wheets.. david and syl wus like, superly cute just nuw?
alrights, i took this from pandora.
1.Put the following five animals in the order of your preference.
a. Cow
b. Tiger
c. Sheep
d. Horse
e. Pig
my ans: tiger; horse; sheep; cow; pig.
Write one word that describes each one of the following:
my ans: i skipped dis.
3.Think of someone of either
sex (who also knows you and is important to you) and that you can relate to the following colors.
my ans: daddy; sab; daryl; dels; sam.
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Cow Signifies CAREER
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Pig Signifies MONEY
2.Your description of dog implies YOUR OWN PERSONALITY.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your PARTNER.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your ENEMIES.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret .
Your description of the Sea implies your own LIFE.
3.Yellow: Someone you will never forget
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend
Red: Someone that you really love
White: Your twin soul
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life.
alrights, finally sgidol is ON?!
wus 6.30 am and dels didnt wake me up.
rushed like hell la.
went to 7-11 ard 6.40
super rush la.
hair wus like siao didnt even have time to comb properly.
bought pocky and choc for wl.
and sweets fer cl.
i bought chilli chacha!
den had to rush to the provision shop.
wus really wet and slippery.
lucky i didnt slip and fall.
bought 8days for cl and ribena fer wl.
rushed to class.
wl not there yet.
but i made it on time!
AYAA. before 7!
and there wus a ghost in class.
ong weeyeng.
lights were out and it wus really dark due to the rain clouds.
den he wus inside sitting, listening to cd player.
wl came few minutes ltr.
went to class.
put on contacts.
wl ate her pocky! and her ribena.
i wus talking about pocky all the time last night
and i forgot to bring it.
went to the hall fer assembly.
did our maths worksheet during reading period.
had sci first la.
mmm, not too bad.
den chi.
we did zuo ye..
den had eoa.
went to comp labby.
i wus eating my chilli cha cha!
lol, shared with wl.
and i wus laughing like a freak?!
and wl kept telling me to shut up.
but its really funny la.
silva kept on telling us to look up ma.
den he say are u listening
den i said yeah yeah okok.
den wl said shut up.
but i must ans him right?!
den wl played spidee solitaire!
then there wus the deck sound. LOL.
and silva said if u dunt wna put on sheet 1 put on a new sheet.
den i wus like, shit? o.. new shit new shit
den wl kept laughing la!
hahah, and yp said
tizbe wo kan ni shang mian.
den i wus like, HUH NI YAO KAN.
den i laugh la, wl also. den yp and cl all laughing.
and then she said.
kuai dian leh move or tui shang qu or smth like tt.
den i wus like HUH? YOU YAO TUI?
yadayada laughed again.
den she wus like, kuai dian la scroll shang qu.
den i wus HUH, scroll shang qu? how to do?
wl emphasized on it.
den we had recess.
continued eating chilli chacha!
den that tan said go to class go to class!
den i said hall?
den i wus hell.
went to the hall anyways.
everyone wus assembled inside la dope.
had math aft recess.
ms arnita treating us pizza.
wootz, but aft school.
did the math worksheet.
we had english ltr on.
did comprehension.
ate my pills at 1.17pm
drank lots of water but couldnt get it down la.
and i almost BARFED?
eww, my eyes were watery and all.
ee la.
and the medicine tastes sucky.
asked for tissue from val.
rlly ew.
and the tissue wus soaked.
after class rushed to the toilet..
then went to the canteen.
had pizza!
had to eat really really fast.
had to go up at 2 for listening compre.
had mother tongue first at 4e3.
yeah yea, kenny wus slping?
lol, wy told me.
i knew i wus slping when they repeated all the passages again.
lol, i rlly couldnt understand at all?!
urh.. i rlly dno, just slept.
den went ter 4e5 for english.
guess where i sat!!
wootzz.. nicey place..
middle third row.
after listening went to toilet.
den saw alvina.
and she pulled my...
den she wus laughing like mad.
and guess who i saw..
went to cold storage with cl yp and wl.
wus laughing like mad in the supermart.
cos.. the choc.
lol.. dropped on the floor and we were talking about sausages.
and wl wus like there.. wna laugh dunt wanna laugh.
just reached home abt 20 mins ago.
going to slp soon..
left house ard 6.40
coudlnt find my watch.
went 7-11.
didnt have eight days.
went to the provision shop.
lucky have la.
i wus smiling away, i think fellow students thought im some freak.
met wl as usual.
must screaming la and all.
did an eng compo todays.
den we had cpa!
had an open bk test todays.
slept after the test.
lol, then tcher start lesson alr i wus still slping.
ahha! and dreaming awy.
