will be going to hong kong tomorrow, sad case, only spent 2 and a half days in Tokyo.
ERM. as for requests, I've got Wx's, lol. As for willie... erm, Domo, I could not get it as I did not go to the NHK building, which is the TV station, so, I will try to get something else! yupyup.
its currently raining in the part of Tokyo i'm at now, which is Asakusa, its realleh cold.
been raining since early morning.
We had chinese food at Asakusa this morning, then we headed down to Akihabara again, haha.
played the tikam tikam bleach thingy again.. bloody tempting, hahahaha.
bought a LaLa monthly manga magazine thats like, even thicker than a school book, LOL. but theres Ouran premium inside, besides it only cost like 400yen, where like, kinokuniya sells it at like, almost $20? psycho. couldn't get my artbooks. could not find it at akihabara. I just remembered that I wanted it like, yesterday, sad case, have to get it from kinokuniya now, T_T
I will miss Japan. Oh, whats the best thing about Japan? EVERYTHING, haha.
people here are so very polite!
so far, almost everyone we encountered have been very accomodating! and very very polite.
don't forget the school guys and pretty school girls, woooooooooooot.
its currently my last and 2nd day of tokyo, argh. im so gonna miss everything. first day was in shinjuku, and we reached at like, so bloody late. so the next day we had to go up to nagoya prefecture, is it nagoya? lol. it was really really cold up there but still enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. okay, so erm. next day we were up at shigagoken? we went skiing, lol! bloody holey fun but er, lol, it was tiring skiing, i swear, lol.
24th we made our way back to tokyo, then we went to harajuku! coolest place ever, lol. but a pity i could not get a freaking self piercer! GEEZ.
25th we went to akihabara, where we can get lotsa toys! manga, anime!
the anime dvds are really really ex. T.T
after akihabara, went to shibuya. got back to hotel at almost 10. yupyup.
so gonna miss this place. will be going to akihabara later on again.
i havent really gotten the time to shop so like, any gifts on request, i will try to get it okay!
merry belated christmas everyone!
any requests to buy anything please please let me know via sms by tomorrow morning unless you don't mind the overseas fees..
saw this commercial on TV, the song.. I believe, what the hell.. that Xin Hui sing chinese version of Ayaka's song.. -__- Ayaka better than her, lah. LOL.
Christmas this year is pretty dull. Not much mood in it. yupyup. Seems like.. its not really regarded as a celebration anymore. hmmm.
pretty much packed about I think.. everything.. Hope I don't leave anything out. Only thing I wanna bring is chewt chewt, lol. Worried about them being home.. ARH. This always have to happen everytime we go away.. -sigh- take care everyone. will be back on 30th or 31st :D. hohohoho.
oh my goodness gracious me, 1 more day, BAHAHAHAA.
6 months to 3, 3 months to 1. 1 month to 1 more day! =D
I had a real ridiculous dream last night. It had artic foxes, wth right? Lol, and it bit my phone I was so sure it got cracked or scratched, I was so worried and regretted not having the crystal casing on, lol. When I removed the cover, lol, no scratches whatsoever, WTF. lol.
Then somehow it led onto me playing a game with my brother at the arcade, even more WTF. It was a shooting game, forgot what was it. Suddenly this stupid bloody dinosaur came out of nowhere and chased me around the arcade, my stupid brother was just lazing around and I was running away from the dinosaur, WTH! I got caught and my brother was just doing his own thing, lololololol. I told him to use the flamethrower to kill the dinosaur, LOL. He kinda hesitated before shooting, lol..
ah, I forgot how it ended. Ended quite abruptly..
Today was a homestay. yupyup.
I spent it.. HMM. oh, watching Ah Wang at 1, LOL. Yes, I passed Monday and Tuesday by watching various animes. Mainly, Busou Renkin, D.Gray-man, Death Note and Bleach.
Death Note sorta was like an anime I didn't plan on watching even though I got it in my computer.. but uh, I duhno. Got started and it leaves you wanting more, hahaha. Its exciting, hahahaha.
