all depends actually.. having nothing to do is like.. useless..
crowd came in around evening...
Blood Diamond is still not in our shop yet. argh.
my colleague was sealing some stuff the other day in the storeroom.. and after I returned from my break, I saw this Doraemon(sp?) water bottle on the table behind the counter.. and I was like.. where did this come from? Looks familiar.. and I was like.. observing it.. it had.. "Available only at Gramophone" and "U.P $19.95, now $16.95" tags on it..
I was like, omfg and laughing at. it looks so cute and stupid at the same time.
watched Happy Feet last night.. its like the cutest thing ever... penguins.. haha, especially the dancing.
funny thing was? our label on Happy Feet was "Some Frightening Scenes"
Almost every customer that approaches me thinks I'm malay. I'm like, I'm chinese, they'll be like, oh really ar? lol....
Yesterday, this customer was asking for Spiderman and I was talking to him, suddenly he was speaking Malay and I was like, clueless then I said, I'm not Malay. then he was like, huh? I repeated, I'm not malay he was like, HUH? You not malay ar? Filipino? -_______- CHAMPION MAN THIS GUY.. I told him, er, I'm chinese. He was like, oh ni shi zhong guo ren ah? -_-
Another one... a week or 2 ago.
I approached him then he asked me.. you know this song.. Hui Jia(Going Home) and I was like... er? Hui Jia? You know the artist? He asked his wife or woman friend.. she called her friend to enquire. Then he spoke to me. He said.. hiya, Why no chinese staff here? I told him.. Our chinese staff on leave today. He rplied, HAR? You all should hire more chinese staff leh.. Like that very hard.. Why you all don't want to hire Chinese staff? I was like.. ER? I'm chinese.. He said.. Har? Really meh.. Then Hui Jia, you dono ar?
-_- Like I know all the chinese songs.. Got to be kiddingggg meeee~~~
was mighty boring this afternoon, seriously! and my gums were and still is hurting. :@
really very bored today that I had no choice but to doodle on our "art" book, well, its personal.. lol. mostly my drawings,lol. cos' I'm the most bored one. lol. also made a mini calendar cos' I figured that we needed it. I only made for Apr and May.LOL. but its sufficient, heh heh.
went to Dorothy Perkins during break to get some clothes. HMMM. I spent alot of money on clothes this month... T_T I think close to $300 alr.. But I still need to buy mooooooreeeeeeeee. I must not submit to this temptation..
Shopping is not a sin... Its my therapy. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
todayyyyyyyyyy Val, Cl and Gloria cameeeeeeeeeee. that cured my boredom! haha! always cool to have friends over while working man!
talked for quite abit then I got back to work.. then they came back after their dinner again. Talk for longer than before then they left while I had to go back to work..
Then uh.. my manager, and I, lol. were talking about chocolate lah, then we talked about the mini fair at the center of parkway, at b1. so she was like. uhhhhh, I wanna go and buy chocs.. then I was like, me tooo!! lol... then she said, let me call Razi here(cashier). then she took her wallet then she said, LETS GO! then I was uhh! my wallet! hahahaha! then I went to take my wallet then we went to get chocolates! LOL. we bought 1 box each and one box of biscuits that she reconmmended me, lol~~~~
we shared the chocs amongst our other colleagues, and everyone was like, OH NO, CHOCOLATE. hahahaha!! everyyyyyyyyboooooooodyyyyyy's a choco freak!
my gums are hurting I can't even chew on choco, irritating!lol.
and I got a freaking sorethroat! no more choco! HMPH. >.<
Daddy was very nice today and got me Mika Nakashima's new album and NEW's newest single.. well, cos' YUYA'S in it! heh. D:
oh yah,met Yy together with Cl , Val and Gloria after work at TM. walked home together and we had a chat, hehe:D
happy birthday again my dear!:D
set my alarm to 7am. but ended up waking up at 8.10am cos' it was raining. felt like sleeping in! grrr.
was late when I met Cl. T_T
met Val also then we took a bus to school. met Ain at school. took our photos and all and I bought polo tees. errm errm.
took 31 to Parkway. visited my colleagues then we had lunch together. went shopping! :D:D I missssssss shopping!
went to Dorothy Perkins. then walked around. After Parkway went to.. erm, Plaza Sing. walked around again, then went to Dorothy Perkins again, haha. afterwhich walked to Centerpoint. Went to see my old colleagues! lol, didn't see them ever since I transferred to Parkway.. say.. almost a month. since 3rd March. yupyup. That is.. pretty long yah? haha! Kinda miss them.. kindof! miss their crazyness sometimes,lol.
after that we walked to Paragon. then to Taka! sweet sweet Kinokuniyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! <3333
at around 7, we walked to Heeran. bought my schoolbag.
yup, I'm really broke now:D
looking very very very forward to payday! heh!
