coolness. hahaha.. went to Adelphi for brunch with parents and dels.. then went to Funan's Apple Centre to see the new nano. erm.. kinda long.. is very different from the 1st generation of the Ipod Nano. Aluminium finish, looks totally like the Ipod Mini, only slimmer, much much slimmer. the new 4gb nano's pink is real yucky. totally different colour tone compared to the mini. but the others look the same. the 2nd generation nano had rounded sides and edges and is more scratch resistant. and uh, it isn't reflective behind. um, yeah.. i think this is much slimmer? much brighter display also. read this from the reviews i was searching for online. yeah, er. back to my day. after Funan went to Parkway Parade, Dels went to TM. errrm.. followed Mom around .. Dad came to pick us up then we went to Hougang Pt.. bought some stuff for dinner then we went to around Grandma's place.. met up with her.. haha =D fetched her back then we came back..
went to the beach yesterday and.. my god.. i saw like so many people.. in a day. haha. saw like peeps from ijtp.. didn't see them in like 4 years.. saw peeps from jyss.. and from ite.. must be real popular.. booking chalets yesterday. garr.
okay, once tomorrow is over its down to 2 weeks and 2 days to the end of our holidays. yes, almost 2 months left in school till our whole year ends. damn, time flies real fast. god.. and then it'll be time for holidays and vacations!
mom told me there was this youth ambassador thing happening at the airport.. was real pumped up in attending an interview but when i told dad, he said at least work during december since my holiday is only 3 weeks for now. yeah, i guess. well. time to start saving for a laptop and my ipod. then again, theres still money to save for year end vacation. argh. expenses expenses. gotta catch a few flicks this month. yeah, there goes my guitar and drum lessons i planned on attending for awhile. first, gotta get cash.
8gb Ipod Nano $428. 30gb Ipod $428. what the helllllllllll. okay, like why am i awake at 7am.. AHHHHHHHH.
didn't do much today cept slacking. megaupload is trying to kill me by not letting my download my show. T_T
but anyway, had dinner with parents and dels at kallang.. gonna be there again for SI showdown tomorrow. am mighty reluctant to go.. but so as not to waste the tickets.. am gonna go with parents and dels. its gonna be rad man, going with my parents. lol~
just checked the summary for blood and yes, the long fight has ended, yep. blood+ has ended its series today with hagi dying.
a "WTF" ending.
hagi did not have to die.. seriously. wonder if there will be a sequel since diva's children are still alive.. i hope hagi revives. lol.. without him i think the show's like, what the hell... saya can't fight without him! ARGH.. what the hell what the hell! tomorrow school rumble's ending too.. wonder what ending there will be... argh.
didn't go to school today. err met cl and went to school together, was kinda late but anyway am over and done with the tennis test, mighty glad. afterall, i know da' outcome. outttttt.
bah, but anyway, vacations have started! 3 weeks. finally.. ah.. but there's still SOT proj to be done. oh man.. it'll pass soon enough. pfft.
and uh,
thanks for raining on my parade. -you know who-
finally, projects and tests are over and done with! hols! hell yeahhhh! can finally catch up with anime i've missed.. ahhhhhh blood+ is ending.. which means new anime! death note and perfect girl evolution aka my fair lady's anime is starting on the 3rd of october and death note movie is on the 19th oct! definately looking forward to it. gonna start watch gachibaka. lol.
well anyway, a 40gb hard drive costs like almost 200bucks.. while a 8gb nano costs like almost 450.. rad... definately need a hard drive..
blahhhhhh. poor mom cried today cos of work.. T_T i'm gonna bust that person who made my mom cry!! grrr.

remastered ipod nano! 2gb, 4gb and 8gb! whoo! the last time, 4gb was $428 but its reduced to $348 now with 8gb taking up the $428 price tag. really cool.. up to 24hours playback. i want this baby! only black available for 8gb but it doesn't bother me! lololololol.
went to ichiban at parkway parade for lunch with parents and dels.. after that went to bedok for awhile then to eastpoint.

