wus a cooling day to begin with.
thunders in the morning.
so i didnt want to wake up at all.
got changed lahs.
then went to meet qf.
wasnt late today.
so um.
we went to the hall today lahs.
asked around for tie.
unfortunately nobody had la.
i cant believe i forgot lahs.
nuw i have four ties?
ah shit.
well there wus spot checking for the hair today.
luckily i didnt get caught la.
wah lau.
its just a little.
why make such a big fuss.
after reading period we had english.
well as usual.
val wuld be laughing.
went to the com lab fer cpa.
did ppt today.
boring la.
time passed so slowly today.
had recess aft cpa.
bought a tie la.
6.50. think i print money or whut.
went to collect the ic with yy.
after recess wus science la.
didnt listen.
damn noisy.
listening wuldnt make a differance.
just scribbled on my foolscap.
aft science wus maths la.
i dunt understand a thing at all.
makes no sense.
i dunt feel like listening at all.
after science we had assembly lor.
mr galistan addressed us.
before that mrs lee introduced the new tchers la.
wus laughing the whole time la.
cos of mr koh's mole and mouth.
so girly ok.
and at cockroach too cos he looks like will hung.
after that we had a talk la.
we thought it would be boring.
like mrs lee.
just nagging all day long.
well, mr galistan is differant.
he's funny!
he makes assemblies fun.
i dunt mind him addressing a few more times.
well, he talked about academic thingys, what else.
he made us realize a few things la.
he's a good speaker.
since he came frm raffles.
before transferring here.
he's damn funny la.
and cute in a manner.
cute as in not handsomely cute.
umm. you know.
well after assembly we went home lah.
and renqin and kenny were like behind kept on calling my name la.
like ghost? smth like a girl also.
damn funny.
val came ovr to muh hse.
took my wallet then we went to tm lohs.
we went to gv first.
bought the tix for spiderman.
fer val cos she wanted to come.
then we went to adidas la.
then to sportslink.
bought a shirt for weilin's bdae.
bought wrapping paperr.
then we went down.
val ate ock.
then i went to delifrance to eat.
bought some bread fer daddy.
then we went home alr.
chat online awhile.
watched the chn8 show at 5.30
then watched spiderman la.
im damn excited cos im gna watch the sequel tmr lahs.
but somehow or other.
im not rlly in the mood la.
after my chat with weilin.
not blaming her for my mood.
yahs. she
i can trust her and all.
though we
do fight. she's a
good friend and all.
just wish everyone could be more understanding.
i wish no one would misunderstand me.
wishing wunt bring anyone anywhere.
i somehow realized it the hard way.
omg its super boring
luckily i didnt get caught for dyed hair
okies byebyes.
ltr get caught using internet!!
wus dammit tired today lahs.
but no choice.
had ter go to school.
anyway its only the second day of school.
so start it well.
i think i should heed that advice.
if i can avoid skipping school so much.
well, okay. lets make it short?
i hope.
okok so anyways.
i woke up around 6.20am lahs
but as usual i turned it off.
and woke up at 6.35am
but wus still damn tired la.
i had to find alot of things la.
o well.
got changed and tied my hair all that la.
couldnt find my socks larh.
wah lau.
dunt know where it disappeared to.
so i had to wear my new socks.
which i didnt intend to.
cos its 6bucks per pair.
wus late again in meeting qf lah!
so paiseh.
well, wasnt late for school lahs.
as usual we had the reading period la.
after reading wus cpa?
and SAM(scratch armpit monster)
came like so damn long lor?
and its like dunt know what the hell she doing.
did some coursework today lah.
wus veh veh tired.
rest awhile.
meaning a few seconds only.
the microsoft pub thingy wus pissing me off la.
canot wrap text and all that shit.
ahhh. ms lee, my fav chio bu tcher.
so anyway..
did like one page only.
hahha, but everyone has to do two.
3 periods one page.
HAHA. coolness hurs.
almost everyone is done alr.
had to do some brochure shit thingy la.
for what use also dunt knw.
wasting printer ink and paper?
after cpa wus ENGLISH again la.
wah lau eh.
he damn boring la.
and he shouted at zl.
i dunt know why he likes blowing his top?
aft english wus recess la.
went to the toilet first lorhs.
its the normal routine.
went for recess lahs.
but as usual we stand ard only.
then yy wanted to collect her ic lorh.
well, me also la.
my bdae's in jan.
but i did it in may.
that cool. HAH.
oh yah oh yah.
went to mr tan to get the ic la.
he's like so stern lor.
and he said i owe him dc?
wah lau.
i didnt get any information asking me to go dc and he asked me to go?
and i HATE dc.
it sucks.
checked the list lah.
lucky dunt have
after collecting we went to the canteen
and that idiotic wl just like kept on beating me?
and she hit me first.
and i hit her back and she like kept on laughing and said i always hit her.
leaving behind "wu ge shou ying"
lol. but i told her i only have two hands.
and since we had two badges on our collar
one is sch and one is the anti-drug abuse.
i kept pressing it down to hurt her.
and i took the back part.
and i wanted to press it down!
but of cos didnt la.
she just kept laughing.
aw man.
went to the hall for some talk lah.
super boring ok.
lol, and we kept talking about moles.
koh's wan on right, wong on left.
above the lip.
then ch said if both sides have then chi li lah.
and we just kept laughing like mad.
obviously that val would be too.
then cl said if one whole row even nicer.
madness. just laughed and laughed.
the talk wus quite boring.
smth abt community wrk at golden pines.
cos we had to do cip at some old folky thing.
then the presenter told us to teach them things or wad.
like para para or hip hop?
thats super cool la.
lamer la he.
huw he expect them to do?
everyone wus like chit chatting away.
then cl said some tcher had the same shirt as wong?
and we just laughed and laughed.
around 12+ we went back to class la.
wong asked us to right what we're going to do at the old folky's home.
couldnt be bothered.
lol. just read mag la.
after cme wus math.
well, i thought math would go slowly.
well, it wus like damn fast la the time.
wus doing work then looked at the clock alr 1.25pm
damn fast la.
did pytheros theorem. is that huw its spelled?
aw man.
damn hard and i dunt understand a thing.
cos i wasnt listening la.
lucky for alvin and val i could hear a thing or two from them.
school's out!
