went to get prom night clothes today.
had little money to use but dels kept asking me to buy her fucking clothes.
wonder who's prom night it is.
i think i had priority to buy but she kept insisting that she buys
cant she get it tomorrow when we go shopping?
i dont understand her freaking mentality
whenever i pack the place she messes it up for me.
eat her fucking sweet and when it drops on the floor
she doesnt bother to pick it up.
now my ipod and digicam wires are fucking sticky all thanks to her.
and when i tell her off, she laughs it off.
what kind of fucking attitude lor?
when i tell her off she talk back
who the fuck she think she is?
not i want to scold la huh.
she really gets on my nerves.
her fucking pride is too high to admit her mistakes.
then when im in the wrong? i must la..?
who's older lor? i dont think she deserves respect from me.
just wish i dont have to stay in the same room as her
even if her room looked like a rubbish dump, i dont give a damn.
im officially going for prom.
its like making it sound so..
so.. grand.
okay, grad night.
sort of.
but they named it prom.
sounds the same to me.
isnt the content?
needa get clothes tmr..
time for daily blog entry.
had late breakfast.
or what you call lunch..
around 1230.
after lunch,
watched tv! meh heh!
after that was computer for me..
then it was the europe music awards at 4.30!
show started by madonna's performance.
i hate her stupid song, hung up..
"every little thing that you say or do im hung up, hung up on you"
stupid!? very.
saw benj and joel.. only on video..
they said smth
i forgot.
one freaking 4-5word sentence?
joel said it.
and they didnt even get nominated..
stupid chikeroos.
greenday bagged 2 awards.
best album and.. best rock group!
if thats what i remember.
heh heh.
im glad they got it!
they're awesome..
so is tre cool and billy joe!!
i love tre cool.
his voice is kinda squeaky but thats what i love about him!!
haha, at least 1 thing.
charming.. love his hair.. haha.
but he does look like someone i know..
after the awards show was watching.
tong xin yuan..
then it was ch55 for me at 8..
plans for tomorrow?
gotta get up early to get my prom night tix..
i wonder if i will regret going..
i seriously hope not since i've overcome all odds to change my mind..
i hope i dont get left out la.
being the wet blanket that i am.
i hope i will enjoy myself.. more than i did in primary school.
lets make this a memory!
afterwhich i might be going.. ... tanning.
i think.
i hope i dont get a freaking sunburn and end up all fugly looking during prom.
i'll skip prom!!
i think thats what i've got planned for tomorrow.
i'll post some cute pics. haha? not funny.

chad and ryan! aah..

chad! smiling! Hmm.

last but not least, TRE! tre cooooll..!
time for my daily writings.
had a really, really wierd dream last night.
i dreamt that..
my classmates..
wont state who but its not those i hang out with...
each kept punching me as i walked past?
and.. some from other classes too,
who were their friends.
then i saw someone..
someone i couldnt believe was there.
my godbro.. jw..
it was so strange
he was whacking me..
then i looked at him and shouted at him...
do you know who am i?
den he was like WHO.
he was really fierce..
then i said im your godsis ok..
then he was like do you think i care??
i was like.. you were never like this..
i was really sad..
but after class
i approached them. they were laughing
then i said why u whack me just now
and they just laughed.
then they were standing in a row..
then i saw my godbro
and i said to him, i dont even know you, why did you do this to me?
or at least, thats ho i wanted to disguise the fact he didnt know me.
but i did..
then they just walked off?
then my godbro gave me a guilty glare..
and walked off..
what a strange dream.
never.. had this kinda dream before.
its funny.
hahaha.. lol..
strange strange dream la.
so bored.
at home now..
nobody's home, doubly broed.
Your Birthdate: January 18 |
You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress. Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities Your power color: Crimson red Your power symbol: Snowflake Your power month: September |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
How You Life Your Life |
You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it. |
How Do You Live Your Life?
Your Heart Is Pink |
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time. Your flirting style: Coy Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant What you bring to relationships: Romance |
What Color Heart Do You Have?