LOLZZ then tcher nvr scold, behind me nia.
we had recess aft cpa.
recess wus ok though..
had sci ltr.
mdm wong is unreasonable.
thats all i have to say about her.
then we had math.
lucky i didnt fall asleep.
had pccg la!
goodness gracious.
changed our places.
and both my arms were like rlly pain la.
i think gna have scars.
umm very cool..
luckily we didnt have to stay back la.
big fight gna brk out yah.
at 5pm.
hope nothing happens..
ok, saw john.
yupz and yp found out who is it.
and im like pls pls pls dunt say it out.
but ive alr given up on him..
though not totally..
saw him again ltr on.
oh ya, yp told me she wna be bung?
ohno, i dunt think she pei la.
i mean if she's the girly one i can understand.
guess ive made up my mind too la.
went to coldstorage with wl.
met yp ch and yy a few mins ltr.
they went back to school to pei cl.
wl and i went home soonafter lahs.
colourgenics test.
Is it that you are working - or even playing - too hard? Because it would seem that you are experiencing a great deal of pent-up emotion at this time which could possibly take effect and lead to irrational behavior.
You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has gone before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.
The way things are, you feel that you are stuck in a rut and there is not much you can do about it. You feel frustrated and inhibited but if you can find a way to let yourself go, you may find that things aren't quite so bad as perhaps you thought they were. One consolation is that since you are an extremely emotional individual, with the right person you may be able to release some of that frustration and tension with some mutual tender loving care.
You are very restless and inclined to be depressed - and try as you may you feel that you are unable to control the situation in which you now find yourself. You refuse point blank to relinquish control of your feelings and to place yourself in other people's hands. It would appear that there is a condition or a relationship on the horizon which you feel could cause you further unwarranted aggravation and stress. This is the last thing you need at this time. There must be more to life than the present situation. You are not quite sure what you are looking for and so you tend to be impatient and irritable until what you seek presents itself to you. You need to get away from this unsatisfactory state of mind, especially now, as you find that your powers of concentration are suffering.
There is that inherent fear that you may be prevented from attaining the better things in life - those things that you consider essential to your well-being. So you are prepared to try everything to prove to yourself that whatever you do or try will go wrong. This destructive attitude could come under the heading of 'a self fulfilling prophecy'. This belittling yourself is your method of disguising how hopeless and what a waste of time you feel that everything is. So now turn it about. As you 'think', so you are... So 'imagine' yourself successful. 'Pretend', 'act it out' and you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
weared coloured contacts to school.
luckily i didnt get caught ya know.
ohya ohya.
i found out silva's ambition if he wasnt a tcher.
den josh said LOSE WEIGHT.
ahhaha, no la.
its being a composer/songwriter.
and he said he wanted his long hair.
he said he wanted to be a hippy.
and, and, finding nemo became catching nemo?
after eng had p.e!
played badminton agains.
had the badminton test.
wootz, got 7/15uhh?
shud have studied.
played badminton with lin lin.
funns lo.
then 10.35-10.42 we were chatting lor.
about starfishy. LOL.
obviously, it isnt me la..
wootz sec4 no exams.
mother tongue.
wus drawing all ovr my hand and leg.
didnt wna do anything la.
did xi zi though.
after mother tongue had eoa lor.
wah liew, it wus superly boring.
i swore i couldve slept .
umm after class.
qf returned me my pen.
yupz, the one which farhan took.
den umm, the cap broke
hahaha den i said FARHAN MY PEN.
den he said sorry i pay u money.
den i said nvm nvm.
den he like went on his knees den i wus like,
HAHA, den one sec4 walked past and wus smirking.
UMMM. wah liiewws.
after school went coldstoragey with wl.
met yp yy cl and ch ltr on lo.
went home ard 3.
umm. watching tv nuw yeah.
yp said, she wna be
i thought i might join her.
ummm.guys cant be trusted la nowadays.
so um..
had to go to school today lA!!
