Two upcoming events.
1. BBQ at Pasir Ris.
2. Prom Nite.
alright, er.
the BBQ will be a class one.
its kinda set to be on.. Sunday.
yeap, since its Youth Day.
the Prom Night is for Graduation peeps only.
might be as, Hilton, Swiss, Ritz Carlton, Oriental or. I forgot.
I picked Hiltion, yea.
I picked Silverscreen too,
maybe I can dress as Billy then? < just a thought :D
there was this Hip Hop dance instructor for assembly.
She was kinda hot-tempered.
but I LOVE her shirt! haha!
and oh. It was cool, 2 guys from our class went up.
Kinda unlucky today, didn't bring my file.
!!! what an ass.
I miss Mom!
yeay! and she's coming back tomorrow..
:D:D:D Yippee!!
when is Mango coming back? ):
i typed a long one but it didn't appear so,
gotta blog now.
There was a tiff over GC and SP today.
So, yea.
Some agreed that GC sucks or SP sucks.
Er, alright.
I guess I didn't need to voice out.
They're entitled to their own views and opinions.
I do too,
and the fact is I Hate Simple Plan.
Oh hoh, Don't get upset cos' You did say GC sucked alright.
It is kinda immature.
Well, GC also mentioned its ok if you hate them, so..
Went out with Dad to TM to have lunch.
Dad bought me a polo shirt! yipeee!
hah! then went to Best Denki to buy office stuff.
Also fetched Dels and Cherre.
Then we went home..
Watched the GC DVD when I came back.
Joel and Benj were like "Hi we're GoodCharlotte" (I THINK)
then Billy was like "Wow, You Guys must be twins!"
Joel and Benj looked like there were gonna break down, i.e cry?
Their eyes were watery.
Joel kept pausing too.
yea i dont understand why Joel and Benj gets to sit!
alright, I Miss Mom.
She's coming back on Thursday!
:D. Hell. I miss Mango! :D
watched Initial D today.
Hey, it is a great show.
Jay's exceptionally cute there.
Not Unbelievable. Its like, DUH!!
so HOT.
Edison and Shaun too.
Shaun's jacket is like, really nice!
I like the show. Yea!
But when Jay cried, Damn!
I've never seen him cry,
and he looks really really cute when he does!
Aw man..
My heart shatters when he cries :D
Ha Ha..
holy macaroni.
I think I'm Gonna get some sleep soon..
See ya.
maple sure knows how to piss me off the right way.
at Kerning City Construction Site.
i'm in need of SLEEP!!
i slept at say, 6.30am? till like 8.57am.
and we brought mom to airport.
mom left for bangkok.
had breakfast.
playing maple now.
i don't think i'll sleep.
i won't be able to wake up in time for spideeman!
<3 ya tobey!
mauahahah! he's sooooo cute!!
tomorrow's he's birthday! whee.
alright, just came back from mom's office.
mom had to pack up..
going to Thailand tomorrow.
sure gonna miss her.
hate to say goodbye.. ):
but i'll see her real soon again :D
so tried to finished my hol homework.
but failed to!
err so anyways..
got this pic its really really cute.
reminds me of mango.
i'll post it..
i miss mango..
i wish she'll return, but i know she'll never.
alright. i love you......

cute eh?

this is mango.. miss ya.. <3
time for daily update!
damn its been a tired day for me.
met sherman this morning.
went to WWW.
but it was raining.
so.. walked around.
didn't swim. didnt intend to.
sherman was just looking for someone.
so just walked around..
saw a few lifeguards.
vincent? cut his hair! hmm, if you know who la.
then went to Escape.
it stopped raining by then.
met cl and ch.
went in..
then we took Rainbow.
cos' that was working.
and as we got on, it was raining heavier by the minute.
yeh, but hey, rainbow sucked! It was really slow.
yeh. then drizzled again.
yeh. kinda down on luck.
but just passing clouds.