Kira is so damn evil.. Geez.. Why Miyano(Tamaki) so evil, the voice is quite irritating, especially when he laughs. LOL. Please go back to being cheerful idiotic Tamaki kay? haha.
Ah, but as for L.. haha, its all good. got that suspense-kinda-voice going there. Very different from Inuyasha indeed. But, still good.. lol.
I can only say.. Ryuk, very irritating when he laugh.. Voiceover is the same as the one in the movies 1 and 2.
Past few days have been raining. Great weather.. Sleepy weather.. Only thing is clothes cannot be hung out to dry.. bummer.
went to Bugis today and yesterday.. went with Dels today. went with Val, Yy and Cl yesterday...
didn't do much.. went to Bugis Street and the arcade both days.
Saw Sam Chua yesterday, haha! fate. xD
went on to meeting Dels and Mom at PS. Had dinner with family at Changi.
5 days more man! hohoho can't wait.
took a cab down to Plaza Singapura today cos' I left the house at 1240 which is like, BLOODY LATE, lol. Supposed to meet them at like, 1. >.<
To top it off, I just applied a coat of nail polish and it was ruined by my hair pins, it looked like crap. geez.
saw bella there first.. chatted till like 1.15+ then walked to Carls Jr. to meet Sam Chua, Bel and Bernice cos' we waited at the wrong exit, haha.
We had lunch first, at Pasta Mania. Then went on to meeting Sam, then Rach. Took neos today, haha. waited for like, damn long cos' we wanted to go and like, people went in first. yupyup.
ERRM. walked around at Carrefour for like, a very short while..
chilled at Macs, was raining at that time. Was talking about Primary School times, lol.
How we used to break into the Gym at Tech Block, LOL. and uh,
LOL, BELLA GETTING STUCK IN THE TOILET, LMAO. And Sam's Center Parting, HAHA. I got to see both Sams EZ Link today, HAHA.
We talked about lotsa stuff. :D
Anyway, after a while, Bella left. The the rest of us headed down to X-zone near PC Bunk at around Dhoby Ghaut MRT. Sam Ang left after awhile. Hanged around there for awhile before leaving at, 6+? Took the train back. Got home ardound 7.
Haha, it was really fun hanging out today, although it was preeettttttyyyyyyyyyy awkward at the beginning! Everyone.. didn't change much in character, actually.. The way everyone talks is pretty much the same too. Rachel did change in the way she talked though, but its cool. :D
I'm gonna miss everyone! Meeting again, next month! :D
its early, but, Happy Birthday Sam Ang and Bel! :D So sweet of Rach to get em' chocs. i didn't get anything. :/
though Rach thinks they think shes condemned or influenced or whatever, I'm sure they don't think that way, I don't either babe.
Rach study hard. I too do regret not studying hard, lets work hard now, together!
GNAWR. am missing everyone (._.)
blogging as of Wednesday, 13 December's post.
well I must say I spent a fair bit of money today. T_T
met Cl first, then met the rest at the interchange. Made our way down to Marina. Reached at about.. 4plus.
so erm, played at the arcade first! haha, house of dead is so damn fun I tell you! abit pricey though. HMM.
had dinner at around 6? yupyup. It was okayyyyyy lah but er, stupid thang kept splatting all over, WTF.
went to the arcade again after dinner. Played house of the dead again, hohoho, with Willie this time. Erm. er, then playedd... LAN! HAHA. Played Counter Strike, what the hell, 1 hour passed like, so quickly. LIKE 10 MINUTES -_-
Been so long since I last played, lol, realleh suck.
played Daytona afterwards, 2 matches. Haha, Wy went into Pit Stop.. I hereby congratulate Mr Ong Wee Yeng, going into pit stop, something we never did before, LOL. and congratulations on being 5th for both rounds, hahahahaha.
reached home at 11.30pm... catched last episode of war of the in-laws, hohoho.
outing tomorrow with Sam Chua&Ang, Bernice, Isabel, Isabella, Rachel! YAY.