stupid fcukass = 3 engineering students i encountered today.
was walking out of the lift's corridor out to have brunch with Cl and 1 guy followed by 2 others were just round the corner to our direction. so when we reached the junction, this fuckass, was like "MOVE" damn effin' loud, and he seriously fking pissed me off not like i was in their way or somethin and they walked off laughing. i soo wanted to shout at him at that point. fking loser.. i hope they stay in ite for the rest of their lives..
anyhow, had brunch, val joined us halfway. then this girl.. eileen, introduced us to some games.. actually, that noble one.. quite fun. lol. wl came after awhile.. played like from 12+ - 2.30pm. lol~ was raining heavily all that while.. skipped tennis for today.

catched The Host yesterday with Val, Willie and Wx and Century Square. stupid dumb crappy #%#$%^%^$ show!! the monster's was really fake and it looked like an an*s to me. lol!! and why does his mouth open up like petals? oh my gosh.. nevaaaaaa watching a show like that again. but next up i wnna watch.. Gigolo Wannabe, that Louis Khoo & Jacky Chan show and that Christian Bale(Batman) and Hugh Jackman(Wolverine) show!! i forgot the titles though. but since Gigolo Wannabe will be the first amongst all to start i wannnaaaaaaaaaa catch it firrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssst. bahaha. anyway, my worst nightmare is tomorrow! roleplay! AGH. how am i supposed to... erm.. like.. make this retarded angry face... especially while talking to my friend infront of a teacher.. what has this course gotten me into... -_-

school was so boring and now we have this new assistant BSA teacher.. i don't know how to address him but Mrs Ng calls him.. Vincent i think. lol. and, i tell you. he's STRANGE. he was looking at me project while i was doing some changes then he said,
"oh you're the one that lost the project, you know how i know? cos' your teacher said it was this brand, how do you pronounce it? fiack?" and i was like. oh...my..god.. its pronounced "f-c-u-k" and he's like "yah i know, what how to pronounce?" and i repeated, "f-c-u-k" and he was like.. "huh? i know.. but how do you pronounce it?" AND i told him again is "its pronounced as f-c-u-k" oh my goodness..LOL. he said "oh! like that ah.." and he was like murmuring to himself.. fiack..fiack.. and he walked away.. what...the...helll.... why.. do i get such a strange teacher out of the blue?! T_T
GAHHHHHH but anyway im almost done with my crappy ppt proj. all's left are some touch-ups and i'm reeaaaaaaaaaaddddddy to go! oh and uh, had our lame office procedures test today and uh, roleplay is coming up, i've not even memorized my script. ahhhhhhhh but anyway! hahaha. why does yuya look so girly.. but..so.... c-u-t-e. ohhhhhh! and uh, happy 17th birthday bea!! =D

yeah, great expression you have there, Sakaki.

can someone remind me that he's actually a guy? cos he looks like a girl. bahhhahaha. mighty cute! lololololol~
hoh. hanyway, im gonna get sunday's post in here. had lunch at pizza hut at tampines mall with parents and dels.. well, thanks to dels.. bought a new thumbdrive.. or should i say.. flashdrive? yeah, flashdrive.. my thumbdrive is really.. really.. lost.. lol, mrs ng told me that. haha! hope my project just doesn't get copied or something..

