saw our bbq pics and .. class pics.
both informal and formal.
and .. it looks great, on the whole.
and.. its wierd..
to see how much we've changed since.. june?
nono.. when was youth day?
okay, so i forgot.
it was both funny.. and embarrassing.
-_- i swear i could've drowned myself.
school was.. ok, as i always say.
gotta run.
gonna take a look at the bbq pics tamorrow..
wonder how it'll turn out.
hope there're no embarrassing pics.
wonder if we'll see our class pics tomorrow.
N's are just next week.
wish everyone good luck!
and.. do your best.
im sure we'll all do well.
went to school for study session just now.
then.. played blind cat outside school.
luckily i didnt sprain my ankle.
got a bruise though..
saw pepper![that jack russell]
haha so cute!
and it rolled over.
ahah and its paws and so lil.. :D:D:D
i want a dog!
learn a new word bitches. no offence to those reading.
- To make angry; irritate.
- To drive insane.
ANGER also means
acrimony, animosity, annoyance, antagonism, blood of a bitch, blow up, cat fit, chagrin, choler, conniption, dander, disapprobation, displeasure, distemper, enmity, exasperation, fury, gall, hatred, huff, ill humor, ill temper, impatience, indignation, infuriation, irascibility, ire, irritability, irritation, mad, miff, outrage, passion, peevishness, pet, petulance, pique, rage, rankling, resentment, slow burn, sore, stew, storm, tantrum, temper, tiff, umbrage, vexation, violence.
just some new info.
jack russells are sooooo cute!
i wish i had one too..
awww.. haha..
Ns are just next week.
good luck guys.
went to tiong bahru for brunch.
around 2+.
went ta' some place.
dels cut her hair.
dad went to change the guitar's amplifier cos' its spoilt.
went to converse.
bought some stuff..
then went home.
studied math.
and im gonna have my dinner.
i love the guitsr but im wrecking it.
i've learnt..
a deep purple song.
G.. E..
haha! its in the school of rock show.
dad taught me...
good morning!
i barely slept 6 hours..
what the hell!
saturday; 24th Sept 2005
went to mac ta' meet wy at 2+.
cl came.
after which, kenny and wx came.
then.. studied.
till like. 5-6+
wx, wy and kenny went ta' century.
cl and i went ta' wx's house's playground.
there, studied science..
haha.. really humid.
around.. 7-8+.. they came back.
wx went home..
then.. talked.. talked about stuff.
played.. secret game..
10+.. wx came down.
we had a chit chat session..
around 10++, almost 11,
willie came.
played blind cat.
which was.. fun.
then we went home.
had dinner when i got back.
my god.. i'll be billy martin in like, few days.
red.. ahaa!
but.. nice :D
im gonna wreck it!!
but i still wanna drum set :/
graduation: 21st Oct 2005.
secondary school life will be..
over really soon.
i wouldnt say i ENJOYED it when i first entered.
but the bond between us has.. tightened..
lol.. i'd say.
i love them. . . . .
:D and.. i'll really miss em'.
and................. lets have meet ups!
friday; 23rd September2005.
back to blog after an absence of a few days.
life's been .. crazy.
my mood swings has swung from one end to the other..
and no, i don't know why.
seriously, i have no answer to that question.
went for .. night class today.
reached school.. before 6.30pm.. i think.
went exploring around the school around 8.30pm.
i was with yy.
haha, then we switched of the lights.
which in turn, was really really dark.
and willie scared me twice.
and willie was hiding in the bush next to 1T1
but i didnt see him,
rather i was waiting for a victim to pass by.
seriously. it was pitch dark at various places.
im kinda lucky i didnt faint. HAHA.
but it was really hot.
left school around 9.
changed before leaving.
was with.. wy, willie, wx, kenny, cl, ch, yy, val.. nigel... and.. thats all.
then we went to .. the playground next to wx's place.
played.. blind cat...
with cl, val, kenny, wy, wx and willie.
which was.. fun.
then played ice and.. water? issit.
lol.. bladder was high so i didnt play.
my ass really hurt though :/
then.. had a chit-chat session..
ch and yy left at.. 11+
kenny left round. 11.30+
was chatting .. with cl, willie, wy.
had a chat with my godbro too,
which ... was the longest one ever..
hahaha. since we barely spoke for like 5mins on the phone, ever.
left at 12.20+++
walked home, met daddy
then we went home together. (:
night classes are somewhat...
entertaining. haha.
hi, thanks for dropping by.
went out ta' study today.
at macs.
around 2.
met cl first.
then val.
then wl.
till like.. almost 7..