YAY. went home almost straight away today.
damn tired la.
ate some dumpling from msia.
then watched wqyl lahs.
listening to cun zai agains.
the same cd la everyday
the one i burned.
renfu just rocks man.
handsome and
cool nomatter what anyone says.
so is
orlando bloom.
so is
elijah wood.
so is
hugh jackman <- though old. LOL.
so is
tobey maguire. <- rocker. he rocks!
so is
mengzhe? lols.
so is
so is
so is
so is
shane west.
so is
edison chen.
so is
mark anthony <- some cantonese actor la. but i dunt know his name? dels calls him dat.
so is
ma junwei. <- think thats his name. acted in di nu hua. handsome la.
so is --
damn tired.
maybe i'll sleep soon((:
take care all!

i typed like so long.
suddenly it dissapeared?
wah lau.
ok anyway.
late in meeting qf today.
wus almost late for school today.
cos that
idiot blew the whistle damn early.
like two minutes early la.
then our class wus like almost lined up.
and wl, sy, cl all staring at me?
dunno why.
must be the hairband.
must be damn horrid la.
after the national anthem there wus this funny sound.
and valerie just kept laughing?
started the first period with reading period.
which totally sucks.
cos cos its 20mins.
well val and i were talking awy.
saw mr ong.
our sec 1 pe tcher.
whu teaches p.e like damnnit tough..
saw zhang lao shi also.
i call him cockroach
haa. cos it sounds a little like
zhang lang.
and johnny and joshua kept on di-siaoing that singh tcher.
saying his hair is white and all cos the turban is white.
lame asses.
val, of course would be laughing away.
after reading period science.
wong allowed us to join our tables.
luckily i could join with val.
or val had to sit with alvin,
and i with farhan.
didnt have science lesson again.
cos the boys just kept on joking and joking.
sufian suggested using the class fund to buy a vacuum cleaner.
and the class just cracked
that wus cool.
so after science.
we had english.
not the subject.
but the TEACHER.
boring like shiat.
after english we had pe.
after changing we went to the parade sq.
took our height and weight.
then ran one round of the school.
and went to the hall to assemble.
played badminton for less then half an hour la.
10.35 the bell rang.
changed and went for recess.
after recess went to the hall to assemble.
got our anti drug abuse collar badge.
which we are supp. to wear or we get
detention lor?
we had chi lesson after that.
went to the comp lab.
couldnt go to the internet.
wus like
only some computers could.
wus playing spider solitiare and internet checkers.
then willie showed us huw to go into the net.
but more than one period gone alr.
aft chinese wus eoa la.
damn boring.
talk talk talk
super boring.
like shiat.
almost fell asleep.
time to go home.
went home ard 1.50pm la.
--- at the backgate.
cooked some sucky lunch today.
then watched xmen2 la.
damn nice la.
but jean died?
i thought she wouldnt?
people who watched said she didnt la.
hugh jackman wus cute.
daddy and dels came back ard 5 la.
fed hamsy and gerbil corn.
quite boring la.
wus listening to cunzai.
and renfu's voice is like so so
-sigh- =_-
chat with daryl only.
oh weellls.
called the computer ass guy ytd night.
to come today at ard 11?
then its like 11.50 he not here yet lor?
then my mom kept on calling him?
but he dunt wannt to pick up.
my gg can fix it to.
so why waste the money right?
so anyways.
dels, mumsy and i went to eastpoint.
had the kiwi thingy over there.
reached there around noon.
then bought the spiderman 2 tickets!
from the axs station.
lol. im so so so excited.
dels said gary wus cute.
i agree too.
but ONLY in the kiwi suit okays.
then we saw gong gong and poh poh theres.
pohpoh like made dumplings.
and then she opened one for me?
lol. and it wus cold!
i didnt want to eat.
cos i wus going to have lunch.
then she kept saying chi chi chi.
den i wus laughing and laughing.
and saying it wus cold.
then dels wus like. uhhh.
she malu larh.
then i passed the dumpling ovr to mumsy.
tts funny. HAHAAH.
then dels and i brought grandparents to some restaurant for lunch.
dels and i went to popular to buy some pens.
then we called mumsy up.
then we had lunch together.
after lunch grandparents left.
then mumsy left alr.
cos dels wanted to study at starbucks.
so obviously,
i had to tag along.
went to sembawang music centre.
dels bought the utada hikaru cd?
is that huw u spell it.
i bought the x2 and spiderman vcd lahs.
then we went to starbucks.
passed by the perfume shop.
so just kpoing.
look ard la.
den dels wanted the fcuk perfume?
which is like damn ex.
i dunt like to waste money like that lor.
but to her.
money is nothing.
no value of money.
we couldn't get the maniature one.
cos sold out alr?
it wus like 5bucks.
which is super super cheap.
so anw.
we browsed ard.
actually wanted to buy the adidas want.
but dels say not nice.