Your Blogging Type is Artistic and Passionate |
You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great.One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog...And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes.Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with. |
How You Are In Love |
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You give and take equally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
fickle.. haha. never knew.
cold, cold weather.
today's a cool day..
woke up few mins before 2..
was forced to.
at least, i did.
went to have lunch.
then came home just in time for making the video!
ashlee simpson!
after that.. watched tv.
took a bath..
used the com..
usual stuff..
was watching extreme japan just now..
have an urge to go to japan, osaka!
i want to go to.. Universal Studios and the waterworld!
thats what i wanna do when im there!!
but slaughtering the turtle was disgusting.
daphne cried. i dont blame her
cos i did too hahaha..
it was disgusting...
killing the turtle..
i will never eat turtle..
though its disgusting..
but .. i will not kill a turtle
fucker.. cb...
and they had to drink the turtle blood with apple juice..
right on..
way to go..
was watching tiramisu too.
internet was down.
ahh.. that guy is kinda cute.
the chef..
he's malay? think so..
so cute.. lol..
watched gotcha too.
haha.. the stupid woman at the office damn dumb..
open the safe.
it said you're on gotcha also dont get it.
haiz.. lol.. slow la.
maybe i wont be going to HK afterall.
parents working..
hope they dont get too carried off and forget my birthday..
ah.. not that i want presents or anything
jus that they always have that stupid god of fortune dumb thing at 7-11 that they forget its my day.. ugh..
i hate it whenever they're so bloody busy.
im turning 17.. haha. 17..!! wtf..
went to www today.
it was dumb.
we went in like 2+? close to 3.
we merely tanned.
i mean, dels and i.
we went in.
went to the seats near the .. tsunami.
we sat there for like. 5 mins and we left.
we barely sweat!
or maybe, we didnt.
we were looking for a dry seat but all are like wet.
so we left.
how smart?
we went to the foodcourt for lunch..
then we went to the computer shop to get F.E.A.R
a computer game.
stands for first encounter assualt recon.
AAAAAAAaa... its a freakingscary game..
dont.. dont.. get it unless you are brave enough.
theres this stupid girl..
looks like pontianak..
went home..
played maple for awhile..
took a nap afterwards cos' of a frking headache..
woke up..
watched tong xin yuan.
then was.. watching chn55..
decided to try playing FEAR.
i saw the trailer thing and i just kept quitting.
then i saw this stupid guy upclose and i quit to get straight tothe game.
then i walked around. in the game.
den quit it alr.
dont think i'll play anymore.
even dels for a shock from playing it.
the lights went off in the game
then that girl appeared.
okay, this game is so not my type:D
i'll stick to maple. haha.
okay, the following news is a load of bullshyt.
Pop-punk quartet Good Charlotte may be disbanding after the release of their fourth album, says frontman Joel Madden. "Even if we stay together, we're definitely making some changes," Madden adds. These "changes", adds guitarist Billy Martin, are due to some conflict between the members of the band. "Joel and Benji went to a bar the other night, after a couple of drinks, Benji started getting really worked up - he started screaming at Joel, and he said Hilary was a slut and a bitch and all this other shit. Him and Joel started fighting, and he broke Joel's wrist. They stopped talking to each other, and they refuse to work together; it could mean the end of our band," says Martin. Joel Madden has revealed that if the band does stay together, Billy will move to lead guitar and they will be seeking a replacement backup guitarist.please dont, i mean DONT believe this crap.
some stupid BORING AND INSANELY STUPID person posted this.
hey hey.
went to clarke quey today..
went to the flea market!
ahah, so many things there.
bought 2 spiderman comics!
out of print now! lol!
its .. ... like. 1967 i think!!
so cool..
its enemy is.. .. carnage!
awww! i waanted venom la..
haiz.. at least maybe i will knw whats SP3 like!
its nice.
regretted not buying more..
haiz. and i bought part 3 and 4!
not part 1 and 2!! bummer!
stupid me!!
so sad..
went to liang court.
mom wanted to drop by that Japanese supermart.
mom is sooo not done and over with Japan.