Dad asked me, Are you gonna bring Domo-kun back to Japan this time?
I said, Yeh, duh, its on my bag. Lol,
Dad said: Wah, so lucky ah this Domo, he's going back home. -_- what the hell,
9 more dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys, yataaaaaa! hahahaha!
16th Bleach Movie out. ahhhh, means We'll be able to see posters of it?
coooooooooool... (^.^)v
was watching the "Nan Ren Bang" on Channel U yesterday, HONG KONG! WOO!
yay, all pumped up now!
I can't wait to go to Hong Kong, yay yay yay!
I wanna go Disneyland to see the fireworks cos' we missed it last year in Tokyo, ARH.
come Sammul, LETS GO! HAHA.
Daddy says Mom and I watch too much HK Dramas and they we're bothering him, lol.
Dad says that Mom always ignore him when she watches Channel 55. LOL.
So Daddyy said, Luckily we're going away, then you won't bother me anymore.
Mom told Dad: you forgot ah? WE GOING TO HONG KONG LEH and mom broke out into a horrific laughter, lol.
Dad was like, oh yah ah, I forgot. LOL.
Dad keeps imitating Ah Wang now, we're all turning into retards.. hahaha.
read 8 days today, saw this TVB calendar, SAMMUL >.<
anybody see that calendar, please tell me where to get it, kay? hohoho.
anyone watched Star Awards? Francis Ng looked so cool O_O Rui En's get-up and hairstyle, thumbs up! haha.. too bad Fann Wong didn't get any prize.. boo. Elvin didn't get Newcomer award.
went to fetch Dels earlier, then went to pick Mom up from Centrepoint then we went to Great World City. Dels sorta ate her lunch at Kenny Rogers. Then we left for Vivo City around close to 6? Mom had to check her promotions there.
Saw Shan Wee and Carrie Chong there, cos' there was a fashion show today. Yep. Haha. Walked around with Dels.. cool place.. Anybody wanna go? :D I WANT!
Basically, its shops and shops only, sorta like, Megamall in KL.
Afterwhich went to Giant, lol~
Met parents then went to MJ. bought 3 cds today. omg >.<
Dad sponsored my AFI and ayaka! yeahhhhh, got ayaka's record!
never thought I'd actually find it there, hurr.
I had to pay for Ayumi's cd. lol. even more penniless now.
went to East Coast for dinner.
well well. lets see..
saw Julian Hee at East Coast at night (._.) and met a Caucasian at East Coast too.. whats to great is that.. His chinese was rather fluent.. maybe even better than mine, lol.
went to Bugis yesterday, walked around and had, what, Macs for lunch... -_-
Took the train back to Tampines at around 5.45pm? Went home, got changed. As Dad was leaving.. took a ride from him to Junyuan. Met Wy there, he was there.. like so early.
Val came later on.. then er, Nigel. Followed by Wl and Cl, then Gloria. Wx came at 9+. Willie... 10+? played daidee but I didn't know how to play.. lol.. thankfully Cl help me.. played Poker and Blackjack.. okay... reached home at midnight, on the dot. haha.
had a dream last night.. haha, obviously. Dreamt that I was in Tokyo.. but, I think.. we were like at those kinda.. laidback side. Like, no shopping and all. Then we were supposed to return to Singapore, but we didn't do any shopping for visit Harajuku, wth? lol.
hokay, 13 days more! so pumped up~~
might be going out with our "ol-gang" on monday, army family? LOL.
hokay, hopefully, everyone will turn up, I don't wanna miss it, hope it'll be fun. err.
Sams, Bel, Bernice, Bella, Veron. ME and hopefully Rachel? I duhno.
first day of holidays.. am stuck at home. hopefully I'll be out tomorrow, hohoho.
woah, actually this year ended really really really quick. was unwilling to even go to school at first, lol.