and she wus like pestering me to buy the fcuk.
so duh,
we had to buy.
that she wanted to carry,
ask her carry some ahma plastic bag dowan.
went to starbucks to study.
then i saw this guy?
the hair somewhat like renfu's
the eyebrows also?
from the side looks like shibin.
from the front its a little like alexband.
lol. really cute.
but no, just admiring his hair? lol
about 5, sherman came.
then he wus like, should i go home and take my books?
cos he lived nearby.
then i wus like, ask your maid la!
hahahha. then he said, oh yeah ah. i got brains.
then i wus like, i suggested it?
and she took like super long to come lor.
and her name is pronouced something like youlick.
sherman wus like youlick.
dels kept on laughing?
den i said youlick?
sherman said you lick my dick?
what a disgusting ass.
so corrupted?
and he's like only, primary five?
what a rude ass.
we left around, 6?
around that la, almost 7.
then we went to some haunted house?
located at the ground floor.
its the backstage.
but they made it into some haunted house.
we were like, aiyah, not scary wan lar.
then the guy manning the place wus like staring at us.
then i said aiyah lets just go.
sherman also.
finally, our turn came.
we went in and it wus like pitch dark.
dels, being somewhat, BRAVE.
wus the first to walk.
sherman that idiotic scaredy cat.
wus in the middle.
i mean, im like DAMN scared ok.
zzz. i wus walking the last one.
it wus really really dark.
we were just next to the entrance.
den we were like screaming alr.
we didnt even see anything.
hahahha. then i said lets go la lets go.
i wanted to get out of there?
then the guy kept on pestering us to go in.
then we just went in lar.
alot of hanging heads?
flickering lights too.
then there wus this black cloth.
but it doesnt look like it cos its damn dark.
then some guy just screamed and we were like scared to death.
dels screamed like so loud.
sherman too.
he wus like walking with his eyes closed.
then another guy scared us.
then we saw some guy in the scream mask.
wanting to make sure he wouldnt scare us,
we told his friend to hit him.
then he like hit so hard?
duno whether real wan anot.
but when dels walked passed he screamed.
then all of us screamed la, naturally.
dels and sherman just kept on scolding them.
and we didnt want to go on.
cos its like damn scary.
then he said go go go, its the only way out.
i wus tugging at sherman's shirt.
then another guy came out!
in some mummy suit.
wah lau.
then sherman shouted at him and boxed him.
damn funny.
then his friend scolded dels.
but it wus sherman.
my hair wus like damn messy when we went out.
we took our things and walked around.
sherman went home.
dels and i took a cab home.
then we realised we didnt have a key?
we were locked out of the house since like 7.40+?
wah lau.
then we waited for parents to come home.
which wus like 9.18+.
wus like singing singing walking ard.
finally got home.
after dinner packed my bag.
looking for specs again!
wah lauuu.
cleared the place abit.
ironed clothes.
thats about it.
am super tired. (:
i suck.
so shut the hell up.
that totally
no, i didnt say that for fun.
not in the
best of mood.
get out of my sight.
chat with me?
blab blab.
am quite tired.
just burned my cd.
chatting with cl and wl.
abt soccer?
i dunt understand a thing.
they're watching soccer nuw.
but im tlking abt spiderman.
im lame.
cant wait for it to open lors!
every night i hear you cry
don't you wanna tell me why
i'm afraid the way cannot without you
maybe I misunderstand
but when i reach and touch your hand
i can't feel you anymore
you seem a million miles away from me tonight
baby but I'm right beside you
talk to me
that's what my love is here for
can't stand to see
those tears in your eyes
i'll do anything it takes to make it right
talk to me
even if it's just to say good-bye
wherever so hard to say
whatever makes you turn away
can't be any words that I imagine
you gotta tell me what you need from me
to hold you close or set you free
cause I just wanna see your smile again
but i can't help you if you keep me in the dark
open up your breaking heart and
talk to me
that's what my love is here for
can't stand to see
those tears in your eyes
i'll do anything it takes to make it right
talk to me
even if it's just to say good-bye
i don't know how to ease the pain you're going through
baby, tell me what to do
talk to me
that's what my love is here for
can't stand to see
those tears in your eyes
i'll do anything its takes you make it right
should I hold you close or set you free to fly?
talk to me
even if it's just to say good-bye...
woke up like nearly noon today.
am damn tired.
went online.
blah blah.
normal thingys.
then bathed and got rdy by 2.18pm.
dels and i just kept delaying.
like till 2.50+ we still at home?
but we're supp. to meet sherman at like, 2.45.
then we took a cab to eastpoint.
met sherman.
then aft he downloaded his rgtone.
took a mrt to bugis.
went to bugis street first.
bought this bag.
took quite long to buy.
cos its like they dunt wan to give comments lor!
after that we went to ljs for brunch?
well dels and i la.
sherman alr had brkfast.
aft eating we studied lar.
stupid idiotic el tcher.
set the freaking compre so freaking shitty.
didnt have the mood to do lor.
then this girl tt took part in chneight's joshua's gf thingy wus there.
damn slutty and whatevrlar.
dels wus staring at her the whole time.
she like damn action la.
we left ljs at abt. 6.45
cos sherman wanted to go bugis.
went to the money changer.
then walked ard seiyu.
the billabong boarding pants is like damn nice lor?
but 60+?
wah lau.
think i print money or what?
ask me buy also dunt want.
unless someone pays for me.
but then again,
why waste the money?
i wanna go down to the sportslink warehse~
the things there super cheap.
haha, just nxt to mumsy's off.