Giant is a gathering place for all aunties..
yawnz, finally an off day. been late 4 times and its not even the end of the month yet.. ah crap, how much fine must I pay.geez.
Thursday I had a customer.. looking for NEWS, the group.. referred to me by my colleague.. So I told her, we didn't have it.. lol, and I ended up elaborating alot about it. I told her only HMV had the new single.. the Hoshi something something.. I then told her that we don't sell singles. Then she said, but last time you had the Yama... smth smth. that NewS member name.. Then I said.. Yamapi ar? LOL.. then she was like, yaya! you like ar? lol. then I said, I like Yuya.. then she said.. huh? Oh.. Tegoshi.. lol.. nice to see a nice customer like her in a while.
After that I kenna-ed one Arashi fan customer.. Bloody irritating.. felt like stabbing her on the spot.. She ask me.. for Arashi single.. Then I told her, we only have one old album. Then she was like, ah, show me show me la. Then I said, what song you looking for.. she replied.. ah, wish wish. I asked her.. Hana Yori Dango soundtrack is it.. She was like, ah ah ya la, Hana Yori Dango.. I told her, we didn't have it and she was like, huh. then Love so Sweet leh? I asked her, Hana Yori Dango 2 ar? Don't have it here, only at HMV. she was like HUH, HMV AR. she was damn persistant on getting it at our shop. my god.. -strangle-
bbq.. tomorrow..
today time passed pretty quick. crowd was okay.. met a japanese family.. their children were really handsome and cute, haha! two boys, one girl. my colleague wanted to take a picture of them three so I asked them, and they real nice about it. and its so cute! i will upload soon:D at the end of the picture, the eldest one was like "nan deh" lollllllllllllllllllllllll. so cute!
also today I broke someone's nets card! felt so guilty. luckily the customer was very nice about it! 2 more days to go then its off day! hoorayyyyyyyyy! and and, pay dayyyyyyyy!
monday, registering for higher nitec! hmmm. also having Gramophone BBQ! lol.. I was reading the notice on the board and I was wondering whether to go or not.. Then I saw at the bottom.. attendance is compulsory.. lol. I can predict.. left out ): my colleagues are so nice... and they told me to go.. T_T tear.
everyone is so nice!T_T
yesterday went to Katong with Willie and Wx for LAN.. played Generals first.. Willie... kns.. the army.. like.. what kind... he have alot of power supply and alot of supply drop zone.. what the hell.. kiasu.. looking at his base.. oh my god.. crazy fella..
after that played CS.. sure kenna pwned.. I suck at CS.. never really train. played Generals again after that. It was a tough tough battle! I am proooooooooooooooo! cos' I beat pro.... I have succeeded the throne! heh heh.
today time passed pretty quick. crowd was okay.. met a japanese family.. their children were really handsome and cute, haha! two boys, one girl. my colleague wanted to take a picture of them three so I asked them, and they real nice about it. and its so cute! i will upload soon:D at the end of the picture, the eldest one was like "nan deh" lollllllllllllllllllllllll. so cute!
also today I broke someone's nets card! felt so guilty. luckily the customer was very nice about it! 2 more days to go then its off day! hoorayyyyyyyyy! and and, pay dayyyyyyyy!
monday, registering for higher nitec! hmmm. also having Gramophone BBQ! lol.. I was reading the notice on the board and I was wondering whether to go or not.. Then I saw at the bottom.. attendance is compulsory.. lol. I can predict.. left out ): my colleagues are so nice... and they told me to go.. T_T tear.
everyone is so nice!T_T
yesterday went to Katong with Willie and Wx for LAN.. played Generals first.. Willie... kns.. the army.. like.. what kind... he have alot of power supply and alot of supply drop zone.. what the hell.. kiasu.. looking at his base.. oh my god.. crazy fella..
after that played CS.. sure kenna pwned.. I suck at CS.. never really train. played Generals again after that. It was a tough tough battle! I am proooooooooooooooo! cos' I beat pro.... I have succeeded the throne! heh heh. today was okay. pretty quiet, very boring.
was deciding whether to put the remaining copy of Good Morning Revival out today. lol. I was thinking, nah, why should I. I'm only gonna sell it to the person who asks. LOL. but eventually, I put it up. at like 4 or 5.