GEEz. major..
bought stuff for dinner.
we were having jap food for dinner!
yum yum.
it was deeeeeeeeeelicious.
mom's cooking is superb!
hiak hiak.
was watching Oprah just now..
and.. know what.. Jon Bon Jovi is HOT HOT HOT.
hot as in HOT.
i've always thought he was hot but..
he's HOT now!
he's so cute.
i love his dressing.
now i know why Sylvester dresses like that.
jeans, shirt, denim jacket. raybans.
right on sly.. you look like a dump..
he'll never be bon jovi. NEVER.
i swear.. bon jovi's got that aaaaahh look!
he even dropped a surprise visit to his fan!
its so.. haiz.
could feel her happiness.
she cried!
bon jovi acted as the pizza guy.
he was like come here baby!
i swear....
if only i could meet bon jovi or even better,
okay mainly .. billy :D
and bon jovi gave her a kiss on her head
wa laaao..
i jus want to share her happiness.
was watching the making of SP's new video CRAZY.
the other day.
noticed shela's darling, seb..
kinda looks like.. chad micheal murray!
lol.. hope i got the spelling right.
and CMM is very very cute.. hot hot..
and david.. i still think david's the hottest in SP.
and to top it off, he looks extremely like..
frank iero! from my chemical romance!
yaya! their fringe are almost the same now.
but frank's one is shorter...
don't you just adore cute asses.. =D
met sherman at city hall mrt together w dels.
then went to robinsons to see wl!!
at raffles city.
saw her for awhile..
lik less than 5mins la.
then left
didnt want to disrupt her work.
walked around..
saw that batman meet and greet session..
christian bale..
then took a mrt to Plaza Sing.
i swear.. the queue for the movie.
everything was selling fast.
then took a cab to shaw.
but show was starting at 7pm.
stupid right?
we were there around 4-5..
then we had very late lunch at kfc.
then .. took a cab to tm..
the queue.. HAIZ..
haiz haiz haiz..
we lined up to get tics to "just like heaven"
its.. a god dammit nice show.
but we had to sit at the 3rd row from the front? not nicE!
but the show..
nice, touching.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
nice nice nice la!!
almost cried but no!!
gotta get that dvd when it comes out man..
falling in love with a spirit? haha..!!
aft the show took a bus back.
sherman did too.
then had dinner at home..
if you dont have ryan and ashlee's latest album..
you're missing out!!
haha, whatever..
but they're songs are totally awesome.
got it about almost a month ago..
its cool!!
whats new?
spiderman3 has officially started filming!
ONLY.. ya right.
im dying for that day!!
dont you love tobey..
as least i do!!
they have set up their sets in LA.. or NY..
was watching the diary of my chemical romance..
and gerard, frank and mikey were WAY cute.
and frank looks so alike billy in that stripped tee.
there was this part where gerard said its great hving a bro in the band..
we grew up together, we slept in the sme room..
den mom.. haiz. she went : ya and we f f f f together..
WTF!! right?
i was just MOM!!!
den we laughed.
if you guys watch the ch55 show.
and, i might be going to hk!
hopefully, hopefully..!!
AHAH.. madness
how.. did i spend my day..
was watching tv till like 1.45+
then used the com for awhile.
about 2+, close to 3..
went to POSB bank near my place to pass gg smth with dels..
den went to mac for lunch..
then gg came to join us..
after lunch..
took a cab home.
that was plain plain stupid i swear..
stupid suggestion from GG!!!!
i mean..
its just a short walk..
unless its from Safra.. heh..
that was totally .. stupid.
so embarrassing..
furthermore its just short ride la..
maple currently down and im bored..
think im gonna watch spiderman2.. haha
its either maple or gunz.
wonder whats new these days.
if it ain't tv, its sleeping.
ain't that its computer.
i'm to lazy to get my butt out of the house.
i wanna get..
a job.. i need money..
have an urge to get lindsay's new album..
love her new song.
who doesnt?
maybe im gna go job hunting..
but i know its gonna be futile.
but you never know till you try.
bored bored bored.
currently.. am missing...
gcgcgcgc.. hahaa..
all just kindof came back to me.
had a dream of martin yan(our tour guide's nickname)
our family and jordan's family..
in hongkong..
haha felt so real..
might not be going to hong kong as planned..
cos' mom's working..
#$%$^$%@ lar...
bored at home..
spiderman.. spiderman is..