we left bugis at abt.. 8
then took a mrt to simei.
then sherman went hme.
we waited for the taxi for like quite long lor.
then this freaking malay, just went infront of us lor?
like wtf.
if that wasnt bad enough,
they wanted two taxis!
wus practically cursing.
freak them ok.
and then another chi lady went infront of us.
wah lau.
rlly pissing me off lor.
then we went to eastpoint.
walked ard.
then took a cab frm the taxi stand.
hurr. came hme at abt 9.30
had dinner at 9.46pm.
nice nice i love my bag!
luckily you cried and showed remorse.
thats my good sister.
u suck.
you spoilt my cam.
you have no fucking sense or remorse.
no feelings.
no conscience.
not even apologetic.
you dunt even realise what the fuck you've turned into.
some fucked up bitch.
thats what.
you have been influenced.
and you said you wouldnt.
you were never like this in primary school.
you bitch.
wheres your manners.
yur arrogance is pissing me off.
do you know huw i see you?
huw the public sees you.
and yur friends?
you dunt know.
you will never know huw fuckin wild u are.
luckily you apologized to me face to face.
or i wunt forgive you.
you better watch yur behaviour.
went out with parents today.
went for breakfast at kitchener road.
then we went to tp.
fetched mumsy there.
then to amk.
then to mumsy's office.
went to the sportslink warehse.
havng a sale ovr there.
things there damn cheap.
bought a bag.
a pair of socks, small cap.
for i dunt knw what but its cute.
and a water bottle.
went to mum's office.
the bag is like damn high?
i dunt wan i dunt wan!
maybbe im going down to bugis tmr to get the bag.
with sherman.
dels probably.
then we fetched mumsy to the airport.
then daddy and i went to tm.
gave the thingy to sally.
daddy bought some bread then we went hme.
just reAChed home less than 20mins ago.
so yup.
woke up ard 11 todays.
some people came ovr to fix the kitchen cabinets.
went out for brunch with daddy.
bought for dels.
super cloudy but no rain?
at least it wus cooling.
watched the mtv 2004 movie awards.
not too bad lahs.
drew and adam won!
tobey maguire and kirsten dunst hwever, shld be together.
used the computer most of the time.
yah. quite boring.
idiot, nvr bk again?
and i wus like damn mad at her?
she just doesnt believe in punctuality or wad?
i trust her and she doesnt want to do it?
had enough of her.
am watchin tv nuws.
bored to death.
didnt go badminton agns.
why? all because of her.
just 'spring cleaned' my room.
at least its cleaner than the past.
well that rat,
that particular rat named.
dezi tan.
is quite a pest which loves to mess up the room.
well, shes an ass.
anw, am damn tired.
gonna get some sleep pretty soon.
cos im the only one up,
besides my sis whu's about to sleep.
goodnights. ciao bbabby!
didnt go to bugis as planned.
went to
tampines mall instead.
went to adidas.
which had not a really big selection.
so ya,
asked the sales assistant if the rack wus womens and she said yes.
when i asked her for the size,
she said its kids.
she is so fucked up man
the customer service fucks like shit over there.
they dunt give a damn about you in any single way.
really had a bad time shopping there.
freak, wus
really pissed off man.
anw, out of nowhere gorgor suddenly appeared.
madness, he came to tm after school.
haaarr, so good he's in poly alr. ):
anwws, went to isetan.
bought 37degrees shirts.
then we had dinner at kenny rogers.
damn filling.
then we went to royal sporting hse.
den some perfume shop.
then to metro.
cos gg wanted to see the hugo boss thingy.
den dels and i ran off.
and poor gg had to go home himself.
dels is a bad ass i tell you.
went to op.
bought the boarding pants.
then went to 77th street, surf and ski.
er, then to adidas agains.
bought a shirt.
dels and i got the same shirt.
shes always getting the same one as me.
bought a trackpants similar to hers too.
then we took a cab home.
cos we're like damn tired.
am going badminton tmr?
or running.
ask that
person to book the court like took her duno huw long.
shes been saying eh lets play badminton and stuff.
before the hols even
and she said she wld book.
then shes like when are we free.
the fact is she isnt free at all.
is like making me boil.
and i like scolded her today
and shes like, i duno huw to bk.
she only knew huw to book the stadium one?
and i said huw?
she said just go in and play.
thats stupid
plain stupidity.
do i have to do everything myself?
this tells you never to trust your friends to
zzz. anwwws.
i'll try to get the court tmr.
with or without her.
this time i will not
boring is a word i'd like to use to describe how i feel right now.
but i'd
better enjoy it cos,
school is starting in less than a week's time.
the thought of it just mkes me
i cant think of it anymore.
but looking on the bright side of
fun whr friends get together.
school is actually a
very fun place.
a so called
second home?
primary school was the
secondary school
isnt too bad.
not for the next 1 and a half year.
but for the past 2 yrs its been
dammit fun.
but because some
indian ass has taken like almost
i dread the thought of going to school.
every morning,
i think of that
bastard and i feel like puking.
he's the one that keeps students from
avoiding school.
the principals and majority of the school staff are like
fucking retards.
fucking people with no
fucking feelings.
they think we
love detention so much.
i mean like,
which school doesnt have at least one late comer per day?
of course someone is
bound to be late right?
hell NO.
no fucking brains.
i'd rather go to some other school.