i left at 8.
what an exciting scenario..
someone's hp got stolen..
then went to east coast for dinner with family and grandparents...
came home, bout.. 11.30.
school was a bore as usual.
had our class phototaking today.
highlight of the day. lol.
so want that W800I.
now that stupid gorgor wants it..
bloody asshole..
he just changed to K750i which is SO NEW.
like 3 months ago..
now he wants that w800i.
where does that leave me?
dels and gg changed hp alr..
while im stuck with that nokia phone,
and i don't even know the sickening model.
so pissed..
they are always changing their friking phones.
and k750i is such a freaking good phone..
moron! dumb ass brother..
heylo heylo.
woke up around.. 6.40am?
so early.
T.T and i wanted to sleep longer.
used the com for awhile.
played maple,
then.. i took a bath.
then.. i got ready..
reached school before 9.
went to class..
then asked silva why muhammed was in sec. shift.
then he kinda like er nvm nvm.
didnt really see interested.
asshole!! i'm not trying to lick your boots man..
stupid asshole accused me of using the computer in com lab during remedial ytd..
i was so looking down lor.. i was writing smth.
maybe he thought i was playing with the keyboard.
dumb ass....
had a chat session till like, 9.45
then we went to.. to.. com lab.
did our EOA practical.
i duhno, its okay.
no high hopes though.
after that i went home..
and my stinking internet was not working.
watched tv.
then...... did some stupid math graphs.
thats about it.
am gonna have my brunch.. soon..
hello hello.
guess today might be my WORST partnet seating..
hai hai hai..
nvm, i'll get around and about it.
had eng first.
we checked our compos.
then we had chinese.
and we watched 1142 D.
1142.. in chinese. yi yi si er.. LOL. initial.
tah, okay lame!
its sucha nice show la..
my god... especially.. jay.. edison.. shawn.. being superbly hot in it.
i dono why when jay held that "Act Cute" girl..
i was hot over..
and my friends said my ears and face was really red too.
i dono why i was feeling hot all in an instant..
strange phenomenon!! LOL..
and i started sweating..
wtf!!! my god.. im in love with jay!!
went back to class for science.
then we .. had recess.
had eng and math.
my worst partner = HUDA..
i could've just committed suicide.
her composition was in the format of letter writing..
and.. if u read it, you'll die of laughter..
i dono i dono!!
then then after that..
had assembly.
i tell u, it was boring like shit.
i was.. drowsy. really drowsy.
then then..
2.30 we had EOA remedial.
10 peeps turned up.. LOL.
i needed the air-con. REAL BADLY.
then i came back.. around 4?
played computer..
went to Maple.
went to Ossy with WX.
and i did something stupid.
i dropped my "Ryden",
its a lvl30 bow.
cost about 125000 i think.
i dropped it..
and as experience maplers know. its takes 15 mins to get to Ossyria.
then when i wanted to pick it up,
we reached ossyria.
#@$#@%$^$% LA!!!!
then i just went on killing star pixies.
then took a nap.. from 6+ cos' i didnt want to go out..
then i slept till.. 9+..
then.. had dinner.
watched triumph into the skies!!
imagine how hot sammul is.. T.T
LOL. kay!
lookie here. some tests i tried out..
Here is the analysis:Your ex clearly broke your heart and you haven't yet moved on. Remember that time heals all sorrows, so look positively towards the future. Don't be blinded to the love that might be surrounding you right now.
------------------------How do you react to compliments?Here is the analysis:If you try to change the subject when you are being complimented or you simply ignore it, this means that you don't like to pretend and you cherish authenticity. You feel that saying nice things to someone is merely an attempt to please the listener. You don't believe there is truth in compliments, and think that the complimenter must want something in return. You have good self-esteem and aren't afraid of criticizing, or being criticized.
------------------------Your Hidden TalentHere is the analysis:The ArtistYou love freedom and want to follow your heart's desires. You might not be at your best when dealing with other people. Once you are given the opportunity to work your chosen way, your gift will shine. A tip for you is not to concentrate too much on your own work, but widen your focus and consider the opinions of other people.
------------------------What do your friends think of you?Here is the analysis:You are cheerful but watch out for gossips. Friends think that you stick your nose into most matters. But because of your cheerfulness, you are often forgiven. Try to be far away as possible from gossips.
------------------------The BottleWhat if your boyfriend goes out with another girl?You are pessimistic and get disturbed by things that don't really matter. If your boyfriend goes out with someone else, that's the end of your world.