COS, daddy not free.
then went lorhs.
quite ok lor.
went com labby during chi lesson.
so fun.
everyone went to friendster.
nt doing work.
den aft sch..
went to my hse.
with wl.
den took money, changed my shoes also.
then walked to wl's hse.
den took a bus to tm.
went to meet pat and xiaohong first.
so i called him lor.
ya, like twice.
so we met him first la.
den i waved d will hung wave to xiaohong lorhz.
wl wus like damn ps lor.
den i wus like making her more ps all the way.
hha, i wus like chatting with them lor?
quite ps la.. dunt dare hav eye contact.
um.. cos -_-
haa, pat treated us to icecream.
too bad, i dunt like vanilla. HAHAHAH.
den ummm.
took nps with cl, ch, yy who came ard 2.30+
ard 4+ we went to tk neoprints.
um, i think their friend, bryan also came.
dno he who lor.
quite fun lor.
then waited for pandora to come.
walk walk den chat chat.
quite tired la.
the contacts making me tired and stuff.
then took pics with pandora lor.
and ltr with pat xiao hong all agns.
had dinner with yy, cl, wl, pat, bryan and xh.
the rest went home alr.
just came home like, 1 hr ago.
took the same bus as gorgor.
but he din knw.
and i stood next to him..
i thought i wus the gong one..
ok coool...
i gotta tk the contacts out ya.
so byeezz.
today wus a superly fun day.
okok, met wl in sch.
had sci test today.
den mt.
had ting xie.
so lame right.
den we had eoa.
i swear i almost died.
it wus like, so damn boring la.
recess wus also very boring la.
had math aft recess.
which is also VERY boring.
um, found out sci marks.
i got 17/20!
COOL! i study abit only!
nah, jkjk.
aft math we had el.
zz, silva agn.
almost died.
aft sch.
went to cold storage with wl.
aft that met ch, cl, yp and yy.
den walk ard.
left at 2.15
took a cab to tpc.
met rachel first.
den dels and her friends.
after that den sam a sam c and sheena came.
went to foodcourt.
um.. duno why keep laughing la.
bel and candice came ltr.
so um..
kept laughing.
aft that we seperated..
sam and the rest went study
den rach dels and i walking ard.
wus walking to the bubble tea shop den saw dels's other friends.
den sam and sam were like running.
lol, they wanted to buy bubble tea.
den i had to leave alr.
dden hugs hugs.
one after another.
den both hug me den poke here there.
lol, so cutez la both of them.
hope to see them soon.
den went to kfc lor.
den ate her lunch.
aft that went to look for sam they all agns.
den left le.
took bus 8 home.
reached tm ard 7+
went tm awhile.
took a cab home.
dead tired!
eeks, today liu jing sui yue last ep!

You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ? brought to you by Quizilla
today wus quite ok.
yupx yupz.
started the day off with cpa.
time passed quickly this time ard.
duno why.
maybe cos ms neo wasnt ard.
after that we had english.
did the english common test.
i had double vision while doing that.
seriously, i wus tired lor.
slept after i did the test.
after english we had recess.
boring lahs.
after recess, to the hall.
had some skit by nkf lorhs.
wus quite okays.
we had math afterwhich.
time passed quickly too.
duno whats up today.
had to stay back an hour after class.
stupid lah, we did not litter at all lorz.
went home after that la.
ok about ytd huh.
i fell down.
well, not really la.
so sway la.
wus closing the hall windows aft pe.
then that metal thingy holding the window almost clipped my fingers.
den i let go of my left hand.
my right hand no strength and it slipped.
um, dragged along the window ledge.
and i climbed on that window thingy, cos too high.
den i fell um,
i sprained my left ankle, AGAIN!
and its not fully recovered lor.
ankle wus like damn pain, but wus better after a while.
my fingers and arm got traces of blood.
cool right.
its like, unwashable.
aiyoh, okok byebyes~
todays wus hell of a great day.
especially during mother tongue.
but first..
blog about the earlier happenings.
we had math right aft reading period.
which wus quite ok la.
hais, not very boring today.
but, eyes were straining and wus hell, alot of pain.
duno why also la.
whut the hell. 75 degrees only.
hahahas. aiyes. i no money to buy contacts.
mumsy not giving my allowance ):!
nvms la.
after math we had science.
fun fun.
cos wus full of laughter.
but i wus rlly steaming too la.
cos, arghs.
too noisy.
cant concentrate.
my weilin sick le.