HA. and they wanna get
i just wanna get my last one and a half year over and done with.
and never going back that
sickening school.
school could've been better without some
fucking feeling-less zombies walking around.
and whats with the
its like as if we're in
WORSE than jail.
prefects are the wardens.
some dogs of the zombies.
ha, we are the guinea pigs.
well fuck the school.
i hate school unless the fuckers just fuck the hell out.
i'd totally love it.
enough of that, dammit.
just the thought of going back to school
spoils my mood.
shall not think about it.
hurr. am going out to bugis soon.
if i can get dels's ass off the seat.
that lazy iddiot.
always sleeping like some piggy.
well enough i
worse off than her.
am i?
hurr, am going out
now, i
will blog later on..

What attracts people to you? brought to you by Quizilla
hurrr. update about the past few days first.
180604 //
yes, slept around like 2am yesterday.
dels and gg slept ard 3am.
cos they ordered room service.
woke up at ard 9 or 10?
cos daddy and mumsy kept asking us to wake up.
cos we had to take a cable car to the bus station.
daddy, dels and i went to the hotel lobby first.
dropped the key.
daddy sat on the couch to rest.
dels and i went to buy pie for daddy and mumsy.
er, ard 10.50am mumsy and gg came down.
then we walked to the cable car station.
bought hotdogs for dels, gg, ddaddy and i.
then we took the cablecar.
reached the bus station at ard 11.20am
bought things for mumsy's friend.
and some cashew nuts.
boarded the bus at 12.
reached our hotel at about 1.30pm.
ehhh. we went to
timesqaure berjaya.
five star its like so damn nice.
except for the tv channels.
cos its like all freaking malay. LOL.
we got a suite room.
with a kitchen, living rm, two rooms two toilets.
damn nice. harrr.
mumsy and gg went downstairs for i dunno what.
daddy wus resting in the hotel.
dels and i went swimming lor.
then this guy dunt allow me cos no
swimming costume.
and then i was like ok...
just watched dels swim.
about 10-15minutes later,
we walked to the
gym and saw a few people there.
dels and i just ran off. harrr.
went back to the hotel before 3.
aft mumsy and gg came back.
got changed and took a cab to
really big mall with lots of branded shops.
really expensive stuff.
had lunch first, at
chopstiks i think. LOL.
then we went shopping.
daddy rested at some seat outside adidas.
nothing much there lahs.
those shirts i like all sleeveless.
then we went to royal sporting hse.
wanted to get the plain
adidas sneakers.
for school. but it wus really EXPENSIVE!
bought a nike shirt.
dels bought adidas shirt.
then daddy and mumsy walked to carrefour.
gg duno whr.
dels and i went ard and ard.
then we saw daddy!
den we 'pei' him.
cos mumsy had a meeting at coffeebean.
daddy's toe hurting so canot walk.
bought a watch somewhere there.
about.. 7 helped daddy to coffeebean.
then dels and i went to nike women's shop.
bought a few shirts.
ard 9 we left megamall.
took a cab with daddy and dels to lorong alor.
had to take seperate cabs.
mumsy and gg the other.
had dinner there.
then we took separate cabs again to timesquare.
that idiot duno huw to drive.
took us opp. the hotel.
poor daddy had to walk.
alr hurting. so yarrh.
mumsy and gg changed aft they came home.
then amos fetched them to the pubs.
we stayed in the hotel.
ard 1 i slept on the couch.
then went into the room.
mumsy and gg came back ard 2..
slept on mumsy's bed.
gg slept on the couch.
daddy on a bed and dels on another.
190604 //
i woke up first today! harr.
ard 9 plus.
mumsy the second.
then mumsy and gg went to megamall
they left ard 11.
mumsy went there to buy
dumplings. hurr.
mumsy bought lunch for us too.
supp. to check out at 12.
then mumsy checked out ard 12.20.
but we were still in the hotel having our lunch. LOLS.
left the hotel ard 1.
left our luggage at the holding area.
then we went to
timesquare supermart.
after shopping at the supermart,
daddy went to some cafe to rest.
dels and i went to look for adidas.
but duno whr. duh.. zzz.
so we went back to whr daddy wus.
saw mumsy in some sandals shop.
so went in to kpo.
bought a pair of sandals.
dels and mumsy too.
we went back to the holding area before 2.30.
but the bus hadnt arrived yet.
ard 3 we left kl.
abt 5 we reached this hawker.
bought some chewing gum.
scared get caught.
bought some other things.
freak. like a bad luck day for me ok.
milo spilled on dels.
water and milo spilled on me.
blah. fuck. really unlucky.
left ard 6.
then we reached the johor immigrations.
gg like said dels filled up the form wrongly.
den dels slammed her hand on her passport.
then the officer wus like damn pissed.
den he said smth like
hee nana lan jiao wei.
LOL. so funny.
then his collegue asked him wad happened.
then my dad wus like speaking to him in
lols. wus laughing like mad.
lucky we didnt get caught at the sg immigrations.
reached sg before 10pm lahs.
damn long ride lor.
dels and i went with daddy.
took a cab to the office.
took the coach then we went back to lavender to fetch mumsy and gg.
then we bought dinner.
went home.
saw my darling chewts and hamsy and gerbil!
hamsy babies can walk.
open eyes ler.
so so so cute.
today is like a damn boring day.
more of a quarreling day. hahs.
woke up ard 5.15am lor
am damn damn tired.
cos slept around 2am.
bid chewt chewts goodbye, hamsy and gerbil also.
then daddy went to get the coach.
reached lavender mrt before 6.30am
waited for the bus and boarded before 7.
left at 7 on the dot.
reached genting before 2.
freaking long ride.
all i did wus sleep and play with my gameboy.
ohyah, my cam. lols.
then we walked to hotel resort.
ppooor daaddy's leg swollen. hurr.