------------------------A Magic PresentHere is the analysis:You enjoy many activities. You also like traveling. You don't want to give your money to others, preferring to spend just for yourself. You never think of lavishing your money on unnecessary stuff.
went to school around.. 8?
waited for like, 45 mins for our paper at 9.45.
we ended at.. 11.15.
paper started at 10 when we reached.
after that came home.
watched triumph into the skies<333
can't get enough of that.
then.. took a bath.
came out late!! -opps.
met willie and wx in the bus.
then went to small macs to meet val and kenny.
then went ta' TM to buy tix fer "the longest yard".
willie wx and kenny had lunch at LJS.
after which , went to the arcade...
then left for the show alr.
the show was.. -okay.
nelly was.. cute and cute. LOL.. cool la.
stone cold acted inside? Lame.
that white chicks big guy ... lol..
and that .. fat guy from d-12.. issit?
then then..
we met WY.
then we played outrun..
which i lost miserably..
hey, i'm beginner ok..
then then..
by then it was.. late 5+++
then took a bus back.
had my brunch at.. 6.20
hahha. thats how i spent ma' day.
hey peeps.
thanks for dropping by.
today has been another day where, nothing much has been happening.
the rain's cool but not very .. quiet.
eh heh.
today.. i finally touched my guitar.
which was left in da' storeroom.
luckily daddy didnt give it away.
so i took it out and i had to start learning the freaking basics..
since i have not really attended lessons since p6..
it kinda sucks i'm so amateurish.
i tuned it but i think it kinda sux now..
im kinda confused cos' i don't remember a thing!!
bleah!! its like i've never learned it before.
so gonna ask daddy.
- daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
benj's guitar is so frikking nice please..
esp that NIN!!!
i.. i wanna deco mine.
but its so frikking bloody brown.
i meant the body of the guitar.
right now i cant frikking remember simple chords.
hopefully some site will jog my memory.
went ta cck fer brunch.
then went ta hougang point.
then to century sq.
then.. came home.
rot rot rot.
stayed home today.
fiddled with photoshop.
came up with a tre cool blend.
tre cool is kinda cute, in a way.
haha but billie, billie is better.
i watched the greenday dvd today.
finally, after i failed twice when i borrowed farhan's.
and they're really cute in it.
watched vmas.
green day nailed 7 awards out of 8 nominations.
cool eh?
kelly got 2.
didnt see MCR perform cos' was watching HBO.
tough luck.
wanted to see gerard and .. frank
errrrrrrrrr. JOEL WAS SO HOT MYGOD!!
benji too.. but he didnt go up on stage..
they only showed him..
like.. ONCE.
joel....... joel..............
hilary......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
so skinny...
don't have to go for xrays, can see through her skin..
no offence.
i mean, i don't dislike her or anything. haha.
whats been up man? haha..
woke up around.. 10?
was watching tv.
then dels was like "jj wanna go great world?"
im like.. uh, ok.
quickly, as in very, took a quick bath.
got changed and zoomed outta the house together with moms, gorgor and dels.
took a cab ta' great world.
had lunch at Kenny Rogers, around 12.
then dad came to fetch mom to North Point for meeting..
gor gor, dels and I took a cab to Sungei Road.
bought some things..
then took a cab to Tampines Mall.
bought tickets for "One More Chance"
walked around with Dels.
went to the Arcade.
yet another 8 bucks gone..
after that met up with Willie, Wx and Wy.
didnt do much but they went to the Arcade.
then they left..
after that went shopping with Dels.
bought a pair of pants for Dels.
then.. bought Green Day's album..
haha, though i got the songs but i want it!!
!!!! couldnt find kelly's though.
met Gorgor at 3.50+++
went to the cinema.
the show is nice, vvvvv touching la.
thats what i think cos' i was crying..
even though at parts that wasnt .. sad..
haha but its a nice.. funny.. though i didnt laugh like crazy.
but its nice.
then..after that.. took a cab home.
am going out for dinner now.. yeap.
Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are
mature, reasonable,
honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
recently theres been news of Joel(GC) dissing American Idol.
he didnt say who, but it was directed to the VMAs.
and only one AI winner performed at the VMAs,
which is Kelly Clarkson.
its pissy man..
i love kelly.. and joel .. -.-
but i am kinda pissed at joel.
some say that Joel actually dissed Kelly cos' of Hilary.
which Kelly said she wanted to have a fight with.
of course what Kelly said was a joke.
its a stupid question column thingy they asked Kelly man..
but i so prefer Kelly to Hilary, her vocals are so much better.
sorry hilary fans.
next on list..