I went to rearrange the Good Charlotte part. I displayed Chronicles of Life and Death Dual Disc and Good Morning Revival. Since its a new record. LOL. after a while, I was called by the colleague. Tizbe, you cannot put it like this. Max is 1. then I took the Dual Disc and replaced it with GMR, then he was like, nono, cannot. You have to display the DualDisc one cos' theres offer. Then I was like, OHHH. one guy bought it,lol.
So at night my colleague was like, here, Good Charlotte, sleeve these and put it up. and I was like.......... cooooooooooooooooooooooool. 4 more copies. So on another panel,sort of new releases, there was a spot at the end.. But I shifted everything to the side, then I put Good Charlotte in the center. lolololollolol. biased. hahahah. then my colleague called me again.. Tizbe.. you cannot put it there. Then I was like, WHY! then he said, cos' that side is Indies.. and I was like I didn't know!! then he said, you have to ask. my lord... this kinda things.. I thought it didn't have like, classification and all. what the hell.........
must have annoyed the hell outta him.. what to do? hahaha.
think I pretty much annoyed everyyyyyyyyyyone in the shop. lol.
today, don't know why Taka and Paragon branch want to take our copy of Gundam soundtrack.. lol.
I WANT TO WATCH MUSIC & LYRICS, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS AND AND BECAUSE I SAID SO. starring Mandy Moore! please please anyone, go with meeeeeeeeeeeeeee T_T
went to Adelphi for brunch on Saturday with my parents and Dels. Then went to Funan! went to get harddisk. finally.. can back up and reformat this dang hell computer! after that we went to Vivo.. for a short while only. Mom checked on her promoter while Dels and I shopped around.. bought fox t-shirt,lol. after Vivo.. was off to Parkway! yayyyyyyyyyyy. bought a watch, lol. cos my bloody watch, the thing that holds the strap, broke, wtf. city chain is selling for $98.. I went to another shop, its $76. lol. cool huh:D
had dinner at Pastamania. I miss Pastamania...heh.
After that went to Topshop.. then to Dorothy Perkins and ClubMarc. Bought a hoodie, pwns mannnnnnnnn. bought a pair of sandals also.
i loveeeeeeeeeeeee shopping, don't you?:D
today today! at around 9, 2 copies of Good Morning Revival came in! Lol, I was at the counter then my colleague said, Good Charlotte, just came in. 2 pieces only... something like that and I was like, omfg. so gotta buy it, lol! I bought it anyways, lol. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I got it.. official release date is 27th March. hahaha yay, Good Charlotteeee:D
also today, had the worse luck ever,lol. the scissors sliced my thumb,wtf. bloody disgusting, my whole hand was bloody,lololololol.fking shit. and and, my face was peeling like some shit ass thing,LOL.
I realized something, people who buy NEW AGE music are mostly irritating customers,lol.
and uh, yesterday, lol, my manager let me take back the Mika Nakashima stand up board. lol, so nice of her! hehe:D its a new board, but they never put it up,ohweell.
saturday,went to vivo with willie,wx and wy. met gloria there. pretty fun place. enjoyed pet safari the most. (: would give up my present job for that.
am looking forward to next trip there. got a gap t-shirt.
sunday was back to work at Parkway. lol. family came to visit me, haha. super happy,lol. sneaked out to have lunch with my family at the Thai restaurant. ate in a rush, like 15mins then rushed back to the shop cos' I told them I went for toilet break,lol.
monday,boring boring boring. mom came to visit me! cos' she was checking on her promoter. lol. sneaked out again. went to find mom, then had a drink. and bought chocs, its really nice and its called pods from cocoa trees,which is beside my shop. haha, my colleague first introduced the chocolate to me. she's a choco freak, haha!