"spiderman is gay!" dad said...
dad always has comments on the guys i fantasize about..
renfu is an ahbeng..
jay is ....
billy.. billy is handsome.. :P
tobey is handsome :P
christian bale is handsome :P
hahaha. i dono but dad doesnt like my chinese idols very much.
or not as much as those in hollywood :D
2hrs of the making of spiderman2.. i've conquered it!!
am gna finish watching the featurettes!
slacking almost a month of my life away...
i need..
i need to go shopping..
theres no lack of things that i wannabuy..
so much time..
so little money...
has anybody not bought november chopin'?
cos i think it rocks la!!
you should get it.. hahah if you havent..
but whatever!!
love his songs la..
mostly .. his slow ballads.
can i call it ballads?
am trying to finish watching the whole 2hours plus of the making of spiderman2.
its damn cool..
you get to see how they make the sets and how they make spiderman fly and all!!
and doc ock's mechanical hands...
each one of them are actually powered by an individual?
its like.. each person will move them?
so cool!!!
but some of it is CG..
and need i mention tobey's hot!!!???
and so is kirsten.. :P
theres still lots of footage i sill haven't watched yet.
am trying to get into it.
hehee. lol.
i will try to post pictures of my trip..
as soon as im not lazy.. :D
stupid me.
was trying to get my drink and i pulled the handle..
and it slipped!!
the water got into my keyboard and mouse.
and it was screwed up.
was watching my spiderman dvd then it got all screwed and stuff..
went to challenger at 8pm to get a new keyboard and mouse.
then went to little india for dinner.
came home around 10.30?
went for a movie today with dels.
was supposed to catch the 1.50pm show.
but we left the house around 1.40?
we catched the 4.30pm show instead.
exorcism of emily rose!
was walking around..
was hunting around for my spiderman 2 dvd.
heh heh XD
went to MJ, out of stock..
laserflair, poh kim.. out of stock..
but laserflair was selling spiderman dvd for $12.90?
SO cheap.. !!! but i have the vcd alr..
maybe i will buy.. cant let a good offer pass!!
!!! tobey........ :'(
went to sembawang!
finally have!
but its code 1!! ARGH.
i don't want code 1!!!
ran out of places to buy.
finally!! BEST came to my mind..
went upstairs and YES!!
they have it!!
and alot of stock.
at least 5 or 6..
bought 1.. duh!
after that.. went to isetan..
bought for dels her birthday present.
a billabong handbag..
zzz. $.$.. 49.90...
i wouldnt even pay that amount for my own bag..
unless mommy pay for me..
after that,
went to levis located at the external part of tm.
bought a shirt there..
so nice!! hahaha.
after that, it was like.. 4? think so.
then we bought popcorn..
lol and cheeeeeeeesy..
then we went in like 10-13mins before the show started.
ended around 6.40+
kindof scary..
alot of mats and minahs watching
they were making alot of noise and it pissed me off.
they were all SHH SHH SHH. LOSERS!!
i swear they are.
and they kept screaming.
geez. cant they shut up or something..
stupid bitches sitting next to dels were talking about us
i'd sharve a hotdog up her asshole.. bitch..
so gave her a piece of my mind..
talk la.. mofo..
after the show dels and i bought dinner.
then we took a cab home..
watching star idol now..
can't believe why some people wanna make a disgrace of themselves..
lol.. i swear..
wtf lor!!
why he join..
just to refresh your memories.
its that superly despo guy that stripped and sang she bangs at the sg idol auditions!!
loserfied la!!!
and he stripped on top fun too.
alan tern and nick shen are sooooooo cute la.
stupid girls throwing books at alan tern i swear i'll slap them.
i hate the judges.
wth lor??
i think they're arrogant and very full of themselves.
for petes sake, i don't think they're acting are like better?
and......... they're so full of themselves.
hey readers.
have been really lazy to update.
seems like the holidays are kinda boring.
still in the stage of early november.
have not made up my mind on what to do with my future.
people have been asking,
where do you plan to go?
what plans do you have?
what course do you intend to take?
thrash the ideas please.
seriously.. i don't know ..
just feel like slacking my whole life away..
finally bought the batman dvd.
i swear ... .... .... .... christian bale is freaking hot!
now im so wanting a spiderman dvd.
my spiderman vcd is so missing la..
other dvd is wanting is.. that.. initial D cantonese version!
oh yes, finally.
i've got my hands on november chopin!
jay's newest and 6th album!
pre-ordered it but i got my hands on it yesterday.
when i met val..
