hey dudes.
taking bus to school is kinda, ew-wy?
i didn't think that your ass touching another's was fun..
esp. when having close contact with strangers?
>.< ... kindof sick leh..
hahaha, okay besides that,
school's been kinda fine lately.
there are 2 tests coming up.
or more..
tomorrow's the OFO test,
a.k.a. office organization.
on thursday we're having..
elementary book keeping mock test..
oh how i loathe that subject.
i can hardly cope.
not to mention that the deadlines of our projects are nearing.
well, guess i gotta read up on the topics.
hello all..
its dad's birthday today..
wonder where we're going.
finally, i've finished fruits basket series.
i thought it was a cute show.
and kindof funny.
sad too.. yah..
i still gotta like, finish my bleach..
latest is like 70..
im still stuck at.. .. 67..
and my naruto is stuck at 90..
latest is 172..
blood + is kinda nice too.
but kindof gruesome..
oh crap, forgot to do my homework.

You're Momiji - the rabbit!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?
just like plants, without constant care,
it will wither.
just like humans,
without bonding, we'll stray apart from each other..
doesnt change and will never change.
strange isn't it.
while from strangers to friends..
without constant conversations, we return to being strangers.
and exchange words so few, its like,
our friendship never existed.
while some others never cease to dissappear.
its kinda strange if ya think about it.
what happened to us?
hey peeps.
nafa's over for now..
lets just say it was kinda gay. haha.
and maluating..
school's been a pain.
barely 2 months..
glad like, at least we're lik communicating more.
as in, our new classmates..
anger always gets the best of me.
and i've hurt my parents and grandma..
why i shun them..
what hurts the most is why they think i'm angry?
its freaking irritating.
my watch.. hurt.. argh.
i mean like,
if i voice out to defend myself..
why must they say i can't talk back..
i rarely do..
and i just like, its not my fault ..
hello all.
its almost the end of the week..
and.. like, nafa's on monday..
geez. have like 3 projects on hand now.
caught up..
ebk's been a bore too..
we're like doing.. two column cash book alr..
why so fast..
my teacher's a psycho..
happy valentine's day everyone!
life's okay.
i believe i know myself more than anyone else..
haha, so lame..
been kinda cranky and abit hot-tempered these few days.
guess the heat's getting to me.
gotta exercise some self tolerance here.
kay so anyways..
sam and sam.. well, both!
they got me a cute lil. cat!
cat right? its a beanie..
so cutes..
>.< i didnt get anything..
i'll make it up, promise my dears!!
love them much much with sugar and honey on top!
heard from parents they going to hongkong next week.
better bring me along or else..
i will skin myself alive!!
school's been a hassle.
and with upcoming nafa test which is like, 20th feb..
its like, holy macoroni!!
and we have like 2 nafa tests in a year?
long hours in school.
time equals money,
and im in need of cash..!
haha, irrelevant..
just being random here. >.<
back for more updates of my "entertaining life"
school's has been going on for like almost a month now..
or its already been a month?
oh rightey.
sorta got used to ite life..
but its really boring..
crikey, am having like, cca this friday.
and when is tennis like gonna engage me?
lol >.<
rigghtey. will be back with more updates.
ta ker..
woke up with a headache.. yet again.
went to whampoa for lunch.. or brunch..
errr.. then went to hougang point..
then went home..
tried doing ebk lah..
but still..
wa lao..
i think.. it sucks..
our teacher..
i think she teaching herself.
go so fast.. think what..
i blog bout yesterday.. lol.
went to m'sia yesterday!
picked sherman, lester and ah yi from simei..
then went to pick popo from serangoon..
after which went to .. woodlands checkpoint?
after that went to kukop..
i think.. whatever that place is in lah..
its a place where they stay in houses on stilts..
in the... sea?
then we had lunch!
after lunch walked around..
bought firecrackers!
then we took a boat to.. the fishing kelong..
and we played the rocket!
we lit it and it flew.. quite far up.. a few storeys at that!
ah- haha!
we finally reached the kelong..
it was kinda scary..
cos we were in the middle.. of the sea..
and.. its just wood.. floating.. a house.
my god..
and 4 dogs!
2 brown 2 black >.<
scared scared..
there we saw the archer fish!
dogshark.. which is kinda small.. compared to great white.. lol.
and the king crab!
and puffer fishy too.. lol.
soon we took the boat back..
then we drove to some deserte place where we played firecrackers!
it was fun!
all of us had a go.. gorgor, dels, sherman, lester and i!
we all tried.
after that we drove to JB.
where we went to city square! just next to the checkpoint!
we went.. duh, shopping!
the greatest thing to do!!
went to adidas!
cos' i wanted to find the bag i wanted..
but to no avail..
shit lah!
then went to another adidas shop..
still no..
and nike.. nonono! stupid lah!
by that time is was almost 8!
we had dinner at vivo, a western cafe.
we had.. pizza, spags, chicky wings, rice.. and mushroom soup.. on the house!
haha, we shared our food..
after that.. had to do some last min. shopping.
cos we were running outta time.
wanted to get puma shoes for school.. but didnt.
cheap lah!
bought a pair of earrings.
then we left.
for home!
it was fun!
fun fun fun.
planning to go back this saturday.
wooooo hoo!
haha, what a way to start my blog entry.
school was kindof okay lah.
had PIE.. which is kinda like personality thingy.
and then we had effective communication?
haha.. all she did was talk and i was bored.. to death.
and then we had office organisation..
i love that teacher.. as if..
practically had to sit through all their crap..
but i felt kinda temperamental today..
cos' i wasn't feeling well and that kinda sparked off something.
i had a bloody headache that was freaking hell pissing me off..
not to mention blocked nose that was... argh!
and dono why my throat was feeling off..
but not a sorethroat though..
oh wells..
had lunch..
dad bought..
didnt have to go down.
back to blog..
how long has it since i've last blogged..
god knows since when..
so far, ite life has been kinda hectic..
but i think it's kinda improving lah..
i think..
in a way..
feeling kinda groggy..
i'll be back with more updates..
till then..
and.. oh! happy chinese new year!
back to blog..
how long has it since i've last blogged..
god knows since when..
so far, ite life has been kinda hectic..
but i think it's kinda improving lah..
i think..
in a way..
feeling kinda groggy..
i'll be back with more updates..
till then..
and.. oh! happy chinese new year!