tuesdayyyy, finally, last day before leave. today was ok-ok crowd. nothing much to do anyway. two ladies came in with their maltese in their doggy bag, and they're so so so ultimately cute,
left around 9.45,went to bro's chalet,pretty much boring. thinking of getting bro a TopMan shirt. ohwell, still thinking about it. hmm.
its pretty funny working sometimes, there's reallllyyyy nice customers and some irritating ones, my memory is really really bad and I can't remember alot of stuff. argh. I forgot the John Legend latest album title and I told the guy the latest one was the one infront and he showed me this irritating expression and said, this is not the latest one, and I was like, erm, sorry.
wtf, I was pretty much pissed that whole day. to top it off, one lady came in, used nets and it was declined, I was worried and all. argh, I was afraid I'd get a lashing of some sort from my supervisor or manager. but they were nice about it and told me not to kan cheong, lol.. but I was pissed and worried after that. butbut the lady was so nice to come back and pay! thankgod. I brightened up like, the next second, LOL.
been working and working and channel 55's schedule is so tight and fked up now, I can't even catch my Sammul show, and its like up to ep 5 now, what the hell. ARGH. I want to watch lar. omigod. sammul..
my friend asked me... why I like to scold people on my blog.. or whatever in that case... All I can say is for the fun of it, noooooooo harm ok? lol..
whenever I'm working, if "You're Beautiful" is playing.. somehow I will laugh or smirk to myself.. cos' of the sentence "she was with another man", whenever I hear that line, I get reminded of Willie, lol. serious,serious.
cos' Willie always sings that particular sentence it sort of left an impression on me. and the way he sang it was really funny, lol.
will be converting to part time ....soon... yay.. I want paycheck~~
working at Parkway now because of the renovation happening at the Centerpoint outlet.
hmmm. atmosphere is different. Size is around Centerpoint's or slightly bigger. Colleagues are okay. yesterday was boring. Cos' for like 10 hours its all like, spent on walking around the store only.. bloody hell.. wish I had something to do.. felt useless actually. Its like, almost everyone had something to do.. am gonna switch to part time soon..
wanted to go get my shoes yesterday, cos' some bloody moron stole my green shoes..
mother fucker. just when I spent 50bucks on my red shoes, some fucker came and took my green shoes.. asshole.. so gonna give me a lashing if I find out who he is..
tomorrow.. results for ITE applicants will be out.. hmmm, wonder what course I got into.

so tired! know whats the worst thing that can happen while working? not having anything to do of cos! argh. 2nd is, music that really makes me wanna sleep. geeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.
I hate like, omg, Country Music, you know-that-same-ol-guitar-tune. Like.. The Wreckers.. some songs... omg.. Dixie Chicks, Carrie Underwood... oh my god.. Country zzzz.
Peter Grant... ahhhhhhhhhh so boring... No wonder I feel so tired and keep yawning.
Today, at Paragon again! oh lord! but but the people there are really nice! Yesterday manager treated everyone to Kfc, but I rejected, so malu, lol! First time I met her then she treat me.. same as my other supervisors.. lol. such a cute bunch, hahaha.
today spent most of my time putting out stock... tiring. blah.. today got treated again. -_-
had dinner at Whampoa..... I love Whampoa T.T My
Then my supervisor called and I'm gonna be working at Parkway! OOOhh... New environment... hmmmm... yayyyyyyyyy means I'll be with a good supervisor tomorrow! lol.
just tahan for one more day! yipee..
i think, if you really like to do something, but without the skills to do it, isn't that dream just a waste? if you really like japanese, but, if it requires you to do a test on chinese chars, and you fail, will that mean you're unable to learn japanese? just an analogy. whatever.
all i want to say is, we're all not blessed with skills right?
like, if you wanna learn art in an art school, I don't see why they actually wanna take in only those that are like, really good in it or something. its like, not giving others a chance.
those who took art in secondary school are not required to take the entrance test, which is really unfair. then why have the test? might as well just accept those that are already art-inclined or something.
everyone's been really supportive and all, thanks to everyone. but it all boils down to the exam. yeah. I didn't have any shit confidence or whatsoever. I kinda gave up on myself. so, hello to ITE once again though I really don't want to.
yay for payday.