:D!!! thanks yaaaaaaaaaaaa!
cos i was away so i couldnt collect it myself.
bought kelly's limited edition cd too!
wooooo. kelly as in kelly clarkson.. :D
am listening to it now and it rocks!
on another note,
seems like i've really been hot tempered this week.
guess i really pissed some people off.
jealousy? more of stupidity i guess.
why are some flirts while some are.. despos?
i don't know, is this part of jealousy?
am i jealous of them? haha stupid.
came back yesterday night around 11.57pm.
experienced some serious turbulance during the flight yesterday.
plane was shaking alot..
and it suddenly dived down.
but it was an experience.
it was kinda fun. lol.
gna catch doom tmr!
in the airport now.
free internet usage.
webcamming with dels and cl.
am boarding at 5.20pm..
will be back 6-7 hours later.
kinda miss japan..
but i will miss chewts more.
gonna see them tonight together with hams!!
short update.
will be back tomorrow
hey peeps, time for a quick update.
am in a cybercafe now. it provides free 1 hour of internet play.
am in the city area now
dropped by harajuku yesterday.
i can only say. WOW.
i love their fashion there.
and they have piercings like practically everywhere.
it was fun roaming around.
went shopping yesterday..
but didnt buy much stuff..
cos its like damn expensive la
i bought a necklace!
in harajuku.
bought an adidas lanyard which is red, same colour as jordan `s jacket.. hahahaha
dels went crazy when jordan was in the picture i took.
i only think he`s ultra cute. like.. super duper.. hot..
he is 19. same as gg..
thinking of getting some shirts today. am dying to.
bought initial J!hahaha finally..
but its not the limited edition one.
think its sold out.
yesterday all stores were out of stock..
today there`s new stock of like only, 4?
i managed to grab one.
hahahhaa.. kiasu..
so right now im in... akibaru.. smth like that.
have the whole of today to shop..
tomorrow i gotta be at the airport before 5 to catch the plane.
which i will be arriving 6 -7 hours later.
things here are expensive.. like hell..
wanted a pair of shoes but it cost like 100 plus la..
i so want a pair of adidas superstar.. green colour!
hahhaa seriously im in love with green... -_-
chao chao chao! will update soon.
am in the airport now waiting for the limousine bus to take us to our hotel.
after which we might be going to shinjuku or harujuku.
jordan's plane might be leaving at 7..
cool la.
hahaha miss his face..
only that.
geez, im not that fickle now.. am i?
have the whole of today. tomorrow and saturday to shop.
think we'll be taking the evening flight back to singapore on saturday.
which i will return at 1 am. which is sunday.
ok. seems like theres nothing much to update. tata!
i miss chewts and hams!
today is only thursday!
its like.. 3 more days till i get to see them..
cant wait!
hahahaha i miss all my friends too!
just a quick update in the morning
no one is online on msn
have to check out at 11 so i gotta take a quick bath
pack my stuff and leave!
today is the last day to admire jordan`s looks..
dels keeps saying i like jordan
but i dont at all!
$%$#%&$&# right!!
she`s jealous.
going to tokyo today.
might be going to harujuku
which im looking forward to.
all those goth people.
god. i gtg . out of time and money!
hey boobsters. lol.
was up in the mountain areas where the hot springs are.
it was FREEZING.
3 degrees celcius please.
haha, i swear i wore too little.
it was fun though.
we had steamboat dinner.
and it was cool.
but hanyways.
the room was actually the traditional type where you sleep on the floor?
it was cool.
went to the hot spring.
which we had to be naked?
i was forced to anyways...
went to mount fuji today!
saw snow..
for once in my life.
it was freezing.
did i mention there was a cute hot guy in our tour group?
hahaah. named him jordan.
he looks like shan wee.
mixed, caucasian and chinese.
he is real cute but dels was like so ugly and crap
now he likes him..
crap right?
but i dont like him.
i just find him super cute and he has this killer smile.
one bad thing, he smokes.
but he is sooooo cute.
he has a bad boy look and a pair of earrings to go.
hahahaha god.. he is hot. hot. hot.
had teppanyaki dinner.
quite ok.
went to isetan and a pair of socks actually cost like, $90?
madness. fuck la!
tomorrow we`re going shopping! woohoo!
hahha. stupid msn aint working. cya!