ahhhhhhhh. when is this phone coming out.. hopefully by next year!
i want this. come home with my baby. lol!
school was actually crappy today. went to school with Cl today, at like, 8.10am. then we were informed by fellow classmates that lessons were cancelled for the day? what the hell.. and like, ARGH. met Hui Yi, Poh Yee and Ain at the bus stop. had a short chat then Cl made a mad dash for the 31bus. lol! reached home at like 8.40am+ i think? had a nap till like 1pm. lol. then i went to meet Cl(again) for tennis. reached school and it was like drizzling. what the hell. bummer! but luckily the sun came out again! learned volley. didn't learn smash today. having our test next week. yeah. will definately fail. sheesh. tennis ended at 4. took a cab back with Cl and had a quick bath before meeting Val, Wl and Wy! yep yep. got our Jay cd today. lol. woo~ weekend's here!
somebody help my find my thumbdrive please! lost it in #04-18 business block! urgent T_T my project is at stake..
dang. was actually having abit of a irritable side to me today cos' i was kindof tired due to lack of sleep yesterday. so if i had this kinda, bad side to me today, my bad! hah. my keyboard is giving me problems! geez!
anyway, school was mighty short today. ended at 1130.. reached home at 12.10pm. went out to Hougang for lunch with Dad and Dels.. came home at around.. 2.20pm.. yeah. slept at like 3+ to like, almost 8. haha. tennis this week.. 230pm till 4pm. T.T
rhinos and elephants look so cute together! lol. was watching animal planet.. they look so cute together.. wonder what its like.. to be.. a... caretaker of the animals.. ahhhhhhhhhhh.. oh god.. i think my computer is dying by the minute.. yesterday it kinda got infected by spyware, firewall disabled and i couldn't get it back up.. my gosh.. at least its okay now.. gotta call and get on-site repair. sheesh.
oh, i guess almost everyone has heard like, about Steve Irwin's death right? poor guy.. so, sudden.. T_T ughhhh. will miss that guy. tomorrow there'll be a show about him at 8pm, Animal Planet, chn10(scv). man, msn is flooded with tortises/turtles. lol.
ahh ahh, i wonder what its like performing on stage, with a band.. be it, being the guitarist, bassist, drummer or singer.. seeing some of those bands playing live.. i wonder how they feel each time they go onstage... guess i'll never know.. but being so happy as to cry after a live concert.. they're really living their dream.. ahh ahh. cooolness.
went for lunch at peace centre at like.. 2.20pm with my parents and dels... had hokkaido hotpot! tasty? my soup sucked.. lol!!
here's our table
some seafood paste thingy, kinda ruining my soup. lol.
this is kinda what we had. lol.
my crappy soup.. T_T
this conconction is said to help digestion.. lol~
ice cream! hohoho.
my parents being so cute, i wanted to post a picture of them! XD
haaha. after lunch.. went to funan centre.. went to challenger and uh, apple centre.. yeah.. after which, went to heartland mall for awhile before coming home.. yep.
bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i wanna go to COMEX... IT show at EXPO! T_T i want a laptop.. but thats a dream.. only a dream.. ahhhhh. new SONY T10!! 7.2mgpx, carl zeiss lens, anti-shake and can even play music!! $599. and HP Pavilion Desktop PC at only $1,699. 512MB RAM, wireless lan, 9-in-one media card reader and even TV PORT!!! AHHHH. HP Pavilion dv2000 Series Entertainment Notebook from $2,599. Integrated 1.3mgpx webcam, scratch resistant and HP QuickPlay 2.1 with HP Remote Control: Watch DVD movies, listen to music, browse photos - all without starting Windows. beyond my dreams... -gasp- dying... i..need.. to.. save money.. i haven't got my monthly allowance.. i can barely last. lol! and and, i don't know why gor gor has the brown adidas bag! AHHHHH. (so random, lol.) the classic one!! stupid dumb dumb bought it from Thailand.. i want... and he's sharing!! v(^_^) hahahahaha! parents going to airport again tonight. -sheesh-
Let it all out (get it all out)Rip it out, remove it
Don't be alarmed, when the wound begins to bleed
'Cause we're so scared to find out (what this life's all about)
So scared we're gonna lose it
And knowing all along
That's exactly what we need
And today I'll trust you with the confidence
of a man who's never known defeat
But tomorrow, upon hearing what I did
I will stare at you in disbelief
Oh inconsistent me, crying out for consistency
And you said "I know that this will hurt
but if I don't break your heart, then things will just get worse.
If the burden seems too much to bear,
remember, the end will justify the pain it took to get us there."
And I'll let it be known (at times I have shown)
Signs of all my weakness
But somewhere in me, there is strength
And you promised me (that you believe)in time I will defeat this
'Cause somewhere in me, there is strength
went to pasta mania(again) with Dels at tm for lunch.. walked around for a bit before going home at like 2+.. was kinda boring just surfing the net and all. ohh er.. NANA 2 movie will make its debut in uh, Dec. yeahhhhhh. thats fast.. trailer is out on its official website too. though its just Mika singing.. from NANA 1. anyway. went dinner at the airport!! yay~ XD! went to Popeyes at Terminal 1 with Dad and Dels.. then mom came to meet us. after mom finished eating.. mom went over to Terminal 2 to check on her staff.. after eating.. dad, dels and i went to the viewing mall! cool.. but no planes taking off though... left after a while.. then went ta' pick mumsy up.. was around.. 1140 when we came back~