LOLS. jk la~
so poor things.
we had eoa after 2 periods of science.
umms. silva had to leave at 10.30
aha, had to see a parent.
havoc again.
lol, bell rang all run liaos.
aiyoh almost got caught by that stupid lim la.
that stupid woman.
zzz. biased.
we had mother tongue after recess.
hahas, went to computer lab.
so fun la.
went friendster.
david accepted my request!
EEEEEEEKKKS. he's like damn cute!!
i played the sec3 camp vid.
kept on concentrating on kenny dancing the chick dance.
especially the way he moved his legs la?!
omg his facial expression also damn funny.
amist all that, i saw... weeyeng's ass.
its wus like freaking funny pls.
even funnier than kenny's legs.
weeyeng's ass can move up down up down.
HAHA, and we kept replaying and replaying.
wus hell of fun kays.
and weeyeng wus laughing at me too cos i wus laughing funnily?!
lol. aiyes, bell rang.
time flew damn fast la.
umms, went to the dnt room to pass the thumbdrive to ms lee.
then wl, yy gloria and i went ter cold storage.
how convenient is that right?!
daddy came home ard 2 lohs.
had to wash dishes.
vacuum room.
keep all my archie books):
NOT TO MENTION, almost half of my collection is destroyed by my darlings chewt chewt, my lovebirdes.
sobness. 200bucks there.
cleaned room abit.
changed hammy's sawdust.
wus done about an hour ltr.
slacked infront of the computer.
ohyahs, challenged wx 1v1 on gb earlier on.
and i wus singing when i wus cleaning my room.
lols, maybe i can consider joining SI 2?
if there is eva one.
nahs, im just kidding la.
too lousy.
DELS said i sound like william hung when i sing la, how evil..
i do not sound like him please...
if i join SI all others no chance alr.
except david(:
cuteness guy. haha, love him man.
as in, as a idol pls.
okok, im just kidding about the SI participation and all please.
then again, i might join.... LOL.
okok, im being really lame.
i think im gna watch tv soon.
gt liu jing sui yue!
AHHH my fav.
oh ya oh ya.
i wanna blog abt ytd too!
ytd we had 5 periods free!
coolness crap.
silva and arnita nt free.
during eoa, which wus before recess.
faiz opened the sp(GIRLS THING)
and kept playing with it.
stuck in on the table.
and tried like, putting it on?!
omg, he like damn ew.
den he stuck it on his face.
saying its a plaster.
den he stuck it ovr his mouth.
and said he's a doctor?
and ash wrote dr. gigi there.
lol, madness.
laughing away la.
but damn disgusting too.
so, ya.
um. nth much lahs, wus raining ytd.
walked home myself.
not forgetting that big op bag wl returned me.
hahs. okok.
im gna slack.
wus reluctant to go to school today lahs.
superly boring in school.
no purpose la.
however i still had to go.
school wus ok today.
sec fours and fives had practical exam today.
ok wunt blog about that.
ok then we had cpa la.
ms neo so poor thing
cos everyone dunt wna listen.
all went internet.
including me la.
i kept talking to wx abt the gb match.
boring lahs.
after cpa we had english.
one trainee tcher sat in.
ok english wus ok la.
went up to class lorhs.
talking rubbish and all.
talking about jay.
urms alot of things.
then this kenny kept imitating me la.
after recess we had cme.
so fun la!
wee yeng kept on dissing me.
cos he knows my 3 yr long secret i told no one.
and that weilin told him
i dunt mind.
i just knew they'd laugh.
so laugh it out.
its my chinese name i had in primary school.
den that weeyeng told kenny wx and all la.
then this willie know.
he wrote on the mahjong paper which wus covering the table mimimimi all over lor?
then rq kept on drawing on my renfu pic?!
and stacie, gareth and simple plan.
maths wus fun too.
miss arnita nt tching!
my dream.
coolness man.
at last i didnt have to bore myself to death.
so um, did worksheets she gave us.
woots, bell rang le.
looked for mr wong.
tookthe camp disc den cl, ch, wl, yp and i went to the coldstorage which wus just downstairs of my blk.
urm, like few metres awy.
aahha. opposite la.
so umms.
bought bubble tea and all.
alot of people.
den wl, yp and i left first.