checked in the hotel ard 4 or issit 3?
alot of people.
slept for awhile.
then mumsy, gg dels and i went for dinner ard 8.
daddy wus resting.
saw this singer.
which sounded much like jay.
some new singer.
came to j8 before.
forgot the chi name. el is daniel.
lame. nobody cared for his presence. lols.
went to some restaurant at hotel first world.
bought dinner for daddy.
saw sam chua!!
on our way back. so cool k.
chat with her awhile lahs.
sad that she's going back today.
gg and dels bought icecream.
mumsy had popcorn.
then we went to macs.
bought fishy for daddy.
went to kfc cos dels wanted a burger.
went back to the hotel ard 10.
dels and i went to the arcade at 11.
initially, planned to buy bubblegum.
walked around until 11.50pm.
den gg and dels went to coffeebean.
aft a few minutes after gg came back dels and i went down again.
cos it wus cold.
had pie at coffeebean.
wus freezing cos we were wearing pe shorts. lols.
then came up.
gg went down again.
came up and dels and gg went down again.
lols. neverending.
watched resident evil before sleeping.
but didnt finish the show cos wus darn tired.
hurr //
shitts just nuw blogged but restarted.
not in a freaking good mood now.
in genting hotel cybercafe nuw.
just had dinner at some indiani restaurant. lols
going to kl tmrrs. )):
didnt go to the theme park.
have to type fast so it doesnt restart agains.
woke up ard 10.
clouds were like coming into the room.
haa. so freaking cold this morning.
daddy said will have thunderstorm in the room
haa. so lame.
checked out of the hotel resort.
then had brunch at some noodle bar.
then we checked into the genting hotel.
daddy rested in the room cos his left foot wus swollen.
mumsy, dels, gg and i went to hotel first world.
mumsy and gg went to levis.
dels and i went to the ferris wheel.
aft that forced dels into taking the indoor roller coaster.
wasnt scary but fast. lol
then we walked back to the hotel but couldnt find the cybercafe.
wus looking but couldnt find.
then we saw the cablecar thingy.
forced dels into it.
a whole freaking 3.4km.
if i knew i wouldnt have taken the ride.
then we went to highlands hotel to find the swimming pool but couldnt.
went back to the hotel ard 4.
played gameboy and listened to cd player.
took a bathtub bath.
wus playing the cd player damn loud
haaa. and wrapped my hp in the sanitary bag. LOL
wus playing gameboy.
then we had dinner at 7 or 6.
am in the cybercafe.
yarrhs. nothing much lahs today.
last day here )):
another day of
rotting at home.
had maggi noodles at abt 11.
then watched tv.
polished nails.
play with the computer.
played with hammy.
gave gerbil fresh sawdust.
packed luggage for genting.
yes, am going up tmr morning!
YAY! ((:
daddy came home at abt 5.
watched sun wukong which wus quite touching
-sobbs- lol.
abt 7.40pm we left the hse.
fetched gorgor and sweechin to east coast park.
then we went to mumsy's office.
watched the show man at forty there.
ard 10 we went for dinner.
had dinner at the hawker centre opp. goldenmile.
then we went to mustafa.
exchanged sg to malaysian currency there.
aft which we came back.
am super tired.
will miss everyone.
especially ..... ((:
love love.
will be back on the 19th =D
woke up
darn early.
ha! abt 9.30+
after bathing and stuff,
we went to the coach.
picked wl and linda up.
then we went to j8.
daddy went to work.
we started ard 11?
yarhs. had to give out alot lorhs.
dels wus helping me.
sweechin gave out near the ntuc entrance.
wl at the escalator.
we had to finish everything.
no break.
dels left at 12.30 for her
gg came about 1+
yeaps. we had to give out about
200 boxes.
very very slow today.
pissed me off only.
then their facial expressions are like,
im giving them
poison, or im like some
alien lor.
TMDD! make my
blood boil only.
yarh. damn tired today.
wus opening the boxes.
carrying up down.
restocking for sweechin and wl.
very tiring k.
and then we saw ms lee!
chio bu . so stylo.
haa, wl said she wus with her mom and bf.
luckily she helped us by taking some for sampling.
and then saw some
ij girl.
yarh, think her name's natelie or natasha from sec 3.
think she can recgonise me or smth.
kept staring at me, and her face quite shy.
hahha, cute cute wan.
about 2 or 3 plus, finally finished emptying the boxes.
i helped to give out.
by 3.30 we finished everything.
mom brought us to
cos i wanted to eat there.
haaa. wl left after lunch.
then we went to
hougang point.
mom had to check on the boys there.
bought some pastry for
ahyi also.
then we took a cab to
ahyi's hse.
sherman and all were there.
except marcus and his dad.
yarhs, not long after pohpoh came.
sherman and
javier left with her.
they were going to malacca the next day.
we went home ard 6.30
wus watching 101 or issit 102 dalmatians?
the part 2 one lahs.
cutes the dog.
just had dinner.
waiting for daddy to come home.
lucky today last day or work.
or i hand ache until
woke up ard 9.30 todays.
DAMN tired lohs.
took a bath.
went out of the hse ard 9.47am.
hurrr. took 291 to tampines interchange.
then met
then we took a mrt to bishan.
aft buying a hashbrown from mac,
we went downstairs to ntuc.
but ginny hadnt arrived yet.
abt 11.30~ she arrived.
sweechin came soonafter.
ehh, we started work abt 11.47 lohs.
gorgor came at abt 12plus.
gave the samples to like about 1.30pm.
yahs. saw some girl from ijpri i knew.
could recgonize her mother.
but i didnt realize that she wus there.
until she went up the escalator.