Pete from Fall Out Boy is suffering from Depression!
which is what i heard..
i am disappointed in myself.i am disappointed in this.and it should have been kept safe.the reason we never told anyone is because we knew the world would ruin it. and at the end of the day it did.the whispers never stopped.i lied. so you lied.and it made you crazy. and i'm sorry.people pulled us apart. lured us. and you were my didn't matter what was said when our heads were on the sides of the pillows.last night i dreamt it turned out differently.i would stop this in a second and move to middle of nowhere with you and so hard to find someone who likes me for me and not because i am pete from fall out boy.and i found them. and then watched it fade.dear world, fuck you."
quoted from his official blog.
he has a girlfriend..
guess he's having some relationship problems.
next up...............
seriously i don't know what other news i've got fresh in my mind..
some lucky girl won tickets to go see Green Day soundcheck and invited one of her friends to go along with her.
and her dad(the girl that won) requested her friend to pay for the ticket.
which was really mean.. like she got it free. -.-
but anyways her dad agreed to let her friend have it for free for her birthday present.
on to my life!!!
life's so boring!!
im practically glued to my seat.. hahha!
photoshop gives me a kick and haha,
im bored-.-
no ideas !!
the N level mother tongue sucked.
need i say more?
it sucks and will suck furthermore when the results are revealed.
life's a bore.
hammy's injured.
i'm sad.
hammy's leg was swollen ytd.
but the swell has gone down and looks much better today.
i'm happy for hammy!!
heh heh.. i hope it doesnt feel much pain now..
in no time it'll be running!
yay.. love him..
haha in fact i love all my pets..
not much ta' say.
gonna have eoa remedial tomorrow which i'm not keen on attending actually.
i don't know.
i love and miss mango.
tomorrow's the freaking mother tongue N levels.
bored and unwilling to go.
holidays lar moronic freaking ...
i'm bored.
i've downloaded the trial of photoshop CS2!
haha. its a new version..
so i've got another 30 days of editing fun!
did a few blends today..
i'll post one..
basically i stayed home today.
was raining!
love it when it rains.

i should have joined the JD party!!
you know..
DANIEL ONG... zzz..
heard that some project superstar peeps were there..
think wei jian (derrick) was there. hope i got this right.
and its one of mom's employee's friends.
and.. glenn ong.. jamie yeo..
jamie teo...
errrrrrrrrrrrrr. so jealous!!
and.. and.. alan tern!!!
ARRRR!!! alan tern is so cute la!!!
even mom said so.
and mom introduced daniel to my brother!!
- screams..
then mom told me today.
she told daniel ong " my daughter wants to meet you "
daniel ong: " okay, where is she? "
then my mom said she's not here, she's underaged...
jealous jealous jealous!!
alan tern............ zzz...
i was at Carlton ytd..
and the hotel is sooooo frikking nice please!
super duperly nice..
like d-uh....
we stayed at the 10th floor..
and you can actually hear the music from CHIJMES..
during the JD Party..
taught dels math.. then did some work..
then dels and daddy were sleeping..
then i slept too.. on the table..
its freezing in there ...
went home around.. 1-2+++
gorgor came w/ friends..
then they stayed over..
bought my mandy cd ytd.
went to carlton today, again.
checked out and paid..
then we had lunch at.. pervy street i think.. lol.
went around..
then went to westwood..
then came home.. yep
am dead tired..
fell asleep during the bloody ENG LC.
and when i woke up i missed the frikking question..
like whats the deal lor!!
going to Carlton hotel later..
Mom booked it.
the JD(JACK DANIEL's) party is happening tonight!
includes Daniel Ong, Jeassea Thyidor(hope i got the spelling right)..
and some other peeps la..
only for peeps above 18yrs!!
mom's real busy today...
gotta keep her eyes on her staff and the party tonight.
carlton carlton hotel!!
hey whoever's reading this..
i'm bored.
today's a holiday for all teachers..
great, we get to rest too.
tomorrow's the listening for N level.
that sucks.
which means we go home, late.
initially we heard news that could go to school at 2.
now we found out its actually normal school day...
life's a bore.
was watching mtv in the morning..
was watching trl.
where hilary wore that black wig..
and she looks anorexic to me...
i dunno.. her faces looks boney.
and theres been much talk about her teeth..
i dno whats the deal.. but i see nothing wrong..
there was this part where she asked vanessa about a guy
which i think is her bf..
and she asked hilary how about you and joel madden from good charlotte?
and she was just laughing.....
was watching the grim adventures of billy and mandy..
and....... fairly odd parents.
which was sooooooooooooooo cute la!!
basically this is how i spent the day.
had macs for lunch.. dels bought it for me :D