We took the Alpha 8.
Which was REALLY REALLY fast, compared to the last time.
You should try.
after that the rain stopped.
then cadbury was working!
then everyone lined up, but we didnt.
so we lined up for wet and wild.
then it started pouring again.
so it was down... cadbury was too.
damn! since rides were down..
we decided to give the Haunted House a try.
which i'm not very fond of trying,
being the scaredy cat I am.
It was a fine day.
er, cooling.
so our turn came.
i was kinda scared so i faced the wall and covered my face while they were showing the video.
so er.
i turned abit and saw this creature coming out of the curtain
so i was like. RIGHT!
then his face was like CREEPY... SCARY. or EEKY. or jus plain stupid.
i duno. up to you to decide.
to me, it was SCARY, DISGUSTING.
then another came out from my right side.
and damn i was really scared by then
i think i was the one totally freaked out from that.
then I kept telling them to keep a distance.
I was go away please go away! I wanna go out and stuff..
I had cold sweat and I almost cried.
So luckily I didn't have to resort to that.
But they were quite entertaining.
Cos' for like a few minutes they were persuading us to go into the room.
But we just refused to. Or rather, I refused to.
My feet were frozen to the ground.
Cos' I was kinda afraid they might grab your arm or something.
So from one ugly looking mask infront of me, Two appeared.
damn that is shitty!!
They were kinda funny in a way.
They were like, Go IN! Go IN!
After several tries they kinda gave up.
They were like HIYAH!
and he took a metal rod. GET IN!!
heng CL opened the door for me.
or I'd really cry. =D
haha! loser, that I am. Thank You.
So anyway. after that it was scorching.
Took Cadbury with Sherman.
Then took the Wet & Wild.
Sat with Sherman.
Then We took... Pirate Ship.
Afterwards was Flipper? Or Pepsi? Forgot.
But hey, IT WAS FUN!!
Then we went for lunch.
Or Breakfast to both Sherman and I,
at like, 4.
After lunch, Sherman and I went to WWW to cool down.
We swam till like 6.30?
Then left to Escape.
Played Pepsi, Flipper, Viking/Pirate Ship.
Then CL and CH left first.
I got changed.
Dad picked me up.
Sherman took a cab back.
Went to Changi to have Dim Sum.
Ha Ha.
So now my bed is lined with sofftoys.
1 Doggy, from Dei. When I was Sec1.
One of which is bubbles, (2003)
which I personally chose from Temple Street or Lui Yan Gai ( HONGKONG)
Another is Blossom, chose by Dad from same place when overseas with friend. ('05)
Another is Pooh, from same place but from Grandparents. ('05)
Another is a Dog? I dunno, Same Place from Grandparents too. ('05)
Just recently, like Last Week.
So yea. Thats a summary of what happened (:
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. |
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have. |
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. |
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. |
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. |
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out. |
so i've changed my blogskin.
um, strange??
er, i kinda like it though.
make do with it first.
not in the mood for changing.
just did it cos' at least one caught my eye.
will change again.
so boring!
arg. if only there were self changing templates.
its been like ages since i last blogged.
yea. boring.
school hols are coming to an end.
it seems like it started not long ago though.
went cycling at pasir ris beach ytd.
i peddled dels ard..
hmm. fun? tiring.
might be going to pulau ubin or pasir ris tmr to cycle.
with dad and dei.
didnt go tanning today.
finally changed my bedsheet today.
been wanting to do that for ages.
yea, might be changing my blogskin.
so... yea.
seriously have been down on my luck recently.
i lost my digi cam memory card in m'sia.
i lost my baby-g watch in www.
i forgot to take my wet pass from the toilet of www.
which means, i have to pay for my visit to WWW everytime i go now?
what the fuck am i doing?
and all these things are god damn precious to me la!!!!
i love my watch mom bought me,
i seriously don't know what i'm gna do now.
fuck this shit la..