den yy came.
ahaha that madmad den girl always pinch my face.
waited for dardee in the carpark.
help he carry the chairs up.
ate lunch.
after a while i slept on the table.
wus achin la~
ok so im bored now.
had brkfast at home.
then left.
dada fetched us to sherman's hse.
went fer badminton.
with dels, sherman, javier and lester.
played awhile only.
then to the gym.
after gym went swimming.
until 6.30
had dinner. left.
sherman's sleeping ovr nuw.
you really lied to me.
stupid enough to believe you.
never again.
and on top of that.
some friendship problems.
haiz, what can i say?
freaky dicky.
whatever i typed ytd is gone?
nvm, i'll blog again.
went for brkfst with dada and dels near out house.
then dada fetched us to sherman's house.
went for badminton ard 12.10.
very hot?!
think i got a sunburn.
ard 1 we went to the gym.
lester came.
hahha, but he couldnt get in.
he went home. den came with javier ltr on.
cycled abt 6km+ lols. den ran abit.
after that we went to sherman's hse.
got changed den dels, sherman and i went to tampines mall.
bought shuttlecocks.
a cosmetics pouch from espirit, den i can put my soap stuff inside. ahahhs.
then to montip.
took a cab to sherman's hse agn.
that wus ard 4.
5+ we went for badminton again.
went back ard 6.
had dinner at 7+
at 7+, sherman dels i and went to badminton again.
javier came ltr on.
lester too.
ard 8+ daddy came to fetch dels, sherman, popo and i to changi.
had dinner.
fetched mums to airport awhile.
den fetched popo and sherman home.
gna follow dels to school ltr on to collect her hp.
then going to sherman's house to the gym and for badminton ltr.
tried so much to please you.
i got backstabbed.
i hate YOU
get out of my sight.
you wont see me asking for any favours from you.
dunt expect any from me too.
back from camp,
one day earlier.
supp. to be back tomorrow.
camp wus quite fun at the beginning.
we had rafting. built a raft. did NOT sink, until ~ it wus unbalanced.
washed up. ewwy sea water. wus rlly soaked.
we had lunch after.
ummms. we had high elements after that.
played the broken bridge only. about 2.5 stories high. wooden planks on cables. quite scary. stupid helmet wus covering my eyes the whole time.
urms. didnt try the flying fox. )):!
we had dinner at around 6+
wheees~ shower!
wahahahas. so cooling.
face wus rlly red? sunburn like mad -.-
after showering wus feeling sick, headache.
hais. really canot tahan.
keep on acting cute.
interrupting conversations.
talking loudly. SELFCENTERED TOO.
hais. the activities were fairly fun.
but i just couldnt take the headache. arghs~
superly pain. signs of giddyness too.
cried ytd.
but parents could not come to fetch me.
hais. but i thought, nvm. just stay on.
went for the night walk. they make it like, so scary.
umm. like keep us in suspense.
waited for more than 2hrs before our team could proceed.
umms. its wus a walk in the swamp area.
with lots of stuff sticking out of the ground.
potholes, and stones all around. in a very very dark area.
surrounded by trees. no torchlights could be used. -_-.
mr tan? duno whats his name.
he wus our tcher i/c.
it wus about teamwork.
guiding friends and warning about the potholes and all.
fun shyt. felt better after that.
couldnt get to sleep though. wus really hot.. -_-
sms-ed a few people.
duh~ including weeyeng and willie.
even though they were just a few metres away.
hahs. lights out wus at 12mn but the stupid lights of the main tentage wus freaking bright?
and the tents were like, so small.
-.- woke up at ard 5.30 or 5. omg?
madness. brushed teeth. walked around.
talked to willie, weeyeng and the others.
urm. weeyeng catched a toad? or frog.. hmm.
so funny. they were like chasing it all around. hahs!
did morning excercises.
superly lame? hahaha.
then the instructor said. i didnt know everyone here wus paralysed.
all lame. hahaha.
they were playing a few songs.
hmms. william hung. the reason. sesame street?! lol! here without you and many more lahs.
7.30+ we had breakfast. um?
we had some low elements after which.
required teamwork.
duh~~ umm. i left ard 11.45+
wl came back. asked me to stay. i cried cos i think tcher biased against me?
but duh~ i had to leave.
but i dunt know whether i should've stayed? urm. cool.