HA! and she stared at me. lol
we went for our break till 3pm.
cos we gave out fast today.
then we went to foodcourt.
yarhs. ate lunch with wl.
abt 3 the stock havent came yets.
so we sat ard.
mmm, abt 3 plus we started giving out agains.
then 4pm we stopped cos ran out.
dels came with her friend cherre at abt 4.45
yarh, and her friend said i wus a retard or idiot?
HA. like on what circumstances should she be calling that.
i threw the comb at my sister.
and she picked the comb up of her own free will k.
like i FORCED her to.
ha, what a nice friend. not i thought what she wus.
daddy and mommy came ard 5.30 seprately.
abt 5.45+ the stock came lor.
it wus supp. to be like 4.30.
delayed for like damn long
so anw, mom stationed me somewhere else by myself. ):
outside the supermarket counters.
those people there like damn act dao lor.
TA MA DE. act only.
want to take, dunt want to take.
na beh.
talk to them they just walk past.
like im SO damn free to talk to them
FREAK man.
GRRR. i wus practically shouting at my mother.
and alot of people kept staring.
yarh, even scolded the people bad words lor.
so kpo. like nothing else to do.
abt 7 wl left lers.
dad, mumsy, dels, sweechin and i had dinner at crystal jade.
gg went out with his friends.
aft dinner wus abt 8 alr.
daddy sent sweechin home and delivered some things.
then we shopped at OP.
then we went to the supermart.
abt 9 daddy fetched us from j8.
then we went to the office.
changed to the coach and came back
AM ultra tired. SLEEP!
went to tm ard 12.
took a cab with dels theree.
kiwis were there. LOLS.
yarhs, gary and the other one chased us.
dels wus like just pulling me.
daddy came ard 1.30.
then we left.
went to s&k and i bought a pair of jeans.
dels bought 3/4 and two shirts.
then we went to polar cafe.
dels bought thinggy.
then ock. then california lemon.
then we took a cab home again.
hahs. hmm.
dyed for delsi her hair.
huurr. mine too
but fringe only.
HA! got colour mans.
yeah. and only in the sun then can see.
so hopefully, i
dunt get
went out with daddy and mumsy todays.
aft fetching mumsy to the office,
we went to uncle jims.
we had our breakfast there.
then we went to mustafa.
bought the memory card for my digi cam.
then we went to bukit timah.
ard 12.30pm we reAched the mall.
my dental app. wus like 2.30 lor.
i thought it wus 2 alr.
we walked ard.
then bought food for hamham.
then we sat on the massage seat.
hahhas. very ticklish. hur
then we went to the dentist.
which wus what i didnt really like.
after that we went to toapayoh.
fetched dels then went back to bukit timah.
had to take smth from there.
then we came home.
tried to dye del's hair but no colour came out.
mine too. HA!
then we had dinner at seven.
watched sun wukong.
boring- ):
went for french food just now.
which wasnt really nice.
cost like hundred bucks.
i'd rather eat cheaper food.
its so much nicer lohs.
what a
super duper boring day.
day out with samang and samchua!
today wus a
very happy day for me.
cos i got to go out with sam and sam!
once in a
lifetime chance. LOL.
okay anyways.
i left home abt 11.50pm lohs.
took a bus to tampines interchange.
wus like walking quite fast.
cos i wus by MYSELF! -.-
lols. i bought my train ticket.
when i went up, the train had just
so i waited for
10mins for the next.
i wus early, so i had time to waste.
and there wus this
one freaking commercial that wus pissing me off the whole time.
the screen which shows the time the train will arrive.
it wus playing
jack neo's latest show trailer.
and it wus like
so freaking irritating can!
the song especially loh.
bai liu li bai hui bu hui kai.
i couldve died from that can. kao!
okay then anwws.
hmm, i reached city hall like, 12.31.
lol, i waited for samang..
mmm. she came at 12.43pm.
she wus like infront of me but i didnt notice!
LOL. i only knew one girl wus walking towardsme.
den we walked around lohs
abt 1.03pm samchua arrived.
yah, but she didnt notice us.
we kept laughing at her.
hahhahaa. =D~
samang kept on laughing loh.
-.- so did i, cos .. duno. lol.
well anw, we walked to marina square cos sam wanted to go there.
we ate
burger king. yeahs.
mm, den we looked for the arcade lohs.
but couldnt find!
we walked to the cinema there, still no sign.
then we went to the bowling alley.
finally an arcade.
mmm, we played time crisis 3, some war game. bishi bashi...
hahahha. then we walked to esplanade!
esplanade is like damn nice lohs.
but expensive stuff.
hahaha, we took a few picx there.
then we left.
walked to suntec.
uh-huhs. then.. we went to the koi fountain.
then to fountain of wealth!
so fun so fun!
the water damn cooling lohs. LOL.
then we went to tower four.
then we took the free buggy ride.
lols, after that we had to walk back lorhs.
hahahhaa. mm. by then it wus close to 5 i think.
samchua had to go home alr.
we took a shuttle bus to city hall interchange.
lol, i almost fell and pulled the women's hair next to me.
so paiseh can. hahahha.
samchua took a mrt back, we went to orchard.
we took neoprints at fareast.
then we walked around.
it wus almost 7 by then.
walked back to orchard mrt.
hugged my sam and she left.
wus damn tired.
leg were aching ):
anyways, its worth it!!!