Oh but friendships were strengthened, some just kinda faded further.. but overall it was good... Got to know more people.. got to even meet up with my primary school mate! LOL~ 1 in a 1000 chances I guess. Hmm. but all's good.. I graduate with no regrets, muahaha..
hope to meet up with sam and the rest soon~~
NO MORE:- waking up early in the morning.
- ironing uniform EARLY in the morning.
- wearing of uniform, garrr!
- squeezing with people on buses.
- taking bus to and fro everyday.
yes, I'm
almost to my main point..
NO MORE SCHOOL TILL APRIL, OMFG!AKA SCHOOL'S OUT!lol, what am I to do till then? Haha.
- resume watching all my anime. rofl.
- play command & conquer, LOL.
- resume manga reading.
hey, thats about it. OH YA. HAHA, get a job. -_-
am slacking till January, lol. seems like December is gonna be busy for me.
well, look what i found:

Bleach event? Jiro is Renji? -_-
oh well but for now i'm off to watch tv, haha.
back from KL! reached Singapore at about 4.44pm, lol.
woke up at like 10am on the dot cos' Dad woke us up for breakfast, which my parents bought from.. nearby. Breakfast was.. okay. took a bath.. left before 12. reached the lobby, realised that I left my whole bloody file upstairs, lol. FCUK! my favourite drawing was in it.. T_T
plus plus all my notes for exam, OMG. My past test papers and all my revision we got from my teachers. wtf~ can't get any smarter than that.. i swear T_T ah but.. can I have my drawing back? (._.)
had dinner at Whampoa before coming back.. will post pictures now, haha~
our hotel lobby!
stairway to restaurant or coffee house?
our room's view from the door.
sink~ lol

my bed!! haha~
View of Twin Towers from our room.
Christmas decorations at Midvalley Megamall.
View of Twin Towers(Petronas Towers) from our cab's window on last night. T_T
View of clouds on way back~
well, this trip was really short. only had a day to shop, hardly anything was accomplished. went down to Sungei Wang on Saturday.. Didn't even drop by KLCC or Timesquare, lol. Went to Megamall after Sungei Wang. Megamall = boring, seriously. Though its like godly big, lots of shops, everything's abit highly priced, not suitable for a penniless person like me -_-
had dinner at Jalan Alor as usual. Mom then went off for meeting then we walked around. Catched a cab at midnight. We got back at the hotel, 45 minutes later, why? cab driver didn't know where we were staying! lol~ Sherington Imperial la!
saw one guy that was totally drunk and couldn't walk properly. Sat down and fell off, lol, crucial man!
ah but it was quite enjoyable AND hardly studied cos' whenever I looked at my notes, my attention either goes to the tv, i'd be concentrating on my music or sleeping, lol. 2 more days till my nitec year ends! and seriously, have not even taken nitec exam and my "classmate" is thinking of higher nitec course.. ahh~~ madness.
18 more days to EOY trip!
will be going to Tokyo on 21st, then to Hakone on 23rd or 24th for onsen, after that will be back to Tokyo again. Afterwhich will be transiting to Hong Kong on 27th or 28th. Will be back either on 30th Dec or 1st Jan.
18th Jan will be going up to KL again for Mom's business trip again. argh, of all dates.
27th Jan will be going up to Bangkok for Mom's friend/client wedding. geez..
but.. first things first.. ALL THE BEST TO EVERYONE TOMORROW!
hello everyone!
currently reporting from KL! reached here, i think at close at 8. left SG at 3plus. Not bad, got here quite fast~ lol. was studying but, totally dropped the idea after reading a lil' bit. lol, slept during trip. oh, serious man, need an Ipod Nano, stupid mini now can last barely 6hours, T.T
had dinner around Jalan Alor.. in the hotel now.. staying at Sheraton Imperial.. will post pics later.. interior looks great.. the Entrance looks abit gothic, hohoho.
ah but, anyway, study hard everyone!