was basically
rotting at home today.
bah. am
freaking tired.
ordered kfc today.
wus watching mtv.
nice vids they were showing today.
everybody's fool.
the reason.
summer sunshine.
and loads. cant rmb.
lols. amy lee is so cute.
planned to go out with
samsam tmr.
hope they can make it.
long time nia go out alr.
always make a
date but
cannt go in the end
): so yah. hope we can meet tmr!
uh-hurr. i
wanna take
neoprint with them!
dad's home alr.
tired. ZZZ.
finally posted the
lol. its in the
links section to the left.
not so
lazy afterall-
heh heh. so
take a look yeah.
grr. have to
work this
bored stiff.
finally theres something i'll be doing.
lol. im working at
junction eight.
from eleven to six or seven.
so yeah.
visit me?
outside ntuc.
went to rivervale mall with dels and mumsy.
daddy went to marine parade to work.
ehh, we had our lunch there.
then mumsy and dels shopped for clothes.
aft that we took a cab to thomson plaza.
wus there for like 20 mins.
then we went to e fairprice at bishan
after that we went to delifrance at j8.
mmm. den daddy came alr.
we went to the supermart aft that.
which wus almost 3.
yarh. gary came out first.
with the freaking
kiwi mascot.
yeah and he kept
chasing me and dels.
dels just kept on pulling me away.
hahaha. his action is like damn
hahah, always chasing the kids and
playing with them.
den the other mascot came out with edwin.
dunt know whats his name. wahaha.
then they walked to the fruits section.
mmmm, lots of kids.
yeah, and they
pushed and
punched the mascot.
hahaaha. daddy wus like scolding them.
LOL. i kept on
pissing dels off.
dunt know whats her prob.
play with her also canot.
hmmm. daddy so bad to me.
only ask gary
dis me.
dels no need.
no matter how i ducked he still tickled me.
lol. through the mascot hand!
HHAHAAA. lamer.
and twice ok.
considering how
sensitive i am to tickles.
aft that we had to like buy tako pachi for korkor.
then we changed to the coach at mum's office.
den we went home and fetched korkor and sweechin.
went to beach road for dinner.
then we walked opp. to the travel agency.
bought tickets for genting and kl.
the seat got
huw fun. hahaahaa!
lame. came home ardd 8pm.
sammi and dion are the proud hamster parents of five hamster babies.
woke up at 9 plus.
went out for breakfast with daddy and mumsy..
wus planning on going home but.
went out with dad to hougang point to workk.
mom went to marine parade.
ahhhhhh, wus wearing sch
p.e shorts. LOL.
gary, edwin and another fella took a ride there.
kiwi mascot wus like so darn funny
told dels to come but she didnt want to.
i went home ard 1.
bought kfc for delsyy.
played com awhile den dels invaded it.
den i slept fer awhile.
woke up and played with the computer aggns.
woke up ard 10am todays.
sweechin came arrd to our house 11.
we were planning to go to ecp to cycle.
but it wus quite cloudy so we skipped that.
after polishing our nails we made our way down to tm.
we went to century sq for our lunch first.
sweechin payed for us even though i offered to many times.
then we went to sembawang.
bought usher's cd.
dels bought speed up, some techno cd.
then we went to montip.
bought a few things.
then we went to tm!
we went to mini toons first.
then to neoprinty shop.
it wus ard 5 alr.
so we took a bus home.
sweechin came to our house and changed to original clothes.
cos she wus wearing del's clothes.
then she thought dels how to fold cranes.
its so boring at home.
and very very cold.
woke up ard 9.33am bahs.
den went for a bath.
ironed my clothes.
watched tv.
den went to school to pass up e report bk.
met wl on the way
den waited for sy.
aft passing up the bks they went to the polyclinic.
i went to work with dardee.
yahhs. den we went to eastpoint first.
den tampines mall.
den home.
took clothes for dels.
den we went to bedok.
den kallang.
aft that we went to uncle j!
hahah. we had lunch there.
den we went to mustafa.
LOL. couldnt find the polaroid film.
so we went to bukit timah plaza.
there wus a dentist there.
i wus like darn scared and mad like hell
wus in the waiting room and scared like mad.
then it wus my turn and i started crying and laughing.
lol. so embarassing. LLOOLLL.
went into the dentist's room.
the dentist wus quite good. hahaa.
den i cried agn.
the dental nurse and the dentist were kind.
so it wus actually nt very pain lahs.
abt 20mins or so i wus out of there.
but i had another appointment so yah.
thats not the last of it!
den followed dels cus she wanted jolin's cd.
yah. after buying that went to popular.
argh. couldnt find usher's cd.
den we went to ntuc.
mmm. bought drinks. dels bought twisties.
den we went to woodlands side, den bukit panjang.
finally home.
the twisties prize wus half of a 7250i.
had to match it with another one.
BAH. how to find!
watched sun wukong. lols.
so nicey.
den gong xi fa cai. omg. mushroom head!
his hair is like damn nice lohs. LOL
wish i could get it cut like that.

Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven,
but Earth won't be as fun without you. So you
shall come back as someone or something else.
As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you
always see the good in things. People probably
respect you for your wonderful personality and
love for life. People like you make the world a
happier place (please rate my quiz)
**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
hahaha, so

You belong in the land of darkness, otherwise known
as one of the worlds in which I dwell. All here
is beauty inspired by tragedy and great sorrow.
Write or go through other creative outlets to
express the anguish you may be feeling, and
never let anyone tell you that you are just
being 'weepy' or full of 'teenage angst'(if
you're a teenager.If not, then they really
should be punished for calling you one. They
probably are trying to insult your
maturity...fools.)and always remain yourself,
dark and amazing. Never change.
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla